@[email protected] This is what Doink the Clown would have looked like if he was in the Attitude Era of WWE/WWF.
@[email protected] I tried to download this game magazine but for some reason I get this "Sorry, this page doesn't exist. Please check the URL or go back a page. 404 Error. Page Not Found." Can you check it out?
@[email protected] Looks at Softography Mega Man 9 in a 2000 video game magazine? The game wouldn't exist until 2008. That has to be a typo. I think GamesMaster really meant to say Mega Man 8.
@[email protected] Just one more Dreamcast Magazine to go. Oh, I want to point out a website error. Issue 32 and this issue year should be 2002 not 2001. https://www.outofprintarchive.com/catalogue/dreamcastmagazine.html
@[email protected] OK, I'll give it your word. I just want to make sure the file I am downloading to my computer doesn't have any virus.
@[email protected] I tried to download this video magazine but for some reason my anti-virus program on my computer thinks it might have a computer virus on it. Can you check that out please.
@[email protected] All that is left now is NGC Magazine Issue 108 and you finally complete the N64/NGC set.