"Morrowind has the best setting" "No skyrim is better"
Both sides are wrong. Oblivion music is peak
Shooter are both one of the most reactionary and shallow type of gamers, who doesnt understand satire as long as it looks "cool" enough so its unsusprising that many helldiver players are fascists, even though the satire couldnt be blatantly more obvious.
has dual wielding open world "streamlined" (no durability, virtually non existent boss runback) conjuration (spirit ashes) is easy mode
Elden ring is literally Skyrim 2
"Campist" is just as meaningless as "tankie"
Suzerain is really good, allows you to troll capitalista by nationalizing their businesses and then arresting them if they object. 10/10.
Anti semitic tsar glazers seeing communists turn the Russian empire from a backward serf state to a highly advanced nation with universal housing and healthcare: "THE COMMUNISTS DESTROYED RUSSIA"
All anti semites really wants is to be stepped on by white fascists lmao.
"To learn who rules you, see you cant critize" okay i guess child cancer patients rules the world.
"Lavender ai system" why does israel love gimmicky "high tech" things? Is israel full of genocidal techbros who really wants to make an even worse Sillicon Valley?
Indian Ocean 2004 Tsunami is fucking terrifying, it killed like more than 200k people.
I still cant get over that Amerikkka is clearly trying to pit Vietnam against China and globe emojis LOVES to talk about how Vietnam loves America only for Joe Biden to state "we must get our POWs back!", in that national vietnam veteran day or something.
National Vietnam Veteran Day? More like Loser Cope Day.
Duelling is just so funny to me. Grown rich men literally risking their life away (and often dying) because they dont want to be called unmanly by some bozo or something.
The swedish one especially, as apparently there was literally no class restriction on who can challenge so some peasant or berserker can literally get rich by duelling nobles and taking their homes.
Str melee builds arent that much harder than caster builds, big weapons do big damage and staggers many mobs including Malenia, and easily breaks enemies stance.
Only issue is slow attack speed but tbh you usually want to hit boss once then dodge anyway. Honestly dex without arcane bleed is harder.