
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago (2 children)

Thanks for contributing to the conversation.

I don't really care which neoliberal slimebag your DNC picks, as long as your public doesn't vote in the criminal orange orangutan again, because that has a big impact on the rest of us, too.

Biden has some serious baggage at this point. So someone please explain to brain-dead me why the him stepping down at the last feasible moment for someone more electable is so preposterous.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

They knew of the plans for more than a year beforehand and poo-pooed them, saying Hamas couldn't pull it off.

And if they did? Useful.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 9 months ago

Selling them $150M worth of weapons is pressure, eh?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 months ago

That's because your grocery bill is the result of the FREE MARKET™, which automatically means it is the correct price. And if it's not the correct price, it will be once INVISIBLE HAND™ lays it's sacred touch upon them, which will be very soon. And if it isn't very soon its only because not enough HARD WORKING ENTREPRENEURS™ have realized the AMERICAN DREAM™ and how very dare you question the process you COMMIE PINKO™

Government intervention is only for NATIONAL INTERESTS™ and the nation is not interested in your grocery bill, peasant! I hope Satan brought you some Ayn Rand books for Christmas!!

Seriously, though: even if he wanted to, Biden could not change the laissez-faire capitalist dumpster fire sold to America by economic witch doctors like Milton Friedman and Alan Greenspan. The resulting class system is too entrenched. The most realistic solution to me seems to be to partition the country, like India. But instead of Hindus and Muslims, you'll partition along the lines of anarcho-capitalists and people who aren't in a death cult.

Apologies to real witch doctors everywhere.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

There's still time. You don't have to settle for second.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 9 months ago

Look, you're entitled to your opinion but I think it's a bit Kansocentric.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I wish I could say I was surprised by your nihilistic attitude, at your presumed age, but it's sadly all too common. As I've gotten older and watched the world I have become more convinced of the importance of international order, not less.

To be perfectly clear, and as I've repeatedly explained, attitudes like the one you're demonstrating are the essential reason why things are going downhill. To you and everyone like you: Stop acting like an angry 17 year old who just read Ayn Rand. Grow up.

I do think that religion holds us back -- but I'm trying to understand your use of the sarcasm tag. Is the god you worship the military industrial complex and nationalistic exceptionalism? Do you worship The Bomb? Your unquestioning faith in your 'reality' seems like a kind of religious fervor.

I am surprised that you've continued the conversation for so long without providing anything of substance. Your faith must be unshakeable.

You seem to have an honest belief in international law and humanity.

You say Islam is a death cult, but have you heard yourself?

[–] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (2 children)

I am also old enough to remember Rwanda. It reflected a failure of intervention, not the irrelevance of international law. Do you remember the ICTR? Do you remember Jean Kambanda, Colonel Theoneste Bagosora, Georges Rutaganda, Pauline Nyiramasuhuko and the ~60 others indicted for war crimes, many of whom are serving life sentences or have died in prison? You seem to misunderstand how international law -- or any law -- works. Laws don't stop criminals from doing crimes, it punishes them for doing crimes.

How about the Special Court for Sierra Leone, which marked the first time a head of state was held accountable by an international court for war crimes? Where's Charles Taylor now? Rotting in a cell in the UK, that's where.

Slobodan Milosevic croaked in a cell before his trial was over, but that's another example of international law holding a leader accountable.

Bibi and his cadre of warmongers will have their turn, but that's cold comfort to those whose world has ended because their extremist government poked a psychopathic, rage-fueled bear. And before you tell me "they elected them," no they didn't. At least half of the people in gaza are too young to vote. Israel is literally dropping bombs on children.

claims about Israel being on colonized land is bullshit rhetoric that doesn’t deserve respect.

Oh, is THAT why you haven't provided any rebuttals?

You have an opinion and you are welcome to it, but I have backed up my opinion with examples which you have not disputed in any meaningful way.

At the end of the day my positions are this. Israel has a right to exist. Palestine never existed. Arabs lost every war ever fought. Losers don’t get to dictate terms.

Your position is brutal and reductive. The 'might makes right' attitude is regressive because it perpetuates ongoing conflict and instability, it promotes the idea that conflicts are resolved through dominance rather than negotiation, it frequently leads to the suppression of human rights and freedoms, as the ruling power prioritizes maintaining control over respecting individual rights. In short, it neglects the principles of justice, equality, and sustainable peace, leading to long-term negative consequences both domestically and internationally.

You say religion is a cancer. How ironic that positions like yours are a big reason why it can be a cancer.

Your views on Arab participation in peace processes are similarly reductive. Israel has similarly rejected Palestinian proposals, for example the Camp David Summit, the Taba Talks and the Arab Peace Initiative.

Lastly, your characterization of Islam reeks of bigotry. Extremism does not define an entire religion, and Islam is practiced by about a quarter of the world's population -- if a significant portion wanted to "wipe out the non-believers," the world would be a very different place than it is. Such generalizations hinder constructive dialogue and perpetuate hate.

Speaking from my own perspective as someone lucky enough to grow up in a large, multi-cultural city, your statements about Islam hold exactly no water. I'm an atheist. Is 'killing the non-believers' done by inviting them to Iftar dinner? By inviting a Rabbi to speak at Iftar dinner about the sacredness of peace and how fortunate we are to live in a peaceful society? It's clear to me that you have no idea about Muslims. I, on the other hand, have a few Muslim friends and colleagues. I even drink beer and smoke shisha with one, even though it's haram. Like every other religion, practitioners exist on a continuum. Like every other religion there are bad people who use it to justify bad actions. Religion is just one of many pretexts bad people use to justify atrocious behaviour. 'National security' is another big one.

What else have you got?

#gaza #gazagenocide #palestine #freepalestine🇵🇸

[–] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (4 children)

I'm only too happy to oblige you!

Most respected the warning and moved to safer areas hence the lower civilian death toll. Would you rather they stay and die? Displacement isn’t always a bad thing.

"Lower civilian death toll" whatever the hell that means...

The notion that displacement is somehow a lesser evil compared to immediate civilian casualties is a gross oversimplification. Displacement not only uproots families but results in chronic poverty, lack of access to education, and enduring psychological trauma. It is an aspect of genocide according to the UN Convention that Israel ratified.

You mean Hamas bases? As many as they need to.

Casually labeling hospitals as 'Hamas bases' without incontrovertible proof undermines the principles of accountability and due process. Hospitals are protected under international law, and their destruction has dire consequences for civilian access to healthcare, particularly in conflict zones. This is another aspect of genocide. Israel has a long history of flouting international law.

The goal is to eliminate Hamas. Proportinality isn’t a thing here. This will take months and Israel will sweep up and down the entire Gaza strip as needed.

International humanitarian law emphasizes that military actions must be proportional to the military advantage gained, to prevent excessive civilian harm. Disregarding proportionality has resulted in widespread civilian casualties and will escalate the conflict, leading to cycles of retaliation and further instability.

I wouldn’t be so sure. Israel doesn’t acknowledge their nukes and plays by it’s own rules. A first strike option is on the table.

But I thought the 'beauty' of Israel having nuclear weapons is that they won't need to use them? Now you suggest a first strike option. So they'll preemptively crap in their own bed?

And we already know Israel 'plays by their own rules.' That's the fucking problem. That's why they're in this situation.

Oh come the fuck on. Colony my ass, the Jews have been there for thousands of years.

As have Palestinians. Israel refers to these colonies as "settlements" but they are illegal settlements, under international law. How illegal? Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention states, "The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies." The international community generally considers the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip as occupied territories, and therefore, the Israeli settlements are seen as a violation of this clause.

The United Nations Security Council passed several resolutions affirming that Israel's settlement activities in the occupied territories are illegal. For example, Resolution 242 calls for the withdrawal of Israeli armed forces from territories occupied in the Six-Day War of 1967, and Resolution 2334 states that Israel's settlement activity constitutes a "flagrant violation" of international law and has "no legal validity."

In 2004, the ICJ issued an advisory opinion stating that the construction of the West Bank barrier by Israel, and by extension the settlements, violated international law.

The 'settlements' are an obstacle to the peace process because they involve the appropriation of land and resources that could be part of a future Palestinian state. Their expansion is seen as prejudicing the outcome of negotiations on the final status of the territories. Hence, they are seen as part of a process to colonize the area. Hence 'colonies.'

Now, I could be wrong but you strike me as the sort who doesn't put much weight behind international law.

Holding onto regressive attitudes not only hinders conflict resolution but also fails to recognize the progress humanity has made in understanding and upholding human rights.

If the Objibwa tribe mounted an attack on my people now they’d be eradicated and no one would balk. The moment passed for atacks, we are here now and not going anywhere.

It’s time Palestine accept that as well because if they can’t they’ll be living in refugee camps permanently.

The genocidal actions against Native Americans centuries ago are widely recognized as a dark and shameful chapter in your country's history. Not a good benchmark for contemporary conflict resolution. It's regressive and implies a tolerance for such atrocities. Those moral and ethical standards belong in the 1700s. Do you also believe women should be denied the vote and that African Americans should still be enslaved?

#gaza #gazagenocide #palestine #freepalestine

[–] [email protected] 0 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Is the genocide in the room with you right now?

What does that even mean?

As you are surely aware, I didn't come up with those hashtags, they're prevalent online. I'm sure you're also aware that people can search platforms by hashtag and find posts like mine. They'll find my statistics and arguments and your non-responses.

#gaza #gazagenocide #palestine #freepalestine

[–] [email protected] 1 points 9 months ago

"It sure would be a shame if anything happened to that nice country of yours..."

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