What have you not made up your mind about?
joined 8 months ago
So? That's what I am saying. What are they saying in your opinion? To silently seethe at the conservatives while not doing anything?
Is this the law that essentially denies the existence of one Sami group?
Right, it's easy to just make up your mind about something (with no evidence), when everyone who is telling you otherwise can be labeled as nazis, pigs, murderers, or whatever the Current Thing happens to be 🤭
You are being entirely idealistic. You are saying things that sound nice to you without considering how realistic they are.
You cannot attack an ideology without attacking the people who make up that ideology. They cannot be cleanly distinguished from each other.
At some level you even realize this.
This means attacking the people. You are talking about making conservatives social pariahs, having them lose their livelihoods and power.
So yes, destroy conservatism, but if you don't have the stomach to do everything that simple statement entails, get out of my way.