Next thing you know he'll be banning mooslums
Disconnect your router's connection to your Internet service provider, and then ping another device in your house. You are now on the dark web
I'm wondering if a crazy straw was tested...for safety
About halfway through I got a headache and had to lay down
"Please do the needful"
Anecdotally, I had good experiences with my Xperia Z3 and Z5 compact phones. They were the only small form-factor phones with waterproofing I could find at the time, the cameras had high frame rates for slow motion, and weren't painfully difficult to root and get rid of some UI annoyances.
If u are being force fed corn against your will respond with a 🌽 emoji
These polls also don't sample people who use call screening (Google Voice for me) to ask unknown callers to say their name, because this breaks most robodialers.