The funniest part is that Bezos got sued into paying Musk by his own shareholders
While we're at it, can we please define enums for the standard logging levels in the stdlib
They should accept the fines. It should be made clear that you need to accept unions to operate in Sweden
We, as Europe, spend three to five times what Russia spends, and we are the second largest investor in military expenditure after the US. It is, therefore, a question of better coordination (…) It is a special moment when we have to review many of the assumptions of our being together”, he concluded.
Great statement here
We already have a not insignificant minority trying to leave the EU or destroy it. Imagine how many votes they get if the EU tries to become a state
Let's spell that out: Bezos is paying Musk to launch his satellites
Other examples?
~~To date Ingenuity has probably seen more total mileage of this planet than any other man or machine~~
Edit: Seems it's still only half of Curiosity's distance (15km vs 31km), but still impressive considering the timeframes (2.5y vs 11y)
Edit2: Our all-time hero Opportunity comes out on top at 45km over 15y
Can't upvote this enough. I was in London before the vote, there was obviously a ton of people against it. This should have required at least a 2/3 majority.
Metal and plastic is easy, controlling cloth is hard