I'm sorry Brad, I'm afraid I can't do that.
Did they just pull a Lucas on us?
Thanks, I hate it.
She nonchalantly told a bunch of kids about it in Prodigy. Or was that Holo Janeway?
Maybe from the episode where Fair Haven broke and they had to fix it?
Shax asks about Tlliups' "physical memories" as he and are romantically involved. In the corridors of Voyager we see an exhibit with two mechanica l salamander creatures (VOY: "Threshold").
It reminds me of the episode where Rutherford tried out all those different jobs on the ship because he wanted to do something new. He was afraid to let them know he didn't like the work, but every time, they were super supportive.
Veneers? Really?
Worf can get a new spine but they can't regrow some teeth?
Sure, but they can still try. You ultimately have to make it happen though.
Ah, good ol' C-x M-c M-w3m...
There are dozens of us!
Wtf was that thing? It looked familiar.