[-] [email protected] 7 points 4 months ago

Second semifinals are today and I kinda hope there will be a riot going on in Malmö. Or at least make sure the EBU has to make more statements tomorrow

[-] [email protected] 48 points 5 months ago

I think the greenery in these pictures is doing quite a bit of lifting. Brutalist buildings without plants are less fun to look at

[-] [email protected] 19 points 5 months ago

that wasn't my intention

Ironically, by saying that you're just doing The Thing again

[-] [email protected] 23 points 5 months ago

Short for Just Asking Questions. Where people ask loaded questions that act as a veneer to their actual statements. If you want to accuse them of the fact they are talking shit, they'll say they're "just skeptical" and "asking questions"

[-] [email protected] 8 points 7 months ago

Thunderbird has matrix support now? 🤯

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[-] [email protected] 13 points 8 months ago

Count this comment as irrelevant if you will, but I think one of the biggest missed opportunities of EGS is mod support. They have this world-class game engine, and they do so little with it. Maybe it is because of Unreal Tournament 4 failing to take off. Maybe they think just hamfisting a bunch of this modding stuff into Fortnite is all they need, but still I feel like the EGS version of the steam workshop is an open goal. Hell, with the money they're saving from pawning off Bandcamp you can even buy off mod.io to get support for virtually no work at all. Like why hasn't this happened yet?

[-] [email protected] 21 points 9 months ago

Right now people are theorizing 2 possible coalitions, the first one is PVV - NSC - VVD and the other one is GLPVDA - NSC - VVD - D66. This means we're either getting a far-right populist as the prime minister or we are getting a coalition that will get us absolutely nowhere and will change nothing from the status quo, while also likely destroying leftist support even more because of how little to coalition will be capable of vs. what the leftist party (GLPVDA) promised

We're not doing okay

Het woord "Noch" (feddit.nl)
submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Ok dus ik ben net naar het toilet geweest en er schiet me opeens een brandende vraag naar binnen: Hoe gebruiken jullie het woord "noch"? Ik heb het namelijk in meerdere vormen gezien en vroeg me af of er een correcte versie is.

De versies die ik eerder heb gezien zijn:

  • Ik heb het een noch het andere gedaan
  • Ik heb niet het een noch het andere gedaan
  • Ik heb niet het een noch niet het andere gedaan
  • (Ik heb het ene niet gedaan en het andere ook niet gedaan) (sommige mensen gebruiken het woord "noch" gewoon niet)

Ik ben persoonlijk voorstander van versie 2, aangezien het duidelijk een opsomming van ontkenningen aanduidt, maar ik vraag me af of er mensen zijn die er andere gedachtes over hebben

[-] [email protected] 45 points 1 year ago

Whatever metric they use to track installs has to prevent abuse like this

I would be eagerly awaiting a follow-up response from unity from this, because as it stands right now, consensus among gamedev circles is that unity won't prevent abuse at all, which is just awful for multiple groups of people.

  • someone paying for your game and then re-downloading it every hour would cost you $144 a month
  • someone paying for your game and then re-downloading it every 5 minutes would cost you $1728 a month
  • web games exist, and if the Unity Runtime Download metric is used there, well, that is going to be an expensive bill for anyone putting any sense of monetization in their web game
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

So today Unity announced changes in how they are going to monetize their game engine, and it is, rightfully might I add, poorly recieved Here is how much youtuber Dani would have to pay unity if they consider his games to gain over $200k in revenue Dani's hypothetical unity payments

Now I don't know how much tracking crackers and re-packers remove from the games getting cracked, but if unity were to count cracked games as a valid install (and they will count every install of a game they are aware of), thn piracy could seriously bankrupt indie devs. Like, not just losing them revenue, but actively losing them money. While piracy is already in an ethical grey area, I think that is just a bit too much. So, I want to raise awareness of this, and with it I have 2 questions to ask:

  • Do the people that crack games make sure to remove the ability of unity tracking cracked installs?
  • If the answer to the previous question is "no", how do we make them aware of the fact that it is probably for the better if they do this?
[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago

I had almost forgotten about the bad reddit habits when I first made the transition to Lemmy due to being on mostly less popular subs, so I was kinda expecting a tildeverse.org experience when getting here.

Sadly I got reminded of the fact this is a reddit exodus when people kept talking about spez here, and how reddit so shit now, and how Lemmy is superior and just the general sense of everyone patting each other on the back and you know, Lemmy circlejerk.

I didn't join Lemmy just for it to become reddit again :c

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I think, especially in programming language communities, that there tends to be a preference towards making a static language for their compile time guarantees, and this is a pretty concrete counterargument as to why people find dynamic languages "easier to program in"

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

Yes but actually not by much, [email protected] has 37.7k subscribers, which is their biggest community

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago

Wendy's tried to get into the Netherlands, but couldn't, because there was already a snackbar (think small fastfood place but greasier) that was registered under the name "Wendy's" at the chamber of commerce. This spawned a lawsuit. You had Wendy's, a local snackbar who claimed rights to the name because they were already established, and Wendy's, a franchise coming from America. They claimed right to the name because they were a franchise, and not just a single fastfood joint.

To solve this issue, the local snackbar opened up a second location, making local Wendy's a franchise, and winning them the lawsuit

[-] [email protected] 17 points 1 year ago

For anyone interested, there is a forum thread which is the closest thing we have to a live blog, along with the thread author's opinions on how veritable the claims of each party currently known to try and replicate the study are.

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