But only because there is an actual limited and finite number of parking spots in any given area… unfortunately the less specialized a position is the greater number of people there are to take it… and with 8+ billion people on the earth odds are good you can be relatively easily replaced even at higher skill level jobs…
And FTR I am not justifying the poor wages of the working class (i.e. almost everyone who isn’t a boomer or a “rich” person)… but this comparison is a little foolish and fails at making the point the OP wanted to make… we’re stuck in Capitalism. Supply and demand. There can be no more parking spaces in certain places but we’re constantly making new people…
He specifically did his shows without ANY writing whatsoever… he could have written his own show but he didn’t write anything down. He didn’t get scab writers… he literally went out on set, and bullshitted with his co host and spun a bottle cap and in essence showed how trash shows are without writers… he did his show to prove a point… and he accomplished that…