[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

There are a bunch of complaints all from this year of foreign numbers being not accepted, taking over a month to verify, once verified, banned for security reasons. I'm hoping a SIM from China will work.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Love is better than hate. 爱胜于恨

Can't argue with this. The Beatles made of career on it.

Real is better than fake 真实胜过虚假

OK. But sometimes fake is not bad, and much cheaper.

Beautiful is better than ugly. 美丽胜于丑陋

All other things remaining equal, this is true.

Friendly is better than aggressive. 友善胜于好斗

Hmmm. During a defensive counter-punch? An aggressive defensive counter-punch would be more appropriate.

Sound is better than reticence. 发声胜于缄默

Is this official state policy on all topics? Let's make it a goal.

Equality is better than disparity. 平等胜于差异

True, but let's allow those Olympic athletes to continue on. They're fun to watch.

Unease is better than comfort. 忧患胜于安乐

I can see where this has it's truth, but let's set aside at least a few hours a day where we forget about this.

Pursue is better than abide. 追求胜于遵守

This gets at the core of innovation. And a restraining order for stalking.

Respect is better than understand. 尊重胜于理解

I'm having some trouble with this one. If it means approach everyone and everything with respect in order to understand them, I get it, but it if means concede to elders even if you don't understand, I'll take a pass.

Understand is better than ignorance. 理解胜于无知

I can come up with some really out-there scenarios where this would not be true, this one is generally true.

Ignorance is better than prejudice. 无知胜于偏见

They can both result in some reprehensible behavior, but you're going to forgive the ignorant one easier than the prejudice one, so this one holds a lot of truth.

Every voice counts. 每个声音都很重要

Every voice deserves to be heard and should be taken into consideration. But have you heard what some of those voices are saying? I like the sentiment.

Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules. 特例也不可违背这些规则

Unless you have to jaywalk to pull the lever to divert the trolley from hitting the crowd, so...no. Rules each have a weighting that must be considered, because sometimes they are at odds with each other.

Injustices should never pass silently. 不公正绝不能无声无息地过去

Another one I can get fully behind.

Unless, no unless. 没有例外

OK. Someone's going to have to do something about all those Olympians who are violating the disparity of physical ability.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

You have to search for Dianping or 大众点评 in the Android Playstore. It appears that they want you to sign in. I got into the Maps applications by pushing the button that didn't have 不 in the title, but registering is more difficult. It appears from that they want a Chinese number, so we can't sign up for this until we receive our SIM.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I did not expect to find anyone who could speak Japanese. In Korea, for unfortunate reasons, with older people I could speak Japanese with them if their English was bad. I don't expect to use Japanese outside of Japan, though, like I said, the kanji can be helpful in China.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago
[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

reducing the salaries of each individual where everyone still has a job as a response to this impact

I wonder how long they will accept that? Productivity, therefore profits have improved, while their standard of living goes down. Being happy that they still have a job at all will only last a limited time. They're going to have to read up on their Marx.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Thanks for the great advice and info. She has native level English and Japanese and the Japanese really helps sometimes. Like with 薬, 道路, 産業, 食品, 酒店. We don't know how to say it, but we get the meaning. I'm American, BTW, not Japanese. We downloaded Baidu Maps and were able to use it pretty well despite no English and pretty bad coverage where we live. I just tried Gaode Map and they have zero coverage here at all, so I can't test it, but it looks pretty intuitive. I found 大众点评, but haven't registered yet.

I'm told WeChat is the app to use to communicate between China and Japan, but I suppose if she can use the VPN, we can continue to use Line and Signal.

I will make sure she gets the Forbidden City tickets in advance. Thanks.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Thanks for the thoughtful and open reply. It sounds like it is at a crossroads. The wealth of the elite of capitalism is very tempting and has a strong pull. Even if they are now fully capitalist, the values of Communism still appear to exist in China. I think when AI and automation become capable of taking a large portion of jobs away, China is poised to react to that better than is the US. To keep money moving through the economy when ??% of people have no job, when Americans are shown the solutions, they'll scream, "No, that's socialism!" We'll see.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

My wife will be staying in central Beijing for 5 days. What apps is she going to want to have in order to get around and communicate with us back home? Normally when we travel, we'd use Google Maps to get around, and Line or Signal to communicate. She's planning on getting a SIM for her phone to have Internet access. Also, I've heard people use Google Maps through a VPN and it helps alongside the Chinese maps. Are VPNs legal for tourists to use for this purpose?

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

Why can I not see Chinese.lol from Lemmy.world?

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Would it be correct to describe China as a country whose extended goal is Communism, but decided that a mixed economy is better suited to the current times, but plans to eventually eliminate the capitalist elements that have been adopted and continue to pursue Communism?


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