Gibt es irgendwo einen (im besten Fall idiotensicheren) Guide, der einen durch das Upgrade führt? Ich habe gelesen, dass man nach einem Upgrade sämtliche Programme wieder neu installieren oder einrichten muss, stimmt das? Hier in einer englischsprachigen Community gabs mal einen Kommentar von jemandem, der eine richtige Routine entwickelt hat, mit der er den Verlust von Programmen und Einstellungen minimiert.
joined 1 year ago
Bild is to Germany what The Sun is to the UK, or the New York Post to the US. Sensationalism, harassment, and lies. Don't honour that rag with your attention.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that had this happen. The content of the front page in general (at least on mobile) is still a bit confusing to me. There are some posts that are a few hours old and others that are already a few days old. Other than that I also really like it. I've been more active on here in the last couple of days than I've been on Reddit in the past three years.
This hasn't happend yet, but I'm paranoid I will one day day say 触ってもいいですか when I mean to say 座ってもいいですか.