De certo modo todos temos cavalo na corrida entre uma das maiores fontes de opressão cultural do mundo e o progresso.
As with all pricing: because they can.
These people read the cliffnotes and take everything at face value. Reasoning on material does not get you clicks.
Been reading too much Asimov, I see.
Be the change you want to see in the world 🌈
Because things keep changing and no one ever updates any docs or guides.
It’s dying, though. I do social watching with friends all the time, and pretty much no one I can think of sees anything as it’s being broadcast. Kids, work, timezones, etc all get in the way.
Why would I ever turn on the telly to watch what someone else decided I should be watching at that time? It’s crazy in the current landscape.
I’m reading the entire thing in one go, and it’s been very enjoyable!
O teu erro foi ir à secção de comentários do youtube 😁
What’s wrong with being anti-billionaire?
If a dragon were hoarding all the gold in your village and leaving the villagers to get fucked, would you be pro-dragon?
(Yeah it’s a Terry Pratchett novel.)