[-] [email protected] 5 points 9 hours ago

Most mowers are four stroke like automobile engines, this includes pushmowers. Modern ones even have oil filters. Generally, riding mowers have two cylinder v-twin engines and pushmowers are single cylinder.

Two stroke engines are generally found on smaller things like chainsaws and weed eaters.

You mix special oil into the gas for two strokes. They do produce more smoke, especially when first started.

[-] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

I see two ureters running from the kidneys to the bladder, one ureter cut, bladder pushed to right side. Urethra runs from bladder on top of vagina. Some dissection knowledge present.

Vulva and pubic mound are present, if not terribly well drawn. There may be some influence of vulva as a mouth.

Ovaries are present as is uterus. Muscular nature of uterus is shown along with fetus.

Clitoris seems to be missing.

There are extra pipes all over, with some going to the wrong locations, and things seem to be linked to the liver. The liver being involved is likely due to whatever medical theories were prevalent at the time, humors maybe.

I would assume that the artist likely took a lot of inspiration from animal entrails.

Ignorance isn't the same as stupid. Looks like a lot of thought was put into it. I would view this more as an early map than as an attempt at realism.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 2 days ago

I gave my son a copy of the Choose Your Own Adventure about the UFOs for Christmas a couple years ago. It's the one with the impossible ending. The only way to get the good ending is to cheat and flip to it.

I also wrote a hidden message in the picture in the hidden ending. He still hasn't found it.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 2 days ago

Had a drug dealer as neighbor, for about a decade. He wasn't a low level dealer, dude was moving weight. Must have been distributor level.

While I wouldn't want him as a friend, he was a good neighbor.

He kept his business to himself. Kept an eye on anything suspicious.

Visitors only would have their stereo up once. After that, you'd hear them turn it down when they got to the corner about a block away.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

He also has open access to rat poison.

... that's why I'm against open access without an issued permit.

I'm guessing you're not from the US? Permits aren't issued for such a thing. As far as I know, permits are only issued for concealed carry outside of one's property. There are hunting licenses, but that that doesn't really factor in to gun access.

Given the smaller calibers and slow fire rates of the guns he has access to, the purpose of his guns is not man killing. They're for varmints and such.

I keep going back to the tool definition of guns. In the US, most people seem to no longer view guns as tools. They are scary or empowering magic objects that cause great fear or act as a male enhancement device depending on political views.

IDK, this society is sick this shooting is a symptom. People's knee jerk reactions to guns on both sides is a symptom. Kids get caught in the middle in the meat grinder.

[-] [email protected] 37 points 1 week ago

Unashamed omnivore, fisher, and hunter here. Working on our play farm so we can source all of our meat ethically in the future. Taking active steps to prevent the suffering of animals we consume. Don't have an ethical or moral problem with killing animals to eat them. Prefer to do it myself so that I know that I have done my best to minimize the suffering of the critters I kill.

I've been told I'm a raper and abuser.

fite me

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Another before:

It's green Vermont slate, figured out that it was originally painted black and marbled. Victorian thing, faux marble mantels. Fireplace is also Victorian faux, red brick, would have had logs and a red light. I'll be putting in a gas insert at some point.

Started at 220grit, and worked up to 1000. Finished with a 50/50 mix of boiled linseed oil and mineral spirits:

Didn't realize slate could be this pretty and figured:

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Cishet male. In no way do I mean offense or have I tried to take advantage of lower functioning individuals, that's just sick. Best I can figure, I'm a typical. Maybe I'm a little crazy; but who isn't.

During a discussion about my son's neurodivergency, I realized I have a 'type' of woman. (Son is technically stepson, but he's my boy.) I tend to be attracted to high functioning women that are on the spectrum.

I've been in four relationships with divergent women, three serious and two extended friends with benefits. I've been in two serious relationships with typical women. Many flings with typical women. Figure that's pretty statistically unlikely.

In my experience, divergent women tend to have a refreshing openness in communication. Painfully honest. Direct. They have some weird stuff that can be alternately cute and irritating. When sleeping they either don't like to snuggle or like being an octopus. (My preference is octopus but my wife only tolerates some side contact.) They like to discuss instead of argue. Sexually adventurous and willing to work for satisfaction. They prefer precision in statements. I find myself writing in an extended way that I don't engage in with other people and try and pay attention to grammar and punctuation. Pretty sure this doesn't apply to all women on the spectrum, just my 'type'.

I dunno, just a strange realization, especially at this stage of life. It's not a fetish, just something that has occurred.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm 30 hours into a real bad trip. Didn't do it on purpose. Was cutting angel trumpet with an knife, was burning theroots.

Good thing Im experienced. Hospital would have been expensive.

This is some real bad shit. It's not fun. Stay away. Brugmanssia, Datura, hogweed, voodoo vine, don't fuck with it

Edit: waking up again, talked to my girl, she's okay. Have a unreal headache like a hangover. Going back to sleep. Typing is still difficult.

Edit: holy shit, still coming down. Trying for more sleep. I poisoned myself on accident. This is the nastiest thing I've ever run in to and I have experience. Please be careful around Angel trumpet and daura and such.

Edit: the boy is making me drip-drop electrolyte drink. I ate some olives. Ate some canned fruit. He found me some crackers. He's tired of hearing me tell him I love him. We're all going to be okay. It was close.

Edit: my fucking head hurts. Been a rough time. Think I'll be able to sleep hard soon. Walked to the corner store and back. Bought the boy every twix they had.

Edit. Now able to spit, gag and hork. Had hiccups for a while but didn't puke. Digestive system is waking back up. Had cotton mouth for two day des.

Edit. I'm down. Heavy shakes. 2:45am. Had to sleep with the light on in the bathroom. Going back to sleep in a minute. I just about died and now hurt all over. Real sleep is so nice. Y'all take care.

Edit. 7:00am. Just got off the phone. I've put my girl through a bad scare. She's happy now, says I sound more normal. Sense of smell is returning. Boy is still asleep. We're taking the day off, can load the truck tomorrow. Head hurts, ears are ringing. Drinking water and thinking about some coffee.

Edit: 10:46am. Speech continues to improve. Put hydrocortisone cream on my arms at my wife's direction.She's a RN. Boy fed me a coke and a liquid IV. Was able to take a hard piss earlier.

Edit: 11:40am 7-29-24. Here are some pictures of the rash on my arms and hands as well as the flowers. https://imgur.com/a/CqPl8AT

Edit: 1:49pm 7-29-24. The boy and I are watching Steve1989 eat some real old Twinkies. Clear fluid coming out of the sores on my hands and arms. The girl and I researched. Don't think there has been kidney or liver damage.

Edit: 10:04pm. 7-29-24. Sent my son to take a shower, going to brush his hair out. Will be going to bed shortly. We watched documentaries about beaches, cars, and guns. I've eaten crackers, cheese, Spaghetti O's and jello. Have a truck to load and a house to clean tomorrow.

Edit: 6:21pm 7-30-24. Rash continues to develop. https://imgur.com/a/gvE7wO5 Was able to do a limited amount of work today. Canceled the appointment with realtor for tomorrow. Have eaten around 5-650 calories and will try some chicken soup in a little while. Used shopping bags as gloves to put the exposed clothing in the trash. Took a short walk. Arms itch something fierce, face feels sunburned. We're watching Lassie on YouTube.

Edit: 6:09am 8-1-24. Had over a 1000 calories yesterday and was able to eat a pb&j. Most calories are coming from boost meal replacement drink. Had a much better night, was able to fall asleep around 1:00am. Been up and down several times. Lot of heavy sweating while asleep.

Think the reishi tea I drank last night kicked in. (Have used reishi I collect for around twenty years as a general healing and health agent as well as for my autoimmune disorder. Swelling of rashes is down as is the itching. Ganoderma applantum is the variety I find in the southern woods, usually yellow or cream but occasionally brown. Lighter the color, the more bitter it is, seems to work better. Have a bunch of Turkey Tail, Trametes versicolor, but don't think it's indicated. My belief in the usefulness of Reishi is anecdotal and may be placebo but I'll take what I can get.)

Had normal dreams, normal for me, I guess. Only got a bullet graze once in the dreams. Feel fairly normal, still a little weak but much more improved. Was able to turn off the music and sleep without it in the night. Was able to quit focusing as heavily on my heart and always having to slow it. Going to try and snooze a little, will look for vitamins

submitted 1 month ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Like this is hitting me real hard. I can feel the sadness and the fight. They're good boys and and don't deserve what's coming down. They have some good religion. I'd like to be like these men. We fight for the ones we love.

[-] [email protected] 64 points 1 month ago

I actually respect vegans that are vegan to prevent the suffering of animals.

I get it. Grew up farming. Chicken houses are an industrial horror machine.

We've recently bought a play farm and hope to raise or hunt all our meat. Only the slaughter and butchering of steers will be outsourced. Takes some serious equipment to handle an animal that large.

I'm an omnivore by evolution and enjoy meat and hunting. I'm always a little sad when I kill something, however. I figure that sadness means I'm human and is a good thing. When I eat meat from something I killed, it means more. There is a lot of respect involved in it as well something like religion.

If more people had to kill their meat, we would probably live in a very different world and there would be a lot more vegans.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Xpost from casual conversations. Delete if it doesn't fit.

In the final stages of moving from the deep south to a northern state.

I used to run a shop under a corporation. Long story, but I integrated the shop, and built something beautiful. I had to use a temp service to do a lot of my hiring, I hired lots of black folks because they were undervalued and I could give them a good environment and pay. Was just starting to hire women. COVID and Qanon blew it the fuck up.

Tomorrow I'll be having lunch with two of my former crew. One of them is the only man I've ever called brother. He was my neighbor and best friend for years. I would have trusted him to help me hide a body. The other feller was a kind and gentle guy, had a bad divorce but was a teddy bear, was on the road back up.

They both went down the rabbit hole real bad.

I miss who they were and the shop we had. It was fucking jazz. I protected all of them from corporate. We made shit happen. I fought to get them more money and got fucked over myself.

I've lost my parents, my grandfather, my aunts and uncles and cousins to the insanity. Thank jeebus my grandmothers and one grandfather are dead.

Tomorrow I'm going to hug my brother and tell him goodbye. He isn't really my brother anymore. I don't trust him. I love him. He's not the man I knew.

It hurts a lot. It broke my heart.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

In the final stages of moving from the deep south to a northern state.

I used to run a shop under a corporation. Long story, but I integrated the shop, and built something beautiful. I had to use a temp service to do a lot of my hiring, I hired lots of black folks because they were undervalued and I could give them a good environment and pay. Was just starting to hire women. COVID and Qanon blew it the fuck up.

Tomorrow I'll be having lunch with two of my former crew. One of them is the only man I've ever called brother. He was my neighbor and best friend for years. I would have trusted him to help me hide a body. The other feller was a kind and gentle guy, had a bad divorce but was a teddy bear, was on the road back up.

They both went down the rabbit hole real bad.

I miss who they were and the shop we had. It was fucking jazz. I protected all of them from corporate. We made shit happen. I fought to get them more money and got fucked over myself.

I've lost my parents, my grandfather, my aunts and uncles and cousins to the insanity. Thank jeebus my grandmothers and one grandfather are dead.

Tomorrow I'm going to hug my brother and tell him goodbye. He isn't really my brother anymore. I don't trust him. I love him. He's not the man I knew.

It hurts a lot. It broke my heart.


Lunch was good but rough. My son got to see me cry for the first time, afterwards, so I guess that was good.

Then my closest former friend came over this evening. Texted my girl:

"Holy fuck. Joe has some sort of grandpa weed that he he'd be saving. I hit once and I'm all fucked up. They smoked a whole blunt. Then I learned about how taking ivermectin was a good preventative and that Susan is actually a Mayan priestess discovered through astral projection."

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Have lived in the deep south my entire life. Things went really badly during 2020 and we realized we needed to get out. Started saving and preparing, our plan was to move before the next election.

We have bought a 1920's farmhouse that still has 9 acres. 100 year old apple trees, blueberries, vineyard. It's amazing. Part of the land is industrial zoned with power and I'm going to build my machine shop there. We got a steal of a deal, it would be a $500k house and land here.

I bought a '98 Chevy box truck. The boy and I will be making our second trip tomorrow.

submitted 3 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Pretty nifty. Using several clamps, I could see this working just fine for short run aluminum jobs.

[-] [email protected] 46 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Damn. I was really hoping this would be a ray of light for the next year and a reduction in the level of election insanity we're going to see.

Instead, just more fuel for the flames.

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We're preparing to move about 1000mi.

I'm getting my truck ready to tow a trailer for our three potbelly pigs, two cats and a dog.

'98 Ranger XLT with 4.0L V6, auto trans. Rated for 5900lbs tow, 9500 gross. Even has the overdrive disable and good rear end ratio.

I'm adding a Redarc Liberty brake control. The 7-way plug kit I got includes 30 and 40 amp auto reset breakers for the control and trailer power.

Here's the thing. I don't like the idea of an automatically resetting breaker at 30 amps or more due to the risk of fire or frying the electronics in my truck. I would prefer to install manual reset breakers. I understand that an auto reset might allow some brake capability in the event of a short and that is why they are used. I just don't feel like the auto breaker justification is that likely vs the other risks of auto breakers.

How long does it take the auto breakers to reset?

What are the real world risks using manual reset breakers?

Opinions/thoughts greatly appreciated!

submitted 6 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We're preparing to move about 1000mi.

I'm getting my truck ready to tow a trailer for our three potbelly pigs, two cats and a dog.

'98 Ranger XLT with 4.0L V6, auto trans. Rated for 5900lbs tow, 9500 gross. Even has the overdrive disable and good rear end ratio.

I'm adding a Redarc Liberty brake control. The 7-way plug kit I got includes 30 and 40 amp auto reset breakers for the control and trailer power.

Here's the thing. I don't like the idea of an automatically resetting breaker at 30 amps or more due to the risk of fire or frying the electronics in my truck. I would prefer to install manual reset breakers. I understand that an auto reset would might allow some brake capability in the event of a short and that is why they are used. I just don't feel like the auto breaker justification is that likely vs the other risks of auto breakers.

How long does it take the auto breakers to reset?

What are the real world risks using manual reset breakers?

Opinions/thoughts greatly appreciated!

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Out on business for the week and got me a smoking room.

SPC Plum Pudding '19 and States of Virginia by Sutliff.

Brought dedicated cobs, Ukrainian pear wood slut, Nording Compass slut, and Dunhill English.

My Virginia cob is my favorite pipe.

submitted 9 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I use a Das Keyboard 4 Ultimate with cherry blues and love it. Have a good friend who likes using her grandson's gaming keyboard that I think is a nice membrane keyboard. She was interested in my keyboard as it is mechanical like the old keyboards she used back in the day.

We are both office users, not gamers.

I don't want to spend the $179 for a keyboard that might not be what she wants and there are better options now, from what I understand.

Can you please recommend a cherry blue mechanical with a number pad and a steel back plane?

[-] [email protected] 42 points 10 months ago

Former fundie here. Y'all are probably misinterpreting what is going on.

Mike Johnson is a True Believer™ from what I've seen. Doesn't mean he's not a terrible person, but his motives and actions aren't necessarily as simple as repressed urges to view gay porn.

The most likely explanation is that Mike Johnson's son was watching porn and got caught, probably more than once. He probably admitted his guilt early on, but he attempted to hide the activity. So, not only do you have the kid for sexual immorality but you've got him for dishonesty. After hours of lectures at the boy - involving his mother, father, possibly clergy or youth leadership - the poor kid is probably swearing on a stack of bibles that he sees the light and will never do it again. That's not good enough. He can't be trusted as this isn't the first time.

This passage was probably pounded in bone deep:

Matthew 5:

27Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: 28But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart. 29And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. 30And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

So, the boy should rip out his own eyes and cut off the hand he jacks off with. Maybe he should castrate himself. If the behavior continues, he's willfully hellbound. Doesn't he understand?

So, Mike Johnson, wonderful paragon of fatherly leadership, says they will both install this software. That way he can prove what a good person he is and bear the cross of his son's sin. See how great he is? He's helping the boy with his problem. Barf.

So, now the kid's 'sin' is making national news and impacting his father who is a Great Man™.

Christian guilt in a nutshell.

I really feel for the poor bastard. Hopefully he makes it out from under the shadow of his father's insanity. It's truly evil shit.

[-] [email protected] 61 points 1 year ago

Oh jeebus fucking christ. Sometimes the dumb hurts and then you get the existential dread knowing you're about to have to call this moron. And, even better, they usually make more money than you.

[-] [email protected] 139 points 1 year ago

Y'all are motherfucking gangsters. Appreciate the work you're putting in. I don't do your kind of code or I'd pitch in. Much love. ♥️

[-] [email protected] 42 points 1 year ago

RiF migrant here. Howdy, y'all! Pull up a chair.

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