./Steffans_Matthias/Pytos.sid Title: Pytos Author: Matthias Steffens <?> #C64 #chiptune
./G-L/Kick_of_the_Spear.sid Title: Kick of the Spear Author: Magovinna #C64 #chiptune
./A-F/Christmas_Eve_1986_BASIC.sid Title: Christmas Eve Author: Sandy Munro #C64 #chiptune
./Ouwehand_Reyn/Wendy.sid Title: Wendy Author: Reyn Ouwehand #C64 #chiptune
./S-Z/Sinbad_and_the_Throne_of_the_Falcon.sid?#1 Title: Sinbad and Throne of the Falcon Author: Tom Jeffries (Singing Electrons) #C64 #chiptune
./Siebold_Markus/Always_Dreaming.sid Title: Always Dreaming Author: Markus Siebold (Ranger) #C64 #chiptune
./Richmond_Mike/Hired_Sword.sid?#1 Title: Hired Sword Author: Mike Richmond #C64 #chiptune
./Williams_Tony/Star_Wars_Droids.sid?#1 Title: Star Wars Droids Author: Tony Williams #C64 #chiptune
./M-R/Mega_Wizards_preview.sid?#1 Title: Mega Wizards (preview) Author: Jeffrey van der Schilden #C64 #chiptune
./Tait_Mark/G_U_M_B_O.sid Title: G.U.M.B.O Author: Mark Tait (Snoopy) #C64 #chiptune
./A-F/Bobsleigh.sid Title: Bobsleigh Author: <?> #C64 #chiptune
./Danko_Tomas/Shockwave_Delay.sid Title: Shockwave Delay Author: Tomas Danko #C64 #chiptune