Bilbo finding a random ass ring in the pitch black labyrinth of an underground cave.
joined 1 year ago
Debtors prison is the logical next step.
I remember when their canary went away and everyone said it was the end of reddit lol.
He should make a post about it!
Thanks, now I have to explain to my wife why I woke her up by laughing so hard. (She's super hot btw).
Maybe not an unpopular game, but my unpopular game opinion is that I prefer Fallout 3 to Fallout New Vegas. Both are fantastic games, but I prefer the more bleak and desolate Capital Wasteland to the more lived in Mojave Wasteland. Plus I kinda liked the karma system of fo3.
I'm looking for a r/ufos replacement.
Works great for a small family, but if you want kids you're going to need more hallway. Maybe try to extend them a bit? Surely you don't need that much living room.