[-] [email protected] 72 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

What the fuck?

I was assured by this server that it has no problem with socialists. This is worse than I expected it to be, I expected a half-hearted attempt to justify this action through means other than "they're socialists and hold socialist views".

To the three points here:

  1. "Western propaganda" - Is capitalist propaganda. Of course socialists oppose it, we oppose capitalism.

  2. "Nato" - An anti-nato position is held by literally every single socialist organisation in Europe. You will not find a socialist org with a pro-nato position. Ffs just look at DiEM25's position on this, it's probably the most well known cross-nation alliance of socialist groups and parties in europe including people like Yanis Varoufakis, Jeremy Corbyn and Zizek to name a few but that really doesn't do the size of the DiEM organising alliance justice. Even Noam Chomsky is anti-nato ffs. What the fuck are you doing acting like this is a fringe position not held by a huge number of people over here in Europe and at the forefront of leftist politics on the continent? Taking the position "you're not allowed to be anti-nato" is blatant american imperialism.

  3. "It is in the Left’s interest for these organizations to be demolished." - Duh? What the fuck do the liberals running this instance think socialists believe exactly? When Marx calls for revolution do you think that we mean to continue the organisations that existed prior? No, we seek to abolish them and create new socialist organisations that serve the new socialist state we seek to create.

Absolutely mindblowing that this instance ever pretended it was going to play nicely with socialists. I'm disgusted.

Every single take above is also the take you will get from every single socialist community over on reddit. The anarchist communities will also even have an anti-nato position. Like jesus christ. I expected this post to be bad but I didn't expect it to be "Yeah fuck socialists, oh and fuck what anarchists believe too".

I'm flabbergasted that @[email protected] just completely lied about not intending to block based on ideology, and it's extremely telling that Hexbear gets a pre-emptive defederation for this shit while literal actual nazis were a chore to get defederated.

[-] [email protected] 144 points 1 year ago

This isn't just mildly interesting. We should be considering methods of air cooling that do not use any carbon in order to avoid aircon usage becoming a contributor to the climate problem as things get hotter and hotter.

[-] [email protected] 83 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I've always believed it would be useful to have a thing like this but for brand logos.

But instead of blurring or blocking the brand logo like an adblocker what it does instead is show you the face of the top shareholder in that brand. Remove the brands and show the assholes that own them. Where it's not a single person you replace that brand with the name of the hedgefund or bank that owns the investment.

It would bring people's attention away from brand consumerism and to a constant consciousness of the ruling class looming over them in everything.

[-] [email protected] 71 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Anti-corporate platforms don't generally appeal to people that built and uphold the existing corporate status quo.

The first wave here were anticapitalists, anarchists or communists. The second wave are the most anti-corporate "liberals".

[-] [email protected] 71 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

7 out of 11 countries believe the end of the USSR harmed their countries rather than benefited them

Reflecting back on the breakup of the Soviet Union that happened 22 years ago next week, residents in seven out of 11 countries that were part of the union are more likely to believe its collapse harmed their countries than benefited them. Only Azerbaijanis, Kazakhstanis, and Turkmens are more likely to see benefit than harm from the breakup. Georgians are divided.

Hungary: 72% of Hungarians say they are worse off today economically than under communism

A remarkable 72% of Hungarians say that most people in their country are actually worse off today economically than they were under communism. Only 8% say most people in Hungary are better off, and 16% say things are about the same. In no other Central or Eastern European country surveyed did so many believe that economic life is worse now than during the communist era. This is the result of almost universal displeasure with the economy. Fully 94% describe the country's economy as bad, the highest level of economic discontent in the hard hit region of Central and Eastern Europe. Just 46% of Hungarians approve of their country's switch from a state-controlled economy to a market economy; 42% disapprove of the move away from communism. The public is even more negative toward Hungary's integration into Europe; 71% say their country has been weakened by the process.

Romania: 63% of the survey participants said their life was better during communism

The most incredible result was registered in a July 2010 IRES (Romanian Institute for Evaluation and Strategy) poll, according to which 41% of the respondents would have voted for Ceausescu, had he run for the position of president. And 63% of the survey participants said their life was better during communism, while only 23% attested that their life was worse then. Some 68% declared that communism was a good idea, just one that had been poorly applied.

Germany: more than half of former eastern Germans defend the GDR

Glorification of the German Democratic Republic is on the rise two decades after the Berlin Wall fell. Young people and the better off are among those rebuffing criticism of East Germany as an "illegitimate state." In a new poll, more than half of former eastern Germans defend the GDR.

28 percent of Czechs say they were better off under the Communist regime

Roughly 28 percent of Czechs say they were better off under the Communist regime, according to a poll conducted by the polling institute SC&C and released Sunday.

81% of Serbians believe they lived best in Yugoslavia

A poll shows that as many as 81 per cent of Serbians believe they lived best in the former Yugoslavia -”during the time of socialism”.

Majority of Russians

The majority of Russians polled in a 2016 study said they would prefer living under the old Soviet Union and would like to see the socialist system and the Soviet state restored.

The above memes are almost always made by Americans, whose brains are riddled with red scare brainworms and are completely devoid of any knowledge or understand of what the left thinks in Europe because Americans do not have a left.

[-] [email protected] 77 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

In this thread: Shit loads of people who will say they care about the climate crisis on one day, then say they don't care about the 18.5% of global carbon emissions that the meat industry causes the next day because they can't get over the decade worth of anti-veganism jokes and memes that they've constantly repeated uncritically.

Individual habits MUST be changed to solve this part of the problem, there is literally no way around that. Getting triggered and writing screeds because you've spent decades getting caught up in hate over food choices won't stop the planet burning.

[-] [email protected] 74 points 1 year ago

This is what lack of unions gets you.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] 52 points 1 year ago

Literal actual fascists behaving like fascists, surprise surprise.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

A bit different for this kind of community but I suspect it might be of interest to some americans, particularly if any of you are organisers.

These events are essentially trade unionism and communist pride parades, before pride parades. And form a fairly useful connection between trade unionists as a fundamental identity to be proud of and local communities. These parades will then eventually culminate in large speeches by relevant organisers and activists.

Their secondary function is that it becomes impossible to propagandise and villainise important historical militant trade unionists and communists included in banners in parades when local communities march celebrating them every year without being deterred. Banners include Marx, Engels Lenin, James Connolly, and various other militant trade unionists important to the history of these unions.

Things are a bit rough around the edges right now, this is the first time the event has been put on again post-covid after a 3 year absence, socialists observed a rather longer gap in events despite capitalists "opening up".

This is the 137th time the event has been held.

[-] [email protected] 92 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Reddit admins writing warning letters like I title project files. lastlastLASTFINAL-v1.3forreal.doc warning

[-] [email protected] 256 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

This is not particularly surprising. Lemmy was started as an anti-corporate project by leftists after /r/chapotraphouse got quarantined and later banned (subreddit for the most popular podcast and most donated patreon at the time), with the explicit goal of preventing corporate control from being able to silence leftists when they're blasting off. CTH was skyrocketing in subscribers at the time it was quarantined on August 8th 2019, and when even quarantining didn't stop its growth or slow down its activity afterwards Reddit pulled the plug under the excuse it promoted violence, but the only particularly edgy thing ever said there was "slave owners should be killed" and support for John Brown. This evolved post-ban into the assessment that Spez banned it because he wants to own slaves.

When that happened there was a massive shift in the leftist parts of reddit as we very quickly realised we'd be targeted if reddit ever deemed us to be too successful, and projects like Lemmy began in reaction. CTH's community in fact moved to Lemmy 3 years ago, and resides on Hexbear.net but has not yet joined the rest of federated lemmy due to technical issues (it used to be a fork with a different front end).

Given lemmy's specific anti-corporate origins seeing Lemmy.ml do this should surprise nobody. It's the correct move anyway.

[-] [email protected] 86 points 1 year ago

I think the issue being missed here is that Meta will ultimately aim to suck all users into themselves, and then once they feel they've done enough of that, they will go completely closed, even potentially forking the protocol itself. If any legal attempt to stop this is made they will bog it down with hordes of lawyers for decades.

Their goal is not to help fediverse, it is recognising fediverse to be a threat and aiming to absorb it. Literally no different to how reddit slowly absorbed all internet forums into itself, killing the distributed internet.

Fediverse is attempting to bring back that distributed internet and they're trying to find ways to kill it. All corporations seek monopoly, it's how capitalism works.

[-] [email protected] 72 points 1 year ago

Almost once a week for the last 5 years there is a neoliberal that screams about defederating from leftist instances that have absolutely zero power and influence in the world just for disagreeing with them politically. Doesn't matter whether you're on lemmy or mastodon or other services, this happens like clockwork.

Those exact same people are currently defending against defederating from an evil megacorporation with literal cia employees on staff that does real quantifiable evil shit in the world, and they claim to be moral.

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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