But think about the shareholders. They can't just cancel Disney+ because of some silly pay raises.
He is now. You even elected him. No sending that asshat here. He is Texan now.
Small farmer here. Devoid the soil of nutrients by tilling. Kill all the soil biology by spraying chemicals. Grow only fast yield cash crops. Grow the same crop year after year for decades or more. Breed crops for appearance and yield over nutrition. What the fuck do you expect?
Disabled Canadian here. Spinal cord injury. I think assisted death is necessary in any society and I am glad we have it. That's said... That some are choosing death over starvation or homelessness due to disability is not ok. If we give the option for assisted death we also need the support structure to avoid such unfortunately necessary choices for some. I have 3 young kids. I'm fully disabled now at almost 50. I went from a salary when working of almost 100,000/year to $12, 440.61 on disability. Even if I could find work that would make exceptions for my disability I could only earn $6000/year before I would lose my disability altogether and have to work full-time. $6000. Try live for a year on that, but that's what the feds say justifies full time employment for someone like me. $12,000/ year is no walk in the park but half that would be devastating.
If my major purchases (home etc)were not paid off we would be homeless for certain. A single grocery bill for us for two weeks is well over $300 and we grow all our own vegetables, chickens and eggs out of necessity. If we had a mortgage and car payment we would be seriously considering one less mouth. We are lucky because we live rurally and have some stability in owning our home otherwise MAID would be a consideration. Not because I don't want to live but because I couldn't afford to.
If you are soil biology this is very true in your typical soy field.
Don't want to learn to cook that's cool too, just don't complain when things go badly. Just like anything else in life.
I went to uni right out of highschool. Became a paramedic. Has a good career but it just wasn't what I wanted. By 25 I quit and was travelling doing odd jobs or whatever I could. Meeting people, seeing places. It wasn't easy but I wouldn't change it for the world. I've been many places, done many things, met so many interesting people and completely changed my world view from when I was 20 because of it all.
I say don't let society tell you what is right or normal. Find your own path. Do things you find interesting and don't make your life about your work. Now I am old and have medical issues. I'll be 50 this year. I'm glad I lived while I had the opportunity. It's your life make it what you want it to be not someone else's idea of life.
Our home on stolen native land.
This post has many comments. Not one the same as mine, yet many the same as yours. Op was asking for help. I gave my knowledge, gained from experience and education that was not seen in any other comment on the post. Fuck me for offering assistance that I know from my history is an option as to this person's problem when I could have just circle jerked.
Yea fuck me for assuming and offering a valid reason for the issue.
Us too. Inappropriate memes that make us laugh. Avoids the "can I see" from the kids.
It was a background show at best. On in the background while doing something else.