@atzanteol Oh, sorry - I DID understand that! Was just continuing the dialogue.
I’m an “invisible” fan who’s been nuts for the music since … uh, well, since Temple of the Dog? Which would have been when when (most of) PJ was first heard on alt-rock radio in my University town. Ten was the soundtrack to my 2nd year.
I’ve only paid attention to “fan” stuff since the pandemic, though and find it kinda funny to read a 30 year old “music journalist” either crowing or complaining about “grunge”.
@ajsadauskas @degoogle definitely something o be thinking about. More and more I’m using my followed hashtags, mastodon lists, and links to resources other people provide rather than just finding useful things in search results. But the big gap is still when I want to find quality info on a new topic. Cannot trust any of the damn results searching for how and how often to clean my kid’s new aquarium, for example. So much LLM and SEO crap info.