
joined 1 week ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago) (1 children)

Mir machen da die großen Demonstrationen aus Januar/Februar/März Hoffnung, die auf das Remigratiomstreffen folgten.

Ich glaube die Menge an Leuten die das mobilisiert hat - nämlich mal wirklich die Mitte der Gesellschaft, die sonst eher still ist, hält die CDU erstmal von einer Koalition mit der AFD fern. Da haben sich ja wirklich viele eindeutig gegen die AFD gestellt. Hätte es diese demos nicht gegeben sähe ich schwarz. Aber ein Jahr später ist noch zu heikel für die CDU, würde ich mal meinen.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 day ago

Du hast recht. Bahnfahrem ohne deutschlandticket ist inzwischen Luxus. Oder man fährt sehr viel so wie ich und kenntjeden gutscheinaktion, was dann wieder mit viel Zeitaufwand verbunden ist. Das sollte sich wirklich ändern. Spontan (morgen) zu meinen Eltern fahren (4h fahrt) kostet 180€. Völlig absurd.

Aber ich fahr trotzdem immer Bahn. Leider nie spontan. Aber es ist. Einfach die ebste Art zu reisen.

Und ich bin heilfroh über dasDeutschlanddticket weil meine Familie und freunde auf mehrere Bundesländer verteilt sind...

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 day ago

Das wäre wundervoll. Und laut Artikel war die Verteidigung nicht die beste.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago

I dont want to be part of toxic tipping culture but alsowanrt to be nice.

Therefore -if service was good- i would offer a coffe / fresh lemonade /cookiesb etc.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

For me, there are several very different good reasons. I write Them down in order they come to my mind not from imoortant to less important or vice versa.

  1. i dont want to be judged before met in Person

What do companies do before they hire you, banks that you ask for money etc. They look you up in the net before they meet you. Think they know you. No Chance to present yourself as you want it. Yes you can polish your social media but not all the hidden profiles they made of you...

  1. stalking

i once studied in a different country. Had 3 dates with someone i only realized then is weird and kindly ended dating. Then this person was stalking me for a year and only stopped thx to the police intervening after a lot of efford from my side. Luckily the person only had my email and phone contact and new which city I came from. I was SO glad Ive never been much on social media and stuff.. Cause this person would have come to my hometown, waiting in front of my university or whatever - even wrote so. But couldn't find out. Most of my friends back then had their address / favorite bars / university courses favorites places and everythign in the net. I was so scared back then i would have changed my entire life to be sure not to Meet this Person. Luckily i didnt have to cause my life was private. If you think stalking is very rare and you will not be affected look up the numbers. Its horryfying. For woman especially but also men. People dont talk about it but During that time when speaking to friends i suddenly knew 5 other people who had to deal with it already. Also nowadays these apps exist were you can take a picture of someone and search for that face in the Internet.... A stranger can do that and find all your photos/ social media etc and be there in your favorite bar every nicht.. Scary.

  1. data is power.

On the " i have nothing to hide" thing. Think of Google maps. They dont care where you go at all but by knowing where everyone goes they can predict traffic, give u alternative routes and theoretically they could also causetrafficb jams... :D while maps is useful they can do the same with any information. they are not interested in your political views but by knowing everyones political views they can predict and also direct them. This isnt theoretical its used in elections already. There was a scandal a few years ago about brexit ithinlk.

  1. i like to have control about myself

Sometimes i might even agree to share some data for something else but i am forced to it all the time and i have no control whats done with the data to whom its sold next etc. But its still my personal data ...

  1. governments/ laws change

Well i am german, actually from an eastgerman family. If my family teached me anything its that political systems can change very easily. My greatgrandparents, my grandparents, my Parents and i grew up in 4 different political systems, well actually 5 :D. Every system of those had different views of who is good and Bad And it was better they dont know everything about you...

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Stimme dir in allem zu.

Aber der Gegenkandidat war Trump. Der vorher gesagt hat dass es die letzte Wahl wird = Demokratie abschaffen. Ich weiß nicht. Wenn hier nur SPD und AFD zur Wahl stehen würden und ich der SPD null mehr vertraue weil sie immer was anderes machen als sie sagen und seit Jahren austauschbare establishment Kandidaten aufstellen die kein eigenes profil haben.... Dann wähle ich trotzdem nicht afd, sondern versuche die Demokratie zu retten und ne andere Partei zu pushen oder auf bessere Kandidaten beim nächsten mal zu hoffen oder so.

Es ist halt mega dumm dass sie dieses Wahlmänner und dadurch quasi 2 parteien system haben... Trotzdem hätte meiner Meinung nach jederr der bissl denken kann Trump verhindern müssen.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago

Das habe ich auch nicht so richtig verstanden warum. Aber Lindner / FDP habe ich noch nie verstanden....

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Wenn ich aus dem Baltikum wäre hätte ich jetzt richtig doll Angst. Beziehungsweise, mag ich das Baltikum sehr und habe jetzt sorge um die. Was stoppt Putin die als nächstes anzugreifenn wenn Trump die NATO nicht ernst nimmt?