Seemed fake the whole time. The real thing is I just gotta launch my bombs first and yours you got on display go off where they are. But do you really want to do it and see all that destruction and change or will any change to your life actually go on if everything already stopped being shipped or produced. Sometimes we wanted to be bombed instead. We may survive but no one else will. We did all that studying and survival stuff when it wasn’t necessary to. If your phone still worked or the internet you could rebuild a civilization from it without buying or selling or advertising on it.
Empire of the Sun - We Are The People this music is proven to brainwash people but the actual Japan feeling is ultraviolet C light. Japanese people only like extremely bright light bulbs with or without the radiation, so eventually there may be no other option or backlight control on your tv or cell phone, or dimmers on light bulbs. They may also never go to sleep because of carbs and meth and health stuff existing that makes you healthier than if you slept 32 hours straight.
It stops parasites from plugging hdmi cables into the back of your eye balls and watching everything you see and do.
Well there use to only be disease below the grass because chlorine was the ozone layer and god publicly added it to the earths atmosphere to change the way life was with the population. Disease was also something different that was added. So how does god do this implementing thing with all these conspiracies going on with economics. This was just his world, everything could have been a hamster in a glass box or cage. The natural world or religious world did not have to exist. Things like radiation change everything and same with animals turning, changing, evolving, or magically turning into people. At one point it was weirder than Skyrim and mid evil and everyone was naked within the last 30 years drinking bacteria infested well water. Wells were no good without filtration or heating, but it’s not that bad. Wells are usually all the way to bedrock but may lack ions from moving water like rapids or waterfalls.
To produce uv radiation you can use chlorine, iodine (heating it to 250 or higher will form a gas and emit radiation, it feels wonderful, condense back into metal when it cools), bromine, maybe even other things.
That’s what hydrogen iodine gas is for, but hasn’t been done yet, or they mix it with plastic with everything becoming LED, basically you can chlorinate or attach whatever element you choose, to the plastic molecules as bonds and then melt it down to form the LED bulbs with a filament. But closer to the filament is better seeing how the bulb itself only gets to 150 maybe 200 degrees if left on for long periods of time.
Mercury may not actually produce ultraviolet radiation at all but it could emit some type of rays.
Uv c is just higher strength uv b, there is more chlorine in the bulb or it is heated to a higher temperature. The actual light itself as in photons or electrons don’t matter besides heat that is produced by the filament.
You can also heat the events without producing light and uv radiation is emitted. If you get hit with high enough strength you can turn entirely black over a few days or weeks, even if it’s just for a few seconds. It’s called evolution.
And that’s all Japan cares about first, is sanitation, or at all, sanitation makes everyone feel good but cleaning and eating large amounts did t always go on, there was less poop and people and animals usually visit or live by waves and moving water.