At the height of my experimentation I had six drawers of different psychoactive botanicals running at once, plus a case for the bulky stuff. I’m not sure which are in each drawer specifically, but overall I sampled and documented the following (taken from the book’s contents page):
Ayahuasca, Cebil, Chaliponga Leaves, Fly Agaric, HBWS, Iboga, Magic Mushrooms, Magic Truffles, Morning Glory Seeds, Ololiuqui, Salvia, Sananga, San Pedro Cactus, Sinicuichi, Syrian Rue, Yopo
Betel Nut, Coca, Ephedra, Ginseng, Green Tea, Guarana, Guayusa, Horny Goat Weed, Khaini, Kola Nut, Wormwood, Yerba Mate, Yohimbe
Blue Lotus, Cacao, Catnip, Chamomile, Damiana, Frankincense, Hops, Imphepho, Indian Warrior, Kanna, Lavender, Maconha Brava, Marihuanilla, Mullein, Mulungu,Passion Flower, Rhodiola, Saffron, St. John's Wort, Skullcap, Valerian Root, White Sage, Wild Dagga, Wild Lettuce
Calea, Entada Rheedii, Mexican Tarragon, Mugwort, Ubulawu
Datura, Nutmeg
Cannabis, Kava Kava, Kratom, Mad Honey, Mapacho, Opium, Rapé, Sakae Naa, Tobacco.
As you would probably expect, many of these produced positive experiences; in fact some were astonishing in nature. Others however were relatively bland, with a few being truly horrendous, and indeed, traumatic.
Something I did learn early was that the need for a harm reduction process didn’t just apply to my chemical journey: due diligence and proper research are essential pre-requisites for all forms of psychoactive exploration. I burned myself too often. Stay Safe.
Thank you. Sharing is caring and it makes a massive difference. :-)