
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I believe so aswell, but there is for example, which apparently is meant to stand for "marxism-leninism" in that specific instance (.ml is Mali's country TLD).

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago

They are shitting bulls, probably living a life of constant pain

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago

Now that you mentioned, I guess that is a mirror, whoops!

[–] [email protected] 8 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Sniff made accidental Picasso!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 days ago

Definitely, good way to put it.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (2 children)

I switched from controls engineering to information technology - in industrial automation interviews not once was I asked to prove my knowledge about PLCs or anything like that, they trusted my education and experience.

The interviews in information technology were like "make us a working app for free before we have a second round of interviews" even after few years of previous experience in their specific field and a repository to show off my free-time projects.

I switched because I got tired of traveling, but holy shit I miss the job market of industrial automation. I still feel like I got more respect working in automation field than I have ever gotten working as a software developer.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Oh no, not sure I want that.

The reason I'm not sure, is because I woke up at 5 am to do my morning run while making cold calls and preparing to open another business because my baby was born 2 hours before and taught me about B2B marketing in AI powered age.

If you want to hear more, hit me up with a DM!

Tap for spoilercontext: [email protected] for those that don't get the reference.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Yeah felt like being in a fever dream sometimes honestly

[–] [email protected] 159 points 1 week ago (5 children)

This dude is a god damn legend.

My previous employer would print out those cringe success and team building story posts from linkedin and hang them around the office because we complained about the working environment, I love that there is good satire of those posts on linkedin now.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

This happened in Finland, but I didn't want to specify it to spark a universal conversation, which succeeded!

I know people from all around the globe deal with privacy issues and hoped that others would share their experiences.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

This is another great idea. Similar to having extra email for spam.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (4 children)

That's the advice I've gotten here pretty much, and will probably deal with it in that way from now on!

It is sad that we have to do that, but don't think this will change any time soon.


Okay the title is a bit exaggerated, but honestly not far off. This post is very mundane and a bit long, but thought it fits the community.

I'm visiting my home country and went shopping for pants, there were "30% off everything!" signs with a tiny text underneath that said "member discount" (don't have membership). Not a problem, did not notice and I don't care for such marketing tricks to get you into the store but okay.

Picked up couple of pants, went to the cashier and they asked me "do you have our membership?" - I answered no and expected the follow up question whether I'd like to join, but, to my positive surprise the cashier just happily responded "okay, not a problem!" and continued to bag my stuff.

I stood ready to pay and then the cashier said "now I just need your phone number and you can pay". Hold up. What. I did not expect that, I honestly had a burst of anger inside me (never gonna take it on a cashier, they are just doing their job). I asked nicely why do I need to give my phone number and I was told that to register me as a member so I can get the discount.

I declined and said I don't want to join and would like to just pay.

The entire interaction after questioning why they need my phone number was awkward, as if I had been the first person to decline, the weirdo, aluminum foil hat wearing hermit.

This was just one of many interactions in the recent years that make me feel as if I was a weirdo for not sharing all my info around. The worst is when everyone keeps telling me "its just an app, just download it and use that why do you make things complicated" or "just sign up you don't need to pay anything".

Thank you for reading my mundane rant, would you like to hear more? Just sign up for my weekly mailing list! ~~Your email will be shared with our 12 453 partners~~


Jos tää sattuu muuttumaan maksulliseksi artikkeliksi:


Pahoittelut jos ulkomaahan liittyvä artikkeli ei sovi tänne, mutta halusin ottaa esille haastateltavan suomalaisen sukunimen, joka sattuu olemaan artikkelin aiheeseen osuva ja aluksi sai ainakin minut hämmentymään lukiessani artikkelia.


Aihe käsittelee Trumpin salamurhaa yrittäneen ampujan ympärillä vellovia salaliittoteorioita, haastateltavana on dosentti Marko Ampuja.


Just wanted to share this since I didn't find anything on lemmy about this. It's a pretty cool open-source project that I got introduced to while investigating a google maps / mapbox open-source alternatives for globe representation on the web.

Sorry if it doesn't fit into this community - didn't find a better community to post this and the sidebar says "OSM related software" posts are ok.

Here is a link to their website with examples:


I had no idea where to ask such a question and I tried to read their terms of use / privacy statements / about us page to find info about how this popular cost splitting app makes money to employ people.

They don't even accept donations. Sounds very sketchy, but apparently they don't really sell data or even offer this app to businesses. Does anyone know how they make profit?


Nyt olisi tosi spesifi kysymys, jos joltain täällä sattuisi olemaan kokemusta:

Voiko kaasujousellisen näyttövarren/näyttötelineen kuljettaa lentokoneen ruumassa? Tai voiko vaihtoehtoisesti kuljettaa postissa ulkomaille?

Ostin aikanaan DELTACO:n ARM-0350 näyttövarsia ja nyt tarvitsisi raahata ne ulkomaille (jos mahdollista), mutta rupesin miettimään tuota kaasujousea. Googlettamalla/Finnairin/Finnavian lähteistä ei löytynyt muuta, kuin että näyttötelineen saa tuoda. Kaasujousista ei ollut mitään infoa.

Ajattelin soittaa Finnairille, mutta ajattelin kuitenkin täältä kysellä mahdollisia kokemuksia.


I'm sorry if this question doesn't belong here, but couldn't figure out where else to write and this community doesn't have a rule against english posts so decided to ask here:

Are landlords in Austria required to pay back the rent deposit with interest ? And if so, is the interest rate tied to something specific? Or are all of these things contract specific and the landlord by default is not required to pay back the deposit with interest to the tenant (if the tenant hasn't caused any damage that would allow the landlord to keep the deposit obviously)?

I tried googling and translating some pages without success, and my German skills are limited to oida gemma zu billa so I thought maybe someone here could help.


Tulin käymään /c/arkisuomessa ja huomasin, että täällä on vain yksi postaus (jääteloautoa koskeva postaus), mutta muistelin täällä olevan enemmänkin postauksia.

Kävin vaihtamassa profiilistani kieleksi "suomi" ja heti alkoi näkyä vanhemmatkin postaukset.

Lemmyssä/kbinissä on tuo kielivalinta, mutta ymmärtääkseni kaikki postaukset pitäisi näkyä, jos valitsee profiilistaan "undetermined". Osaako joku selittää, miten tuo kielivalinta oikeasti toimii?


Can you not remove "Releases" and "Packages" section from your repository in GitHub?

There is a gear icon on the repository page "Edit repository details" and it seemingly allows you to remove those sections from the page but they don't do anything. Is it just me / is this limited with a free account or just a bug?

Couldn't find anything about this by googling. Any answers much appreciated!

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