Eh I’m bored. I’m usually happy to chill in front of tv most nights but am feeling like there’s nothing I really wanna watch. Maybe I should read a book? I’m too tired to go anywhere but not too tired to want to do something. First world leisure time problems.
That will be such a fun holiday. So much beautiful scenery when driving too.
The cat make it perfect.
Happy Halloween. Ooooooooooooo (is that the noise that ghosts make?)
The annual battle with spring weeds has commenced. Pulling out in garden beds and spraying in paved areas. I feel terrible about the spraying but it’s the most effective. Pulling out between pavers often leaves the roots and regrowth. If I ever move house, I’m gonna make sure that any hard surfaces are concrete and not paving.
I don’t know how some people have so much energy and motivation. You know the ones. You get tired just looking at them. I want this superpower.
Hope you’re doing ok and are out of whichever dangers affected you. I think the world has lots of problems. But also, there’s lots of things that are better than they used to be. (At least in the western world). Better healthcare, less racism, less homophobia, more awareness of mental health issues, taking domestic violence seriously, etc. I think your nephew is lucky in one aspect - never underestimate how important it can be in a kids life to have a plain speaking uncle/aunt who might tell them about world perspectives their parents may not.
I have a feeling that as a kid spring /summer/autumn had more warm days in the past, but I guess is am imagining it because climate records say otherwise. Maybe I’ve pushed the cooler days out of my mind because they weren’t as fun. I don’t think it’s unnatural to be permanently in a warmer climate, that’s where we evolved. We overcame it by inventing clothes.
Am jealous. I run on the cool side, my feeling of warm starts at 23+ and hot at 30+. One day I’ll move to a warmer climate. Maybe for retirement.
Beautiful afternoon. But what baffles me is how many people are in shorts or dresses. When my day started it was a chilly 12c so jeans it was. Do people just freeze for half the day for the 1 hour of nice weather, or do they carry around a change of clothes for when the sun comes out. I’ve lived in Melbourne all my life and still can’t figure it out.
It’s cold. I am desperate for some warmer weather. I know global warming is bad but if a tiny bit of it happened to Melbourne so we could have some glorious Spring weather I would not be mad.
Been woken up multiple times, red eyes for me tomorrow.