[-] [email protected] 85 points 1 week ago

Did I miss the news cycle where Democrats started dismembering children?

[-] [email protected] 66 points 1 month ago

I feel like they should be doing that regardless.

[-] [email protected] 72 points 3 months ago

For people who don't know, the theory of chiropractics is that the light of God somehow shines into the human body through the top of the head, travels down the spine, and on through the nerves. If you can just fix any blockages (aka "subluxations") in that flow then it will be impossible for disease to exist in the body. Because God's light.

The founder of chiropractics was told this information by a ghost.

I know some people swear by chiropractic adjustments, but this is information I wish I'd known when I had my back injury because going to a chiropractor set my recovery back by at least three years. And the money I lost to that quack could have paid for not only the legit physical therapist that actually got me feeling better, but probably a decent massage chair too.

[-] [email protected] 69 points 6 months ago

The headline is slightly misleading. 2.8 million searches were halted, but according to the article they didn't attempt to figure out how many of those searches came from the same users. So thankfully the number of secret pedophiles in the UK is probably much lower than the headline might suggest.

[-] [email protected] 71 points 8 months ago

Oh, well, if the film studios say so then by all means...

[-] [email protected] 68 points 8 months ago

Will never understand why people have such a hard on for him that they treat him like a god so their entire personality is based on him

It's because they are cruel people. Trump, and people like him, give them permission to indulge their cruelty. They give them an avenue to lean into their worst, most hateful, instincts and still feel like a good and righteous person.

See, hateful racist pricks don't view themselves as hateful racist pricks. They view themselves as sensible, rational people who see "what's really going on." When someone like Trump comes along and says, "No, you're right. The Muslims are trying to force public schools to make your child pray to Allah. The Mexicans are flooding over the border to steal your job. The Jews are conspiring to replace good white people with dirty 'woke' minorities," well, suddenly Trump is "making a lot of sense," and "telling it like it is."

Trump makes them feel good about being their worst selves. Trump lets them believe that anyone who questions their hateful worldview is just some libtard afflicted by the "woke mindvirus" and can be written off as subhuman and beneath contempt. He lets them think that maybe they'll finally get to kill a few of them if he's running the show. And because of all that he has earned their undying devotion.

[-] [email protected] 84 points 9 months ago

I don't want to sound like I'm defending Biden, but I don't know why people find this surprising. I've only been paying attention to politics for about 30 years, but he's been saying this loudly and proudly for as long as I can remember.

Maybe people are just now noticing because it suddenly matters more than it used to. It definitely hits different when Israel is actively attempting a genocide, and it feels to me to be in pretty fucking terrible taste to beat that particular drum right now, but people are acting like this just came out of left field. He has been absolutely consistent about calling himself a Zionist for decades. It really shouldn't have come as a shock.

[-] [email protected] 72 points 9 months ago

The list of subreddits I really miss is actually pretty short, but one of them for sure is ThatsABooklight. Not the most active sub, but you could lose most of a weekend scrolling through all the weird stuff that got dressed up as a movie prop.

[-] [email protected] 87 points 10 months ago

Is anyone else surprised it's even worth that much?

[-] [email protected] 92 points 11 months ago

Every picture of Grimes I've ever seen looks like someone tried to draw Madonna from memory.

[-] [email protected] 77 points 1 year ago

Non-hurricane everyday tip: Put a 1/3 to 1/2 full water bottle in your freezer upside down. Once it's frozen keep it in the freezer right side up so that the ice is suspended in the top of the bottle. If you ever open your freezer and see the ice back in the bottom of the bottle it means your freezer has lost power long enough to thaw, and you may need to throw some food out.

I've personally found this tip to be extremely handy.

[-] [email protected] 77 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

What was it actually supposed to accomplish? I mean, I'm an American who mostly followed the whole thing via UK chat and panel shows so I'm sure I missed a ton of detail, but I don't remember there being an over-arching goal, just a lot of little nebulous promises like somehow generating an extra 350 million a week for the NHS, but with no actual plan for how any of that was actually going to happen. It seemed like the whole point was to let xenophobic shit disturbers flick the Vs at Europe, and the vague notion that once Brexit was done it'd finally be open season on "those bloody immigrants."

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