[-] [email protected] 46 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Protectors & providers

It's one of the worst kind of inequality which women don't (or rarely) ever examine and question if it's compatible with modern ideas

[-] [email protected] 52 points 5 months ago

It was tasty, I just thought it did not produce sufficient flavor for what I expected with all that extra surface area.

I feel like simply parboiling quartered potatoes and roasting them with beef fat is a little bit better "return on investment".

I enjoyed making it. I love trying different things even if they aren't what I hope.

[-] [email protected] 52 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

These are television shows that exploit people who have the mental illnesses which result in obesity.

You wouldn't take a bunch of people with clinical depression and make a show called "smile, ya dipshit" about them.

Biggest loser is centered around the idea that losing weight is the answer to people's problems when it's not.

The one where they have these severely ill people living their lives is just so others can watch, leer, and feel quietly superior that "at least I'm not those people".

They are just exploitative, harmful garbage.

[-] [email protected] 50 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I just would like to show something about Reddit. Below is a post I made about how Reddit was literally harassing and specifically targeting me, after I let slip in a comment one day that I was sober - I had previously never made such a comment because my sobriety journey was personal, and I never wanted to define myself or pigeonhole myself as a "recovering person".

I reported the recommended subs and ads to Reddit Admins multiple times and was told there was nothing they could do about it.

I posted a screenshot to DangerousDesign and it flew up to like 5K+ votes in like 30 minutes before admins removed it. I later reposted it to AssholeDesign where it nestled into 2K+ votes before shadow-vanishing.

Yes, Reddit and similar are definitely responsible for a lot of suffering and pain at the expense of humans in the pursuit of profit. After it blew up and front-paged, "magically" my home page didn't have booze related ads/subs/recs any more! What a totally mystery how that happened /s

The post in question, and a perfect "outing" of how Reddit continually tracks and tailors the User Experience specifically to exploit human frailty for their own gains.

Edit: Oh and the hilarious part that many people won't let go (when shown this) is that it says it's based on my activity in the Drunk reddit which I had never once been to, commented in, posted in, or was even aware of. So that just makes it worse.

[-] [email protected] 42 points 7 months ago

Idiots like my sister.

She once sternly advised me "I won't have any chemicals in my home"

[-] [email protected] 50 points 7 months ago

The most sinister is an almost inescapable one, where companies intentionally build things (larger appliances are a huge offender) to fail within 3 to 5 years.

It's the "a poor man can't afford cheap shoes" thing.

They love to "sell" this concept that making items cheaper means consumers can more frequently replace as their styles change. Fuck you, give me a white fridge that never breaks, I don't care if I have to pay double up front.

[-] [email protected] 44 points 7 months ago

It's like the entire Web went to shit in 6 months.

Last week I was researching hot tubs and saunas and so forth, as I was gifted a 10 visit spa pass.

Top result was rambling and obviously AI generated, packed with keywords and very little information presented in haphazard way, that was telling me that the ideal water temperature for maximum therapeutic benefit in a hot tub is 130-140F.

Yeah no problem. Once I get used to 140F water I'll work my way towards something hotter, perhaps boiling peanut oil.

[-] [email protected] 41 points 8 months ago

For me it's entirely self-centered and I'm dispensing with all the aspirational and political feelings that people have about the way businesses operate.

Quite simply I recommend Steam because it is a product with so many killer features, it's really hard to take anybody else seriously.

It's just shy of 2024, and Epic is still a non-realized alpha product. Their website, store, and launcher/library is a perfunctory effort at best. The most recent feature they added that I even consider to be an improvement would be the ability to look at my own games library - that should sound like a pretty funny joke but it's said deadpan. They don't even have proper controller support for PC, whereas Steam for example recognizes that PC gamers come with a variety of input hardware.

I mean it's so simply that steam is such a mature product that offers so much to the gamer, and epic just wants money and they're not really doing anything to compel me to want to use that platform.

GOG is great, it's a simple system that gives you the power to own your own games and I very much appreciate that. Personally I don't like to splinter my collection across different services so I'm mostly avoid them but I can't say anything really negative.

Anyways this is just my opinion, I feel like steam has tons of killer features, the otherS simply don't. There's lots of valid discussion in other areas about ethics and things like that but really I'm just looking at it from the perspective of what do I want from my money. Steam gives me the most, and the others don't even hold a candle.

[-] [email protected] 33 points 10 months ago

After modding for over 15 years at the other place, it has strongly solidified my opinion that the only people that want to be mods are broken people that love the surge of power they get from being a water-cooler dictator. Modding should be a job nobody actively wants, and when they do it they do it with reservations, reluctance and a tinge of resentment.

[-] [email protected] 35 points 10 months ago

My launcher shows that I have 379 games from Epic. Not DLC, not demos. Full games.

I have never given Epic a single cent and I never will. (That is to say, until they offer me something that makes me want to use their platform). They have no killer features - AT ALL.

[-] [email protected] 34 points 10 months ago

I think the other side that doesn't get explored very often is how convenience food makers have gotten everybody hooked and unable to cook anymore.

Now that that is generally locked-in behavior in our society, the price goes through the roof.

I know people that literally do not know how to make rice because it's "too hard".

We should acknowledge that grocery prices have gone up in that price-gouging is rampant. We should also acknowledge that most of people's money spent at the grocery store is to exchange hundreds of dollars of extra money, for minutes less preparation.

In this picture of this person paid $10 for a pound of "burger". A pound of ground beef or tofu is a third that price. It takes a minute to slap a couple patties together or to slice off a few slabs, dry them and fry them.

I really feel like we need to enhance this conversation. I think a lot of people don't want to have it because they want to have the convenience but not the price and it's just not sustainable anymore. I think people need to look at their own dietary lifestyle, and consider what they're trading for that convenience.

[-] [email protected] 43 points 10 months ago

Oh shit, you just reminded me of the time that I had to PHONE Macromedia to manually activate software because of the firewalling. This was after waiting days to get administrative permission to install it in the first place.

"Thank you" for helping resurface those horrible memories!

I don't miss those days.

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