"remote workers never leave the office"
Ahhh! my eyes!
I'm using Google's VPN now. They promised they won't look. Honestly I think a lot.more is leaked via the GBoard keyboard, but what do I know.
There are some bitter people here.
Thanks. I'll check it out.
And Obama eased restrictions on guns in National Parks, but those are just facts not feelings.
I don't always watch Fox News but when I do it's on Comedy Central
Cooking oil decomposes into carcinogens. Especially low smoke point oils.
(Admittedly the increased risk from either is pretty low)
You are certainly much more knowledgeable about this than I.
In broad general terms:
Doesn't the fluorine make them both effective and forever? Isn't it difficult to create a lower energy state molecule than a compound of fluorine.
Is "forever" the problem?
The points you have brought up seem to be an issue with responsibile manufacturing more than the nature of the chemicals themselves. Seems like that should be addressed on a much wider discussion than just these particular compounds.
I was more taking issue with your Le Creux cookware than your induction hot plate.
They are refinery towns and you can smell things in the air.
Sorry. I wish you would have explained it to me.