
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Two months ago, I spent dozen hours setting up my alts account on and mastodon...subcription, filters, contacts, keyword alert. They also act as whole a community with topics.

I just want to settle a bit. I moved a lot to mastodon, pixelfed, lemmy, kbin... :)

Just to give you a rough idea, i spent lot time building these list that are a mix of lemmy and mastodon. And when i did that, i configured tusky.

It takes time. If it was one year ago, i would easily change software. For now i'm waiting that fediverse software improve.

So it won't happen until next year. :)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago

As i recall the problem with mastodon and lemmy was tied to activitypub technical side : group and individual.

i talked about kbin, i had an account there one year ago. Last time when i tried kbin, i couldn't find my way, it wasn't pleasant. Mbin probably improved that. so with mbin It is probably a thing of the past but i have to try once.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago (2 children)

I know. It was a kbin fork, so if it didn't work well i would be very very sad. 😊

  • Kbin works very well with Lemmy. (Group)
  • Mastodon work well with Iceshrimp. (Individual)

However, where it won't work it's when we try to mix individual and group. That's why i do think fediverse software should support both.

For now i have enough account, mainly on iceshrimp where i crosspost to lemmy so i can connect both side and allow people from mastodon to reach us and write to us. 😊

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Well on tedomum, they argued a lot about it because they couldn't moderate an user that didn't speak their language. Very interesting topic. :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (3 children)

It's not i want "everything at one place" but "i want to break free" :

Let's forget mastodon, lemmy, those aren't the essence of my ideas. Before we had people on twitter, people on facebook, people on youtube. Those were walled garden.

I'm striving for nomadic account (concept taken from hubzilla) and fediverse.

I should have one social account where i can talk to people whatever are their software.

That’s the main reason, i was attracted by fediverse concept and word. Its selling point was freedom and bit of privacy :

  • I should be able to post, comment, like on mastodon, lemmy, pixelfed, peertube...without any restriction. And follow any account, community without any restriction except user, community and server choice.

  • I should be able to migrate on any software, with my contacts, communities and blocklist. And it should self-update and tell my contact, if i allow it that my adress has changed.

That's what i would call the fediverse. Otherwise, i call it lemmyverse, mastoverse, peertubeverse, pixelverse. So it don't confuse anyone. We can do that just a little due to technical limitation of activitypub.

However, if that's our aim, then the software will slowly drift toward those two tabs and come up with different UI flavour.

I think we should just stop using "fediverse" word as we perpetuate the same walled garden as proprietary software. That's misleading.

The very essence of freedom is that no user shall be tied to a software.

But, please, that's my personal view on the fediverse. I'm curious, how do you imagine the fediverse ? Do you just want the same thing as Reddit with tags ? :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

Il te déconcentre pas trop pour tes études ? 😁 Il est devant une pille de bouquins, le chemin me parait bien gardé. 😔

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago (2 children)

Très beau, c'est ton chat ? :3

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago (4 children)

You could access all of the communities via Mbin

Well it will be hard for moderators if i'm the only one posting french content on an english server. ^^

I understand it better now, you are right, thank a lot for sharing your point of view. :)

So Lemmy should be my my choice due to its apps with moderation tool (jerboa, thunder). i mainly use my mobile to post content and moderate. I'm almost never in front of my computer.

As an app Tusky fit very well as it is able to manage mastodon and iceshrimp flawlessy. And tusky may support lemmy. Why ?

Iceshrimp plan to support lemmy in december 2024. So i'm curious to see how it will evolve because they also have a group tab as kbin/mbin called magazine. And they have a good relationship with tusky dev.

Currently, magazine isn't used a lot, but if i'm guessing it right, it will support lemmy community.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (4 children)

Well, you know that we can't migrate that easily given the community we built together. But i do think that's the way and the futur of fediverse software. :)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (6 children)

Last time i tried kbin/mbin it was messy, i couldn't get a graps on their UI and their name.

If mbin remove lot things it would be easier, we only need two tabs to ensure the best intertorability between fediverse software.

Edit : i just went there, i think there is less option in the menu but i can't compare their evolution.

I notice Mbin is very similar to iceshrimp. Once the rewritting of iceshrimp in C is done, i think they will share lot conmon ground.

For now, i prefer piefed and their subcategorie.

Edit 2 : and the only french forum/reddit is so my choice are limited :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (12 children)

You can create a tab : one where you see users you follow, another one where you see community. And in your setting, you can deactivate it, even block being followed by users.

So there won't be any noise. And when you click on hashtag, you can switch beetween : local, lemmyverse, fediverse user...and also limit the hashtag to the 10th most recent message.

So you won't have any noise. That something you can limit.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 months ago (8 children)

I use iceshrimp. I think lemmy is missing a lot from hashtag.

As i see :

Lemmy is not part of the fediverse but a lemmyverse. It lacks connection with other software and other software lacks connection to lemmy. I think we need to build a bridge between microblog and forum.

In the french fediverse community, our main base of users come from mastodon. And i would like to reach them.

I saw, in activitypub the ability to share and post whatever is your software. A complete freedom where you just need one account.

There is differents purpose, but i do think offering people both is good : microblog and forum. And i think the fediverse will slowly move toward that. With a UI for individual and other for community.

And hashtags do both :

  • It allows post to be discoverable by other apps in the fediverse.
  • It allows people to search and find any post of comment on a related topic.

So, i think piefed will grow a lot.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

[email protected] - Visto lo visto  prefiero no salir....👍

Alt text : A cute lovely baby is coming out of its egg, checking his left and right side then coming back to his egg. :3

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

@[email protected] - Superposons les cartes parisiennes des résultats à la récente votation sur la tarification des SUV, des lieux de pouvoir, et de la consommation en énergie par habitant. Je vous épargne celles des résultats aux diverses élections.

Ya d'autres cartes sur le lien. ;)


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Quelques nouvelles et nouveaux récemment par ici, et c'est l'occasion de souligner que notre instance Lemmy est très peu suivie en termes de modération du fait de notre manque de temps.

Ausi, si vous vous plaisez par ici, et que le coeur vous en dit, n'hésitez pas à suivre d'un petit commentaire pour que nous discutions de vous intégrer à l'équipe de modération :)


La langue inclusive est l’objet de vives polémiques, mais aussi de travaux scientifiques qui montrent que son usage s’avère efficace pour réduire certains stéréotypes induits par l’usage systématique du masculin neutre.

Où sont les femmes dans une langue où le genre masculin peut désigner à la fois le masculin et le neutre générique universel ? En effet, si vous lisez ici : « Les chercheurs s’intéressent aux discriminations de genre », comprenez-vous « chercheurs » en tant que « les hommes qui contribuent à la recherche » ou comme « les personnes qui contribuent à la recherche » ? Impossible de trancher.


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Toute ressemblance avec certains faits n'est pas du tout fortuite :)



Si le pétrole et ses produits ont permis l’émergence de notre mode de vie actuel, l’activité des raffineries et autres usines de la pétrochimie a abîmé les écosystèmes et les paysages et a des effets de long terme sur la santé humaine. Dans le livre qu’ils ont coordonné, Vivre et lutter dans un monde toxique (Seuil, septembre 2023), Gwénola Le Naour et Renaud Bécot lèvent le voile sur les dégâts causés par cette « pétrolisation » du monde, selon leurs propres mots. Ils ont réuni plusieurs études de cas dans des territoires en France et à l’étranger pour le démontrer. Un constat d’autant plus actuel que la société des hydrocarbures est loin d’être révolue : la consommation de pétrole a atteint un record absolu en 2023, avec plus de 100 millions de barils par jour en moyenne.

Join Fediverse Wiki (
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[email protected] - :joinfediversewiki: The join Fediverse Wiki :joinfediversewiki: as of January 30, 2024

:fedi: We have 266 pages on 19 Fediverse projects and more.

✨ The homepage was redesigned and there are some new portals, which have the same design

💪 If you want to help out, check out the Todo portal, with lots of tasks:

🗣️ There are 10 active languages, but many translations missing.

You can always start a translation to a new language too.

:paula: @PaulaToThePeople had been inactive for the last months of 2023 and most other editors became inactive too, but @jupiter_rowland held down the fork. 👍 Now Paula is trying to find new editors and translator

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