Vampire Robot. Love me some B-roll.
It was right around the release of Star Wars Episode I, and the new pastor thought if he brought modern pop culture references into his sermon, maybe The Youths would sit up and pay attention.
The sermon was a whole thing about "being a Jedi Knight for God" and it was insufferable. I'm not sure time has ever gone by slower. I was twelve and absolutely not won over, I wanted to crawl out of the pew and die.
Rodeoh has a decent assortment if you want to see STPs from a bunch of different makers, as does Tool Shed
(Note: That $15 STP on Tool Shed may seem tempting, but it looks exactly like the one I got years ago at a local sex shop. It's hot trash, you're better off saving your money)
If it were me, I'd probably suggest the Junior or Willy STP on Rodeoh, mostly because I personally prefer that cup style and a smaller shaft. STPs tend to either have a diagonal-style cup, or a more horizontal-style cup, and I feel like I've had more success with the horizontal type, but maybe that's just me.
Axolom also has really good STPs, but they're going to cost more. I mentioned the Squire in my last comment, but since then they've the Godor and I'm pretty intrigued.
As for harness, I'd still suggest Cake Bandit. Rodeoh also has a similar STP jock, but I've never used it so I can't really vouch for it
#ea8917, I like a nice orange.
Bandle #695 5/6
Found: 123/125 (98.4%)
Current Daily Streak: 34 (max 34)
#Bandle #Heardle
I'm bad at anything from the past decade, and I'm especially bad at the soundtrack rounds, but I got there eventually.
Wordle 1,105 3/6*
Pretty similar outcome!
Last weekend I was in the final stages of selling my house and there was too much stuff to do to really relax. This weekend I'm not doing a dang thing, I'm gonna sit back and watch SGDQ or maybe the Olympics or something and play video games.
Wow, I have such a vivid memory of my elementary school music teacher telling us the exact same story.
We just need Flipsy as Bubastis
Wordle 1,099 6/6*
Wordle 1,098 3/6*
Looks great!