[-] [email protected] 11 points 22 hours ago

You can donate blood in 20 minutes. It takes an hour plus to donate plasma

Am I going to sit in a chair for an hour plus without any compensation? Maybe once or twice here and there. But you can donate plasma at least twice a week.

It requires two donations for a single unit. If you donate once and don't donate the second, then your first donation is unusable. You have to get them to donate twice.

When I was donating plasma, it paid about $75 for each donation. 50 first, 100 for second. The money is pretty good. $300 a month is a lot for a lot of people.

If you didn't compensate people for plasma donations, a lot wouldn't do it. They currently need more people to donate.

Plasma "donation" is a good thing.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

I knew a Richard Odar. Pronounced odor

[-] [email protected] 34 points 2 months ago


You need 3 to get to 10. 3 left over. 10+3=13.

I'd split up the 6 into (3,3) in my head

Same thing as 7+3+3

[-] [email protected] 43 points 5 months ago

Batteries use to have a power check mechanism.

There was a small white circle on the copper top side and a half circle on the bottom non nipple side.

What you needed to do was cover the white circle on side of battery with a thumb and then cover the whole bottom with other thumb and the indicator would tell you how much the battery had left.

Since it was a half circle off the bottom many people didn't know they were supposed to cover up the whole bottom. Making it hard for many to use it because you'd have to press down very hard on the edge to get it to work.

[-] [email protected] 25 points 7 months ago

Not everyone is cut the same

Some get more, and some get less cut off.

Sounds like you were fortunate and got less cut off.

Circumcision is common in US, mentioning lotion with masterbating is common.

Like you said, no one would use lotion unless they had to.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 7 months ago

He didn't forge documents. He just didn't want to tell the protagonist that he was the heir. I believe the letter also told him not to tell. So, in a way, he was fulfilling the dead mother's wishes on that.

Gustav's was failing. Selling cheap food for profit might have been the only way to keep the business afloat. Yes, he tarnishes the name, but sometimes things have to be done, and he might have had to make that hard decision.

Mean and selfish? Yes. Evil? No

[-] [email protected] 27 points 8 months ago

A square is a rectangle, but a rectangle isn't necessarily a square

Same with rhombus and diamond

A rhombus is a diamond, but a diamond isn't necessarily a rhombus

Rhombus has to have four equal sides, a diamond does not.

[-] [email protected] 32 points 1 year ago

Best feature in a phone is the Motorola shake flashlight

[-] [email protected] 31 points 1 year ago


You lose money using a bondsman

There is a bail bond fee or premium associated with using a bondsman

This is non-refundable to trump.

If he comes up with the cash himself and cuts out the bondsman he would get all his money back from the court after showing up to court.

Bondsman gets all money back if trump shows up to court. They are not losing a penny. But making money because of the fee or premium.

Only way it would make sense is if he was really trying to skip town. Then, losing fee would be less than 10% of the bond.

[-] [email protected] 41 points 1 year ago

No one understands what a bidet really is.

In the old days, they were a separate free-standing device. Not a lot of people have space or money to add one of these types of bidets to their bathrooms

Now they make them as toilet seat attachments that don't require extra space and really aren't that expensive.

But people don't know. Older people will be like, "Oh a bidet? No I don't want another toilet like device in my bathroom"

So that gets rid of all those people.

Next you have the people that know about the new style bidets that's just a fancy toilet seat.

Their biggest deterrent is probably cold water. Spraying cold water on their butt doesn't appeal to most people.

You can get bidets that heat the water, but you have to have power behind your toilet, which not everyone has.

Then you have older people that just can't work them or don't feel like they can. Like my grandfather, I installed one with all the bells and whistles for him. Yet hitting a button and doing all that was too complicated. He was 90+ and could barely use a cell phone for basic functions. But he'd rather wipe his butt like he knew than mess with the "complicated" bidet.

Eventually everyone is going to own a bidet, it really is the way to go.

We just aren't there yet.

[-] [email protected] 28 points 1 year ago

Even if you got rid of the 1000 roaches. You'll always think there are a ton up there. There could be 10,000 in a couple of months after you get "rid" of the 1000.

You can physically make it impossible for a person to get in your attic. You can't do that with roaches.

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