[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

it doesnt include you till you launch the game I believe, thats when you switch from owning to have played status so the achievements turn colored instead of off

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago

I would use those but, I can't go without my recommendations, like thats a hard deal breaker to me, and revance doesn't like to allow for recommendations easily without also risking account ban, as it relies on the microg suite. I should just seperate my youtube to another account but like, I have so many years of recommendations on this one its hard to part with it

[-] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Honestly it just depends on the definition of invalid, it's still giving you information on where you need to go so it still gives you more information than when you started it's not like it just leaves you to a dead end number, now what some other people were proposing which is a virtual number and then just toss the phone after that I don't agree with. Nor do I agree with a number that doesn't give any info aside from just hanging up or endlessly ringing

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago

It's no different than companies like Microsoft, you have their phone number that's a literal support line that says hey go to the website sometimes without even indicating where on the website that you go to.

I ran into that twice while dealing with an activation issue and a hardware purchase issue last year, their phone support will lead you in circles until eventually you hit a voicemail that says please go to this page. In one case it gave the location, in the other it said "this support is available on the Microsoft store website at" and it just gave you the store launchpage for ms store

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Yet another reason that copyright really needs to be revamped hardcore. You should not be able to retroactively revoke a license in that way and the entire idea of yeah I license you to be able to use this for x amount of years is ridiculous to me either you can use the Media or you can't.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

As a developer myself, I'm not really sure where I feel on this. I can definitely see where this would hinder people's want a posting on the store and suppress their creativity, but I can also see why they're requiring it.

I couldn't imagine publishing an app without some form of ability to reach out to report bugs or reach out for support, cuz at that point what's the point of making the app if you're not planning on having people use the app.

That being said, the entire publishing a DUNS number I struggle to feel bad for, they went down the same route that I've done in the past where I've registered as an organization because organizations have less information that's had to be obtained, but because of that you're expected that you're doing it on a more commercial scale, which also means a more complicated and sometimes pricey system. This requirement would not have been the case if they hadn't set it up as an organization in the first place and just put it in as a one person development project, that would have required putting more personal information.

All in all, the information that is required from developers doesn't seem unreasonable, it's basic things that as a user you would want, and as a developer you should want to telling your users anyway.

As for the API requirements, I understand why they want to push the newer API levels, and nothing's more aggravating from a user's point of view then downloading an app only to find out that it has barely been upgraded since Kit Kat and still requires every permission under the moon to operate because it doesn't integrate with the newer permission systems, but I can understand that if you're relying on features that the API versions required that finding the new way of doing things isn't always an easy task, even when there's a super simple and easy to read article that says the changes between API levels like Google provides.

Nonetheless I don't think the API requirements are there as a way to cause a hindrance to the developer, I believe they're there to force developers to use the newer standards and it also acts as a way of knowing which apps are still being actively maintained, because really apps that are no longer being maintained don't really have a place on the Play Store. They already have a huge issue of abandonware apps, which gives Google play a trashy/unmaintained feel that their competitors (i.e Apple store) doesn't have, I can understand why they are finally putting a stop to it

[-] [email protected] 34 points 1 day ago

just have the voicemail say "this mailbox is rarely monitored and is here as a requirement for google play services; a better way of getting support is available at X"

It's also extremely anti-consumer to not offer any support. Which is likely the primary reason that Google is requiring this. There are so many apps out there that don't have any means of support, it's one of my primary complaints about google play, so many abandonwares or apps that were clearly put on there as a send and done with no intent to actually use them.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 1 day ago

well they only said offer a number, they didn't specify it had to lead to a human, Google offers numbers it just goes into automated call center hell unless you are a buisness

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Not the person you replied to, but I use the queue feature a lot, the ability to just queue up 10 videos at night and fall asleep without having to worry about making a playlist is nice. I also use their experiments a lot, like for example they currently have an AI experiment active that let's you ask questions that it will answer based off the video. someone post a video that looks super boring or bland or too long, but you wanna know what happens? just ask for a summery, you get something that looks like this. Screenshot_20240902_121506_YouTube

honestly if the download offline functioned better that would be an amazing feature too, it's just glitchy for me.

Currently the price is steep though, I've told myself if it raises again I'm jumping ship myself

[-] [email protected] 0 points 3 days ago

This Museum analogy works quite well

With image generation software it's not intending to give you a one-to-one copy of the original source, in fact many of the algorithms have it coded to avoid that all together (or attempt to) it analyzes common image patterns that are done much like how humans when they go to an art gallery. The only difference is instead of it being one Art Gallery it's a massive art pool, and instead of it being limited to the human mind which can only remember so much art at once it can remember it all. So you essentially have to look at it as one huge art gallery that the artist has access to 24/7.

It's essentially the same as any artist who entered the museum, it just can remember everything that it saw instead of one or two things that it saw

[-] [email protected] -3 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I can already tell this is going to be a unpopular opinion judging by the comments but this is my ideology on it

it's totally true. I'm indifferent on it, if it was acquired by a public facing source I don't really care, but like im definitly against using data dumps or data that wasn't available to the public in the first place. The whole thing with AI is rediculous, it's the same as someone going to a website and making a mirror, or a reporter making an article that talks about what's in it, last three web search based AI's even gave sources for where it got the info. I don't get the argument.

if it's image based AI, well it's the equivalent to an artist going to an art museum and deciding they want to replicate the art style seen in a painting. Maybe they shouldn't be in a publishing field if they don't want their work seen/used. That's my ideology on it it's not like the AI is taking a one-to-one copy and selling the artwork as , which in my opinion is a much more harmful instance and already happens commonly in today's art world, it's analyzing existing artwork which was available through the same means that everyone else had of going online loading up images and scraping the data. By this logic, artist should not be allowed to enter any art based websites museums or galleries, since by looking at others are they are able to adjust their own art which is stealing the author's work. I'm not for or against it but, the ideology is insane to me.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

some countries this is actually legal, it's just the redistributing part that is illegal

note: I'm oversimplifying here, the countries that allow for downloading aren't actually letting you have it for free, it's under the basis that you've already purchased one form of the movie and you are downloading it so you can preserve what you have purchased already

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