[-] [email protected] -3 points 2 days ago

I'm a little puzzled by the down votes for MBFC. You can still be upset at Israel for everything going on in Gaza and the West Bank and also accept the fact that maybe, just maybe, their actions where justified at this compound in Syria (stopped clocks telling the correct time twice a day and all that...).

[-] [email protected] -1 points 2 days ago

"Scientific Studies and Research Center" is the Syrian Umbrella organization responsible for biological and chemical weapons research facilities across Syria. This specific facility was designed for missile manufacture and assembly.


[-] [email protected] 5 points 4 days ago

My history teach said the multiple wives thing displeased their non-Mormon neighbors.

[-] [email protected] 12 points 1 month ago

Russian values? I assume he means rape, murder, theft and rape.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 month ago

"But from the perspective of a coherent story in a coherent world, ignoring the success in terms of sales, it was cobbled together without a plan, and it shows. It wasn’t until maybe order of the phoenix that she had a plan for how the story would end, and she had to do a lot of hand waving to make it happen."

"But she wasn’t a good writer. She was mid tier at best. So the eventual success of the series got beyond her abilities. While the last book was much better overall than the first few, it still relied on shoddy world building"

Excellent explanation. The first HP book is excellent. It really sucks you in. After book 4, the quality declines and they become slogs to get through.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago

This simplest explanation is that JKR isn't a very good writer. She came up with an idea "I'll give hard working and ambitious Hermione a time travel device so that she can take more classes in the same amount of time" without thinking deeply about the implications of allowing time travel to exist in the universe of Harry Potter.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago

That is a big leap from slide 2 to slide 3. As Broton33 says, one central authority will never have perfect information across the entire market and thus will not "maximally optimize each supply/demand connection".

Centralized planning has been tried many, many times in the past 100+ years and it has failed miserably every time. Computers and the Internet won't make it work any better, if tried again in the 21st century, either.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago

I think the DEA is the only entity at the Federal level that cares about marijuana. Drug warriors are gonna drug war.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 2 months ago

I found the first part where the guy was digging in the rubble, then later searching the tunnel to be inconclusive. I couldn't tell who or what was going on.

However, the second part, where the guy is handcuffed in his underwear, surrounded by soldiers, then later on it looks like the same guy being herded through a building... that doesn't look good. Someone below mentioned a possible prisoner swap. I don't think prisoner swaps are handled like that.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 3 months ago

My father-in-law got a Master's Degree in Computer Science 30 years ago. IIRC, it was heavy in C programming and involved typical CS fare like algorithms, pointers, sorting, data structures, etc. He was a high school math teacher at the time (he's now retired). He took the classes mostly because he enjoyed learning.

I did ok during the Dos/Windows 95 era, but as time went on, he seemed less and less able to solve his own computer problems. He can't even Google a problem effectively (or even remember to try to Google his problem).

Most recently, I had to hold his hand while he bought a new computer at Best Buy and then further hold his hand as he went through, step by step, the Windows 11 installation/first time start up process.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 4 months ago

I once read a sci-fi story (I don't recall the title) that posed the same question you are asking. The short answer is "Historians would want to revive at least some of the frozen".

Also, assuming mass media entertainment still exists in the future, I can see a reality show being created where someone is revived and cameras follow him around as he tries to adapt to the future.

[-] [email protected] 24 points 5 months ago

Could it be that not as many potential serial killers are being born? I believe there is a link between criminality and childhood abuse. Less unwanted kids are being born. Less abuse. Less criminals of all kinds, including serial killers.

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