submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

PodBean has gotten shitter and shitter, randomly stopping play when not on screen.

Google has just announced its taking Podcasts out behind the woodshed so you can pay them for YouTube Premium to watch video podcasts in the background in your pocket.

I just want something simple, free or a one off purchase, that is friendly to copying Patreon feed links etc.

Suggestions appreciated, although I still don't relish the idea of refollowing 50+ feeds again.

[-] [email protected] 74 points 5 months ago

The details are emerging on the IDF strike that killed the World Central Kitchen aid workers, including American/British/Australian/Polish citizens, and it is (unsurprisingly) extremely clear it was (yet another) very specifically targeted assassination. I'll post the thread below, but the info comes from Haaretz here.

The IDF's early explanation re the killing of the World Central Kitchen team is in - per "security sources" speaking to Haaretz. Before we get to the putative pretext for the attack, they also disclose a harrowing detail - the drone bombed the convoy THREE TIMES in succession..

because team survived one hit and tried taking cover in another vehicle, and then survivors moved to a third - and were finished off there. Deliberate, repeated targeting of convoy, making sure no one was left alive. And this actually doesn't stack up w the alleged pretext:

"According to sources acquainted with the details of the incident, the Operation Room in charge of securing the route identified an armed person on the truck and suspected this was a terrorist. By the time preparations were made for the attack, the truck arrived....

at the warehouse, together with the three WKC vehicles carrying seven volunteers... minutes later, the three vehicles left the warehouse, without the truck on which an armed person was allegedly sighted. The cars traveled on a route already confirmed to WKC by the IDF. The IDF

was also made aware of the timing of this particular convoy. At some point, while convoy was traveling on the authorised route, the Operations Room ordered the drone operator to strike one of the vehicles. Some passengers were seen leaving the stricken vehicle and moving...

to the other two. They had time to alert superiors they had been attacked, but seconds later were struck by a second missile. They began moving wounded to 3rd car, and that's when the 3rd missile hit. All seven volunteers were killed." This is actually far worse than I imagined.

The first and last vehicle targeted were over 2km apart:

idf-cool isntrael amerikkka ukkk aus-delenda-est

[-] [email protected] 69 points 5 months ago

I'm not sure if it was mentioned in the last thread, but I thought it was worth including small but bright spot of recent good news from TERF Island:

Palestine Action activists have officially managed to permanently shut down another Elbit factory (a targeting & weapons component manufacturer who sell to Israel) after a sustained campaign of blockades, occupation, and damage.

The company blamed a massive increase in security costs, resulting from the actions.

The factory is now owned by a new company who stress that they do not contribute to military or arms manufacturing projects. Another one down.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm the king of shouty things and wishing I was in the Budos Band now. It's still dead good though.

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So much better than it probably should be. Some great dialogue sample choices too. Even the EQ/tracklisting video is slick.

A certified oddball banger.

[-] [email protected] 78 points 6 months ago

@[email protected] ... I abandoned an old account because Hexbear bullies followed me around and downvoted everything. Come to think of it, I haven’t posted a single thing since then, and I had a bunch of posts with hundreds of votes.

hexbear-specter michael-laugh Spooky Hexbear users down vote all my posts, despite having no ability to down vote, even in their own sub. Woooooooooooooooo...

[-] [email protected] 87 points 6 months ago

The libs are in overdrive on this one, despite the fact that he was clearly talking about an economic bloodbath, specifically in the car industry. And naturally, it's going to backfire on them as Trump supporters and campaigns run it again and again and again as typical 'fake news'. But they literally can't help themselves, especially their only electoral strategy is to keep repeating that Trump is the apocolypse incarnate.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

More than 20 years ago British rap was giving way to an increasingly northern move that included J Cristie who, despite a shit line about China and a few dodgy refs, put out relentlessly anti-imperialist UK hip hop for his short, but very solid dominance of what remained of the backpack/conscious UK rap scene.

The next record (2006) brought a sequel to The Grip, written - in part, with some broader context - from the sympathetic perspective of a young auicede bomber. Naturally the UK paying attention shit itself and the rest happily ignored it.

So why is this back again (for fhe feed)? In the UK and online people have spent the whole week being bemused or insensed about Galloway winning an election and becoming a British MP. They reference some shameless performances or reality TV. People on the left rightly reference his chameleon status, socially conservative leanings, and recent TERF shit.

But you know why he won a protest by election? You know why he's not just sampled but distinctive contextual sample for one of the most important non-grime records in 2000s music? Because he was and is one of the only public personas in the UK who has been constant on this issue.

The fact that fucking Galloway was who got endlessly sampled then and is getting elected now is fucking shit, but an example of how much worse the UK was and is in general.

But no-ones reading this anyway on a post about 20+ year old BritHop. So why not ramble?

[-] [email protected] 83 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

A good reminder that the UNRWA is a seperate UN entity because Israel wanted it that way, special treatment for the Palestinians in negative terms, is in Jonathon Cook's latest article In waging war on the UN refugee agency, the West is openly siding with Israeli genocide:

UNRWA is separate from the UN’s main refugee agency, the UNHCR, and deals only with Palestinian refugees. Although Israel does not want you to know it, the reason for there being two UN refugee agencies is because Israel and its western backers insisted on the division back in 1948. Why? Because Israel was afraid of the Palestinians falling under the responsibility of the UNHCR’s forerunner, the International Refugee Organisation. The IRO was established in the immediate wake of the Second World War in large part to cope with the millions of European Jews fleeing Nazi atrocities.

Israel did not want the two cases treated as comparable, because it was pushing hard for Jewish refugees to be settled on lands from which it had just expelled Palestinians. Part of the IRO’s mission was to seek the repatriation of European Jews. Israel was worried that very principle might be used both to deny it as it wanted to colonise Palestinian land and to force it to allow the Palestinian refugees to return to their former homes. So in a real sense, UNRWA is Israel’s creature: it was set up to keep the Palestinians a case apart, an anomaly.

[-] [email protected] 71 points 7 months ago

ABC news and others have been adding the phrase "the Hamas-run Palestinian Health Ministry" when running the already slanted AP/Reuters story on the hospital assassinations. Apparently now the West Bank and in particular the Palestinian Authority are also run by Hamas.

[-] [email protected] 66 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

"Good work 47".

[-] [email protected] 78 points 7 months ago

Pelosi went on CNN and called probably 70% or more of Democrat Party voters 'puppets of Putin' and said the FBI should investigate pro-Palestinian groups and their funding.

Top quality electioneering as always. good-morning

[-] [email protected] 80 points 7 months ago

A quote from Francis Boyle today (the US lawyer who represented Bosnia in their genocide case):

Francis Boyle states that with States (including US and UK govs) cutting off funding to UNRWA, it is "no longer the case of these States aiding and abetting Israeli Genocide against the Palestinians in violation of Genocide Convention article 3 (e) criminalizing 'complicity' in genocide. These States are now also  directly violating Genocide Convention article 2(c) by themselves: 'Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part...'"

Twitter link

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Excellent verse that became w BobVylan track?

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

One of the hardest tunes of 2020. Because it's nothing but canny to real people. An alternative anthem in early 2020.

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A pre-Covid tune about the miserable nature of working for the British state, wirtreb in early 2020 and it's only gotten my funding perfect. Whether you like alt-folk, prog-metal or really anything else you should do the Richard Dawson thing.

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Honest words are the hardest to pronounce They stick in your throat and refuse to leave your mouth I lost sense of myself whilst hiding from the truth Lost fifteen years of my life whilst hiding love from you

"Love is a fickle thing", that's what you said to me "You know you could be happy if you wanted to be" Hand-me-down love letters from those I've loved before I keep them hidden, those words mean nothing to me anymore

Everybody's heart breaks in the same way The beginning and the end are one and the same You don't have love if you're not scared to lose it We keep these secrets until they're dead and faded away

I had to hide it from you You wouldn't expect it from me I couldn't give it to you If you'd asked me I had to hide it from you You wouldn't expect it from me I couldn't give it to you If you'd asked me

Everybody's heart breaks in the same way The beginning and the end are one and the same You don't have love if you're not scared to lose it We keep these secrets until they're dead and faded away You might also like Death Goals in Cursive Death Goals Loveless Death Goals Who The Fuck Is Sarah Tonin? Death Goals For what it's worth I'm sorry I kept it from you I was just so scared Of accepting my own truth

Our love for each other Is buried in those woods (x...)

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

(Drums and badassery)

There's no love lost We hate your guts and you hate ours back We're not valid, we're not real But we have everything you lack

You're all pigs, ignorant, feral It's the year of the guillotine And these old gods are looking frail

You can't erase You can't erase our existence (x)

[-] [email protected] 109 points 8 months ago

The BBC refused the air the South African prosecution's case at the ICJ.

It aired Israel's defense live, and in full.

[-] [email protected] 71 points 8 months ago

'Calls for genocide are just part of our charming Jewish culture' is one of the most insulting and brain-scrambling this I've ever read. This is the what passes for academica and the 'left' of Zionist brainworms.

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

'Jews are predisposed to calling for genocide and it's part of our rich but often misunderstood quirky cultural heritage, but we can't actually do it, even when we are, because.... reasons' is one one hell of a take from a 'left' history professor and author:

As the author of ‘Jews and Words’, a book that celebrates the Jewish culture of debate and textuality, I must spell out something that the book didn’t mention, a negative aspect of our talkative legacy.

You may not like it, but here it is.

This morning’s proceedings in The Hague focus on genocidical talk in the Israeli public sphere. There are dozens of examples: ministers, Knesset members, influencers. Even the manipulative Netanyahu mentioned Amalek, the ancient people that the Bible singled out for eradication. Never mind that great rabbis have determined long ago that Amalek is obsolete, and the biblical verdict does not apply to any existing nation.

What stands on trial today is the ancient Jewish habit of speaking to each other as if no one else is listening. The Jewish habit of making extreme statements irresponsibly, unthoughtfully, without expecting any payback.

For so many centuries we have exercised a wild freedom of speech among ourselves, in our own languages, relying on our own argumentative balance mechanism: extremism and moderation may clash, and moderation usually triumphs. The House of Shammai is legitimate, but the House of Hillel, the moderates, usually wins. Israeli verbal culture inherited this freedom. But Israel is also a liberal democracy and member of the global community. Most of the loudmouths crying Genocide and Amalek are not aware of the profound dissonance, the huge damage, the justified outrage. Some don’t care.

Only a small minority wants actual genocide in Gaza and are morally crippled enough to carry it through: the extreme national-religious right. The fact that Netanyahu allowed these thugs into his government and echoes their discourse is an eternal blot on Jewish history.

Our disputative, wordy culture deserves to be celebrated, but it must denounce its dangerous outcrop of inciters to blind violence. Their Amalekite speech has become too viable to bear. Too doable.

No, Israel is not conducting genocide. But its ongoing rant about “flattening Gaza” is no longer a quaint side effect of our argumentative heritage.

It is a crime, a travesty and a harrowing blow to the best of Jewish traditions.

Later, from her responses:

This horrific, dirty, ugly war is not genocide. If that was our intention, Gaza would cease to exist on 8/10 and 500 of our soldiers would still be alive.

Ah yes, genocide has to be the instantaneous Thanos-like removal of a population just like it was in Germany during the... errrr.... monke-beepboop

submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

In news that won't surprise people paying attention at the time but has finally been 'noticed' by news reporting (the way British media usually operates), the funds for Starmer's leadership election including illegal donations, breaches of electoral law, and a shady slush fund from shady interests.

I linked the Novara article as the Sunday Times original is behind a paywall, plus there's some other links for context.

What's interesting to me is why this is reaching the surface of the British media now. The press hedging it's bets in case the dissent in the Tory party does take down Rishi? Plausible deniability as they grow uncomfortable with Labour's massive polling lead? A warning shot for some perceive recent sleight?

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

George Grosz was a fascinating and viceral painter, deeply scarred and influenced by his experience serving in the first world war, before he was discharged and left with psychiatric problems and a serious drinking problem. Many of his paintings from that period deal explictly with the horrors of war and the human cost juxtaposed against societal conflict.

His later work saw him fined by the German government and some of his collections ordered destroyed as they became more satrical and focused upon what he saw as the hypocracy of those that advocate for such violence - things like preachers vomiting grenades and Jesus being forced into conscription.

He also went to Russia in the 1920s, where he was initially detained as a spy, but released when proven not to be and even met Lenin. He lived in the US for most of his life after the '30s but eventually returned to Berlin, where he died falling down the stairs one night drunk.

[-] [email protected] 134 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I feel a little sorry for the Lemm.ee users here that came to make measured, personal posts specific to the annoucement. There's a fair amount of long off-topic arguements happening in bits of the thread now and that probably makes it harder to read and manage.

This is something that's often been pointed to as a pure result of Hexbear users or federation with Hexbear and given rise to accusations of 'brigading here and in the past'. While I don't think every segue into debate has been useful here, and have also told comrades that I didn't think this was the place for specific comments (which they removed) I also think there's some important context to point out - and I hope it helps lemm.ee users wondering about all this traffic not to fall into the trap of assuming the worst based on a couple of comments:

  • Hexbear is a very big and very active instance. A very small proportion of users posting in a thread (especially one explicitly about them) can seem like a lot to a lot of instances.
  • Hexbear doesn't have downvotes and Hexbear users do not have the ability to downvote posts or comments on other instances. This creates a culture where if people disagree, they tend to reply, not downvote instead. Another reason we're very active.
  • This thread has constantly been at the top of people's feeds on Hexbear. if they're not only set to 'local'.
  • Finally - and I say this fully acknowledging and appriciating the many ordinary, good faith, pleasant lemm.ee commenters that I've enjoyed reading and talking too even when I totally disagreed with them - a lot of these off-topic arguements and more heated comments do not come from nowhere. While not at all the majority, I do see a pretty shocking amount of actively hostile, hateful, and insulting behaviour here. Sadly, quite a bit of it would be banned under Hexbear's moderation policy against things like slurs and hate speech too.

So try to keep in mind if you see salty Hexbear users replying to people that, just in reading through this thread myself, I've the following instances of abuse or smears against my comrades (and they continue popping up). So I absolutely support them defending themselves (as long as they stay within the rules here):

  • Dimissal as the pejorative "tankie" - 4 times (although we actually think this one is pretty funny usually)
  • Users stating that Hexbear users are propagandists - 8 times
  • Stating that people from Hexbear are specifically paid Russian/Chinese bots/propagandists - 10 times
  • Direct equivalences of Hexbear posters to Nazis or just straight up calling us Nazis/fascists - 7 times
  • Insults regarding mental health or IQ that would be classed as ablism on Hexbear - 8 times
  • Dismissing users as children - 2 times
  • Claiming Hexbear users are using vote-manipulation (impossible, as explained above) - 4 times
  • Accusations of deliberate brigading rather than just commenting, being active - 11 times

I've tried not to count repeated instances from the same users. But sadly that's not all. Just a handful of the following are comments that have been made against Hexbear users in this thread, without any kind of equal hostility. As far as I can tell they all still remain:

  • "You guys are like cancer"
  • "Braindead fucking tankies"
  • "Get fucked"
  • "Asshole" (multiple)
  • That our beliefs are "moralistic bullshut"
  • That some of our beliefs are "a criminal ideology"
  • A comment that simply states "No Russians"
  • That we're "evil" (multiple times)
  • An elaborate comparison to us "vandalising a Jewish graveyard" and other Nazi equivalences
  • And of course a comment that explictly minimised the Nazi death toll with glee, seeming to imply they should have killed more. On the subject of disagreeing with equating the hammer and sickle to the swastika (hidden with spoiler tag, for those who don't want to see it repeated)...
    spoiler"you are right, it is nor really fair to nazis, who killed measly 17 million people, compared to impressive 100 million killed by communists."

There's also been numerious instances of users misgendering Hexbear users. I'm not going to put all of these down to malice, but at Hexbear we display our pronouns for a reason - we love our trans comrades! You don't have to, but could you please at least respect them and not misgender them?

Again, this isn't the majority, but it's honestly disappointing and worth keeping in mind amongst some of the louder, minority yells of 'brigading' etc.

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joined 4 years ago