[-] [email protected] 7 points 3 months ago

Biden: "No line has been crossed" (turns to aide: "Quick, remove all lines in Rafah now!")

[-] [email protected] 15 points 4 months ago

Tax companies a % of what they save by reducing head count. Salary, benefits, insurance, everything. They still save $, but not as much - they pay into a fund for UBI. And eliminate loan interest tax deductions for loans (totalling) over $X (some reasonable threshold that doesn't penalize middle class mortgage holders).

And to the poster above, UBI is for everyone, so those still working get UBI plus a paycheck - that's how it's fair.

We are NOT economically prepared for the renaissance coming. And our octogenarian leaders don't even understand how to set up a printer. Something's gotta give or the economy will collapse. Some estimates are up to 25% of jobs in the next 10 years.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 4 months ago

The plot thickens!

[-] [email protected] 36 points 4 months ago

This is like the hot dog conspiracy - they used to sell hot dogs in packs of 10 and buns in packs of 8. So you always had a couple extra dogs and needed to buy more buns. Rinse repeat. Big Hot Dog and Big Bun manufacturers working together to squeeze more $ out of us. But... they have since solved the problem with shrinkflation - hot dogs now sold in packs of 8 (for a higher cost than before). Thank you big Hot Dog for saving us!!

[-] [email protected] 12 points 5 months ago

My oldest got a smart watch which could make calls only to preset numbers that we added (mom, dad, grandma, aunt, and one neighbor who had a son the same age) at 9. That's when he started getting dropped off at friends' houses without a parent sticking around (mind you - this was just coming off COVID lockdowns, so we may have done it sooner if there was a need to). I wanted him to always be able to reach us in any situation. He's a really responsible kid, so he got a full smartphone the summer after 5th grade (11) when he went on the class trip to Washington DC. Currently in middle school with a smartphone and no issues yet, plus it gives us something valuable to him to take away if we feel he's letting grades slip, etc.

My second does not seem to share the same level of responsibility, so he did not get his smart watch until 10. He may not get a smartphone anytime soon. It depends on the kid.

My youngest is 8. Time will tell about how responsible he is, but Lord - this is the child that WILL need to call us. Always getting into something 🤦🏻‍♀️.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 6 months ago

Yeah, I charitably hope she is interpreting "living wage" as living super comfortably in a mini McMansion in the suburbs with a pool in the back yard and a new car in the driveway every 5 years or so. I mean, that's how many of this generation experienced success, so it makes sense if that's her frame of reference. But a literal _living _wage is something you can...you know ..live off of. With super extraneous purchases like food and clothes and a roof over your head. They don't stop and think what they're expecting people to do - work all day or night long so she can have her ice cream and still not be able to afford rent. It's cruel and dehumanizing.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

I mean, I think "those people" believe it's the billionaire pharma companies lying to them, not the individual researchers. And they're lying to everyone, including the doctors and public health officials. Not that I agree - that would be difficult to cover up & someone would surely whistleblow. But it does make more sense if you look at the brainwashing in that light.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 6 months ago

See, even without ADHD, this is still a problem. Burnout does not require undiagnosed neurodivergency - we need to dispel the myth that working this much and carrying this much is normal. ADHD shouldn't have anything to do with it.

Nor should being a woman, for that matter. Take care of each other out there.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 7 months ago

Was his first name Xavier? Dr. X Wiener?

[-] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago

They are excellent on their own, but you can also put them in tacos or sprinkled over a salad as a crunchy replacement for croutons. When we make them, the kids usually grab handfuls before we can do much else with them. Make 2 cans' worth as a safety net!

[-] [email protected] 4 points 9 months ago

I would love to get Hogwarts Legacy for my son - he just finished all of the books! He's getting a new laptop for Christmas, so we haven't focused on games, etc. yet but I'm sure he'd be thrilled to play!

This is a really fun idea, thanks for doing this!

[-] [email protected] 6 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

That's because it's not taught correctly. It's supposed to apply to words that have an "ee" sound from blended vowels, because those are the words that are confusing to remember whether the i or the e comes first. And even then there are exceptions (weird, seize, Keith). It was never meant to cover words with an "ay" sound like weigh or where the 2 vowels are pronounced separately (science, glacier, being).

But it's much more fun to pick words that "disprove" the rule for Internet points (even though they were never meant to be in scope).

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