Hey, better late than never right?
Have uBlock as well, but never seen that behavior... Good thing you figured it out :)
Hey, better late than never right?
Have uBlock as well, but never seen that behavior... Good thing you figured it out :)
Wonder if anything can be done about it to encourage people to actually log a DNF. I have seen COs that don't want anything other then found logs on their caches. Think that makes it harder to log a DNF if encountered, especially newer finders.
I want any kind of log on the caches I placed, whether that be a found/DNF, a note, or even a NM, even if I don't always agree with it. At least I know people actually visits the caches and I know if there are any problems with it.
Maybe I am to late here and you already solved it :)
In that case, how did you fix it?
Otherwise, make sure the user that are running the container have correct rights to the config folder. Plugins are saved in that one.
Forgot it was this weekend. Thanks for the reminder!
bredda sortimentet med billigare produkter.
Gissar på att detta innebär mer ICAs egna varor. Börjar bli lite "tråkigt" att när man bara ser varor från ICA på vissa produkter.
I find it highly dependent on the map theme in CS1, on some maps it is the worst, on others it is not that bad. But yes, an option for it would be good. Although I suspect mods for the it will appear quite soon after release on PC.
Hiding in plane sight. Nice one!
Not for me this time around as I don't do some of the required types. But good hunting to anyone going for it!
Yes, the test was made and it did not work, so I guess it is back to the drawing board
The radar they showed don't give me much hope they will start anytime soon...
This bill seems to be all sort of bad (maybe with some good intentions), really hope it doesn't pass to not give other countries any ideas
Varför gör kommuner så här? Hade det varit bättre att köpa detta "bord" för 760 000 kr i mars 2021? Det tror jag inte! Om man vill ställa ut konst är nog inte i ett bord i konferansrummet det bästa valet.
Svaret från Johan Jonsson gör ju inte saken bättre:
Låter helt klart att de försöker komma på fler användingsområden när frågorna börjar komma om vad de håller på med egentligen.