
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

T'as l'air de bien t'y connaitre 😳

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (34 children)

En ce moment ? Repos, suite à mon opération pour l'implant cochléaire. J'écoute les chansons des JO de paris 2024 en boucle. XD et je m'occuppe de, s2s, sourd-libre.

En vrai ça fait des des mois que je fais pas grand chose et gère ma mélancolie. Mais j'avance mes projets comme je peux. X)

  • groupe antifa en LSF mais je songe à le quitter car je les trouve raciste envers les sourds oralistes. Le rejet de l'implant cochléaire, du LPC. Ya un autre groupe antifa de toulouse mais je les trouve virulant comparé au NFP où je ressent plus de bienveillance. À voir.
  • animer les commu de :D
  • Ranger les vidéo de, j'ai créé des chaine et classé une centaine de vidéo. Un vidéothécaire.
  • Alimenter mon site Https:// la partie cours LSF est finie, il me manque LPC et je vais ajouter le site vers ma future ferme, et asso sourde.

J'aimerai mettre en place une asso pèur sourd-libre et des services sous condition d'abonnement à l'asso qui me permettra de financer des projets libres à destination des sourds. Nottament la traduction LSF des vidéo de l'April, Framasoft...

Je vais demander à un ou une graphiste un logo pour mon site.

Au quotidien, j'aime bien rester chez noi et ne sortir que la nuit car c'est calme. Je suis aussi allé à Sète pour le festival de la poèsie et c'était bien. :D

Là, je vais commencer par prendre mes marques à Montpellier et voir ma famille.

J'aimerai bien prendre des cours d'espagnol et LSF pour accèlerer mon apprentissage. :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (83 children)

Bonne idée, on peut en discuter liérement, tu peux me mp/ping @[email protected]

Hésites pas, mais dans tous les cas, commence petit, carnet A5, petits dessins avec tes notes, quand tu voudra affiner, un grand format raisin.

J'ai 7 ans d'expérience en Art, je suis pas artiste et ne pratique plus régulièrement mais je peux te transmettre les processus de mes formations :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (85 children)
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Merci pour ces précision sur les extrêmes droites :)

Pas du tout, je crois que tu peux le faire, quelque soit le sujet choisis !


[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

En parcourant vaguement son profil, il a l'air bien et ira comme un gant pour Macron qui cherchait, je cite vaguement, "une droite intelligente, responsable ayant le sens des affaires."

Bref, un magouilleur.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

Ach, je la save pour la chanter, elle a le meme rime qu'Aya Nakamura 8)

"je devrais changer de vocabulaire, pour plaire, dans la langue de molière." Très belle réponse aux fafs

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (13 children)

@[email protected] @just_[email protected]

Alors, pour répondre à la même question. Beaucoup moins stressé.

Pendant 1 mois, je me suis mis en retrait de tout ce qui pouvait m'angoisser, y compris mes proches car s'iels sont stressés, ça va me stresser. S'iels me demandent comment ça va, me parlent de l'opération, j'allais pas tenir.

J'avais besoin d'un silence royal et je leur ais écris quand iels en avaient besoin.

J'aii profité de la fête à Sète, je me suis offert des assiettes de palestine et de beaux carnets de poésie et dessins et quelque resto.

Je vais bien, je suis vraiment content de bouger, respirer, écrire. Z'imaginez pas à quel point ça me fait plaisir d'être là. :)

J'ai encore la tête qui tourne et la douleur quand je mastique commence à se réveiller. Je pense que ce soir, ça va douiller et disparaitre très vite.

Hier, comme aujourd'hui, ce qui me fait le plus mal, j'ai comme un bouchon d'oreille. C'est le même quand vous prenez le train sous un tunnel, c'est incomfortable et vous devez déglutir la salive pour calmer. Quand j'ai le hoquet, ouch. Si j'éternue (pas encore arrivé mais avec le soleil c'est très cool....) ou rot faut surtout rien retenir : tout doit s'évacuer par la bouche. Apparement faut surtout pas se pincer le nez.

J'ai constaté quand mastiquant ça me faisait du bien car l'air (?) s'évacue.

Dans l'ensemble je vais bien et je profite de ma soeur qui a cococté un brunch. Et je vais me vacciner contre la méningite. :3

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago (3 children)

D'après syllabus les glaces donnent plus chaud, je viens de l'apprendre 😅

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

Yep les médecins sont surement habitués. J'ai toujours pas oublié la dissecation de la grenouille au collège, d'abord la crucifier puis l'éventrer.

Dire que certains artistes allaient à la morgue pour comprendre l'anatomie...

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

J'aime bien, j'étais curieux de voir comment iels ont fait pour atteindre la cochlée, le posterai la vidéo :D

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (18 children)

J'ai regardé ce matin un déroulement de l'opération chirugicale pour installer un implant cochléaire.

C'est fascinant et très beau. En plus c'est super précis.

Je ne sais toujours pas comment les chirurgiens font pour accepter cette vue des veines, gras, muscles.

Bref bon ptit dej à tous et toutes :)


Fighting against surveillance has never been easy. But in the past year it has been specially tough in France. This talk is about shedding light on the many situations where the French State used surveillance to increase repression, mainly against activists, during the last months. Not to despair of this, but willing to provide a sincere overview to the rest of the world, La Quadrature du Net proposes to depict this situation as a satirical tale, with its own characters, plots and suspense. We want to show the political tension going on right now in France and how the checks and balances are lacking to stop this headlong rush to a surveillance state.

Looking back to France in 2023, what do we see? Implementation of new technologies such as drones, DNA marking or new generation of spywares. Also, an intensification of political surveillance, either by law enforcement deploying disproportionate means of investigations towards environmental activists or intelligence services using cameras or GPS beacons to spy on places or people that they find too radical. It was also the year of the “8 December” case, a judicial case where among other things, encrypted communications of the prosecuted persons were considered as signs of "clandestinity" that reveal criminal intentions.

On top of this, we also had to deal with the legalization of biometric surveillance for the Olympics and massive censorship of social networks when riots erupted in suburbs against police violence.

This talk is about showing the reality of the situation at stake right now in France, and how it could influence the rest of Europe. At the end, we hope to raise awareness in the international community and start thinking about how, together, we can put pressure on a country who uses its old reputation to pretend to be respectful of human rights.


French version:

German version:


Fighting against surveillance has never been easy. But in the past year it has been specially tough in France. This talk is about shedding light on the many situations where the French State used surveillance to increase repression, mainly against activists, during the last months. Not to despair of this, but willing to provide a sincere overview to the rest of the world, La Quadrature du Net proposes to depict this situation as a satirical tale, with its own characters, plots and suspense. We want to show the political tension going on right now in France and how the checks and balances are lacking to stop this headlong rush to a surveillance state.

Looking back to France in 2023, what do we see? Implementation of new technologies such as drones, DNA marking or new generation of spywares. Also, an intensification of political surveillance, either by law enforcement deploying disproportionate means of investigations towards environmental activists or intelligence services using cameras or GPS beacons to spy on places or people that they find too radical. It was also the year of the “8 December” case, a judicial case where among other things, encrypted communications of the prosecuted persons were considered as signs of "clandestinity" that reveal criminal intentions.

On top of this, we also had to deal with the legalization of biometric surveillance for the Olympics and massive censorship of social networks when riots erupted in suburbs against police violence.

This talk is about showing the reality of the situation at stake right now in France, and how it could influence the rest of Europe. At the end, we hope to raise awareness in the international community and start thinking about how, together, we can put pressure on a country who uses its old reputation to pretend to be respectful of human rights.


French version:

German version:


Fighting against surveillance has never been easy. But in the past year it has been specially tough in France. This talk is about shedding light on the many situations where the French State used surveillance to increase repression, mainly against activists, during the last months. Not to despair of this, but willing to provide a sincere overview to the rest of the world, La Quadrature du Net proposes to depict this situation as a satirical tale, with its own characters, plots and suspense. We want to show the political tension going on right now in France and how the checks and balances are lacking to stop this headlong rush to a surveillance state.

Looking back to France in 2023, what do we see? Implementation of new technologies such as drones, DNA marking or new generation of spywares. Also, an intensification of political surveillance, either by law enforcement deploying disproportionate means of investigations towards environmental activists or intelligence services using cameras or GPS beacons to spy on places or people that they find too radical. It was also the year of the “8 December” case, a judicial case where among other things, encrypted communications of the prosecuted persons were considered as signs of "clandestinity" that reveal criminal intentions.

On top of this, we also had to deal with the legalization of biometric surveillance for the Olympics and massive censorship of social networks when riots erupted in suburbs against police violence.

This talk is about showing the reality of the situation at stake right now in France, and how it could influence the rest of Europe. At the end, we hope to raise awareness in the international community and start thinking about how, together, we can put pressure on a country who uses its old reputation to pretend to be respectful of human rights.


French version:

German version:


Pas les soustitres :( mais je pense que c'est bien :)

[GeoVelo] (
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Pas mal, mais sincèrement quand on compare avec les pays scandinaves, on est très loin d'etre bon. :)

Cette carte a été générée grâce aux 50 000 voyages réalisés cet été avec Geovelo, mettant ainsi en lumière le vaste réseau de véloroutes en France. 🚲

  • GeoVelo est partenaire de Clermont Metropole (analyse des mobilités cyclables sur la métropole)
  • La Via Allier (V70, voie verte trans-auvergnate est encore peu visible 💪 )
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Nota Bene : you still need to buy the base game.

Seems like another classic is getting revived with the power of open source. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri from 1999 has a remake in progress called GLSMAC. All unofficial, like most open source reimplementations and it's early days for the project but it's showing a lot of promise.

Seems like another classic is getting revived with the power of open source. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri from 1999 has a remake in progress called GLSMAC. All unofficial, like most open source reimplementations and it's early days for the project but it's showing a lot of promise.

Their plan is to use the original data files, just like other open source remakes (OpenMW for Morrowind for example), while it's a full rework of the graphics engine, networking and pretty much everything else. So plenty will be a bit different like the random map generation, AI and so on while they try to keep it similar to the original logic they are creating the code from scratch.

According to their roadmap they're at stage v0.3+ so they still have quite some ways to go:

  • v0.1: fundamental engine functions, such as: rendering, UI, netcode, sound system
  • v0.2: basic map functions, such as: tiles, mapgen, creating/saving/loading games, map rendering
  • v0.3: basic multiplayer: ability to host and join games, lobby, save/load games with same players. multiplayer support will be maintained during further steps from now on
  • v0.4: game processing, such as: game turns, units (only scout patrols, formers and colony pods), buildings (only recycling tanks), technologies (only centauri ecology), building of bases (only land bases), terraforming (only farms, mines and solar arrays), unit combat, victory by conquest
  • v0.5: all remaining SMAC units, buildings, terraformings, technologies, etc
  • v0.6: all remaining victory types
  • v0.7: AI (computer opponents, cities automation, units automation, etc) and diplomacy
  • v0.8: alien lifeforms, ecology
  • v0.9: all remaining in-game UI, including game settings
  • v0.10: non-crucial things like movies, interludes, dynamic music
  • v0.11: final polishing and bugfixing

project's page

Project screenshoot


Nota Bene

VCMI is work-in-progress attempt to recreate engine for Heroes III, giving it new and extended possibilities. To use VCMI you need to own original data files

VCMI 1.3

VCMI project doesn’t stop! In release 1.3 we focused on player feedback and user experience. This includes quality-of-life GUI improvements and fixing issues that could spoil the look and feel of beloved Heroes game. Major improvements include:

Scalable user interface

GUI size can be freely changed without exiting the game. Also, we now offer smooth map zoom - that’s something certainly no other platform allows.

Touchscreen improvements

Mobile players, who turned out to be a majority of our userbase, will appreciate GUI improvements targeted at touchscreen devices. This includes radial menu for army management, swipe and pinch gesture support, as well as haptic feedback.

Random Map Generator

RMG got a number of improvements and fixes, based on suggestions of PvP community and random map experts. All options from original Shadow of Death are supported, but we also added some more for extra flexibility. About every aspect of map generation was improved. Improved Adventure AI

NKAI got significant boost. Not only does it play better in general, but also many existing issues and loopholes were found and fixed. Now AI does exactly what it was meant to do, that is to pose a challenge to human player.

Fixed Campaigns

Now they work correctly and are fully playable, from start to finish. However, be aware that game saves from older versions are not supported.

HoTA map support

VCMI can now load and run Horn of the Abyss maps. They provide some decent content for single player enthusiasts.

VCMI 1.4

Another major release just came out. As promised, this time we focused on multiplayer and quality-of-life features that make VCMI more accessible to new players and well as HoMM veterans. It’s not only about fixing bugs, but also cleaning up some unintuitive menus, options and descriptions to match player expectations.

Simultaneous Turns

Long-awaited and challenging feature, which is also a key to wider adoption by PvP community. Few different modes are possible along with customizable turn timers.

Improved GUI widgets

Large spellbook, hero selection dialog, more tooltips in adventure map, folders in map / save browser and more. Savegame compatibility with different mods

Many users complained that saved games require exactly the same mod configuration to load, which was confusing and sometimes buggy. We listened, and made it more convenient, with less requirements. Loading Screen, Ending Screen, High


They are all functional just as in OH3 and make the game flow more natural. Now you’ll be able to enter your name to high scores after winning the game. Also, campaigns will be correctly marked as complete and will stay locked until preceding campaigns are finished.

Tutorial for mobile GUI

Since it’s very different than desktop version, many players didn’t know or understand all touch controls, gestures and menu. Now there’s an introductory tutorial which walks new players through all the features mobile GUI has to offer. A few new options are here as well.

Map Editor

Editor now allows to customize various object properties in Inspector. We hope this makes creating maps with fresh VCMI content way easier.

And much more

Subtle tweaks to battle and adventure AI, Random Map Generator and mod system gradually make the game experience better.

There are many, many other improvments in different areas - make sure to see our changelog.

The project is constantly moving forward. For the next release we plan to focus on PvP playability.


Numerous volunteers have put in a lot of work to deliver a long list of features and fixes. Notably, with this release, there is a jump from version 0.x to version 1.x, coinciding with the removal of the link to the keeperfx.dll file.

This means that all original Dungeon Keeper code has been rewritten, establishing KeeperFX as a true open-source standalone game. Ownership of the original game is still and will always be required for copyright reasons. When installing KeeperFX 1.0, perform a fresh installation without overwriting any previous versions. Saved games cannot be migrated. There is a wiki that holds answers to most of the questions you may have, and we have a large and friendly discord community where we welcome all friendly new members.

What’s new in KeeperFX 1.0.0:

  • All remaining legacy functionality from the Dungeon Keeper executable has been moved to KeeperFX.
  • This means we are no longer limited by the original game in what we can change
  • There can now be more than 2048 things on the map at the same time
  • Maps are no longer limited to being 85x85, they can be larger or smaller
  • New units: Time Mage and Druid (are not used in old campaigns, but wait to see them in new maps)
  • Higher frame rates
  • Fixed crashes when playing in 4k resolution
  • Improved bridge building and digging for enemy computers
  • Stopped the best computer players from instantly dropping their entire army on you
  • Removed the lowest rated campaigns that were bundled, to give new users a positive first impression
  • Bundled campaigns got higher quality landview speeches
  • Added more translations for included maps and campaigns
  • Objects can have a direction (so face east for example)
  • More customization options for mapmakers and modders.
  • Add new creatures
  • Level scripts can be larger, resulting in more complex scenarios
  • Add new shots
  • New script commands
  • Custom music and sounds
  • Fully configurable traps
  • New decorative objects
  • New map textures
  • Orcs got an eating animation and the Avatar a torture animation
  • Maps can have larger hero parties
  • Improved multiplayer stability
  • Multiplayer map numbers can go past 255
  • Gems are now purple on the minimap to distinguish them from gold
  • Units visible on minimap no longer jump around

For the full change list see here.

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hop, je poste ici leur communauté pour leur donner plus de visibilité et inviter nos libristes à rejoindre un des champions du libre :)

leur article sont en anglais :)

[email protected]

Framasoft is a French not-for-profit popular educational association, a group of friends convinced that an emancipatory digital world is possible, convinced that it will arise through actual actions on real world and online with and for you!


cross-posted from:

cross-posted from:

PeerTube is a decentralized and federated alternative to YouTube. The goal of PeerTube is not to replace YouTube but to offer a viable alternative using the strength of ActivityPub and P2P protocols.

Being built on ActivityPub means PeerTube is able to be part of a bigger social network, the Fediverse (the Federated Universe). On the other hand, P2P technologies help PeerTube to solve the issue of money, inbound with all streaming platform : With PeerTube, you don't need to have a lot of bandwidth available on your server to host a PeerTube platform because all users (which didn't disable the feature) watching a video on PeerTube will be able to share this same video to other viewers.

If you are curious about PeerTube, I can't recommend you enough to check the official website to learn more about the project. If after that you want to try to use PeerTube as a content creator, you can try to find a platform available there to register or host yourself your own PeerTube platform on your own server.

The development of PeerTube is actually sponsored by Framasoft, a french non-for-profit popular educational organization, a group of friends convinced that an emancipating digital world is possible, convinced that it will arise through actual actions on real world and online with and for you!

Framasoft is also involved in the development of Mobilizon, a decentralized and federated alternative to Facebook Events and Meetup.

If you want to contribute to PeerTube, feel free to:

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Je sais que vous y avez pensé très fort, mais non. C'est bien ~~une ville~~ un fleuve. :)

La Rance est un fleuve côtier de l'ouest de la France, au nord de la Bretagne.

Étant professeur à l’Université de Yale où régnait une atmosphère intellectuelle, Kahn était confronté à des notions de d’autres disciplines, notamment celles du peintre Joseph Albers. L’influence de ce dernier et l’intérêt déjà présent de Kahn face aux arts rapprochent son tra- vail de l’art abstrait, des formes géométriques simples et des éléments de composition de baset.

Le carré apparait comme étant une forme souvent utilisée par Kahn:

«Je commence toujours par le carré, quelles que soient les données du problème».

Toutefois, il justifie son utilisation comme étant la forme la plus logique:

«The square is a non-choice».

Donc, il débute ses esquisses avec le carré, puis il élabore des options qui lui permettent de s’éloigner de cette forme (image 5).

Pour Kahn, la géométrie est le moyen d’expression d’un langage universel d’architecture, représentant l’ordre et constituant la base pour tous ses projets. L’utilisation de formes géométriques élémentaires (cercle, carré, triangle) et leur potentiel monumental caractérisent les projets de l’architecte. Le choix des formes résulte d’une démarche appliquée et d’une étude du projet à bâtir. Il considérait les origines spirituelles des sphères sociales et esthétiques et ses observations devenaient la base pour élabo- rer ses principes de création. Par exemple, en Inde ou en Asie du Sud, cer- taines géométries évoquent la forme d’un mandala (Parlement à Dhaka).

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