[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

I'm gonna snap the Unexpected Keyboard, it's been a while since I tried it but it's time for something different and less dated.πŸˆβ€β¬›

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

....Usually the case. I concur. πŸˆβ€β¬›

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

:) Not offended, No worries. I agree on every single thing your stating, that is IF Meta lets Threads follow the path of Instagram and Facebook however here we all play by different rules, this network is built on a common sense approach and propaganda won't fly in the Fedi'V and Meta will either have to get on board or go on-board Threads somewhere in the MetaVerse, BUT...the new users of Threads most likely downloaded the app because they were seeking refuge from the ignorance on Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Twitter and others...if those users are exposed, even to the regulated version via Threads, to the FediVerse, many will switch from Threads, some may not, but many will. New users who can join this server and others, to mod, to build to make this better than the lording cooperate giants. Also if Meta is driven away and the userbase remains and scales the FediVerse soon media will pick up on what a people with a common goal can do if they look past presumptions, race, sex, politics...etc. That in and of itself would not only be a win here in our little Lemmy instance but the entire world. It only takes a spark to ignite an inferno. πŸ”₯πŸˆβ€β¬›

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

That I cannot argue that, nor would I, I'm not here to defend Meta at all (gross). I'm only glad to see the userbase grow. This may be a very bad move for 'Team Zuckerberg'. People are curious, once they start asking others and peeping into the Fediverse world they'll pack there bags and bail on Meta...not all but many will. I know Meta isn't allowing full reach on launch by omitting or moderating federated feeds and it won't be long till users will realize they're behind a wall. If Threads begins life as moderated and regulated as Instagram and Facebook users will see no point in it. Consider LinkedIn and Twitter, it'll be stowed into that lack-luster category that no one truly cares to be part of and for good reason. If Meta attempts to impose their rules, Threads will fail and they will shuffle back into the MetaVerse with their tail between their legs...BUT not all the users will follow, there will be those that stay and help scale the Fediverse even more or build upon what is already becoming an amazing server, right here. Looking forward it seems more like a win-win for everyone and the Fedi'V, but we shall see.... πŸˆβ€β¬›

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

No it will not support federation for a while. It's also not available in several countries including the EU. Meta's may have got their user base all fired up for something that may very well fizzle out and die. That's okay, I care not about Meta however those that get a feel for the Fediverse and become familiar may make the decision to relocate permanently, leaving such disdain that is now Reddit and others, even Meta. πŸˆβ€β¬›

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

This I can agree with, no one wants Meta's rules and regs. Of course, no one has to join Threads. Meta cannot impose any real rules on this entire network or even other solo servers. Threads WILL bring many who have never considered this network, this means more people who will build and help this platform grow. Many new developers could a great asset to the network. No one will allow Meta impose their rules and regs on the entire network. Here's how this will play out...people that see how the Fed. works, although they may be part of Meta's Threads they see they're lorded over by Meta's policies and will see how free and open the Fed. is and cut ties with Meta to find true freedom here or some other server, perhaps build their own, regardless...we have nothing to worry about, Meta on the other hand...meh, we shall see. πŸˆβ€β¬›

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

My apologies 'moop' isn't part of my vocabulary...try 'Urban Dic." ...We have alternate views. It's okay, live and learn, here's just a small list of the benefits to current users:

  • Interoperability: The integration of Threads with the Fediverse fosters interoperability, allowing users from different platforms to engage seamlessly without absurd rules/regs lording over the posts that users can view across ActivityPub.
  • No walled garden: Despite these servers having their own unique set of rules and policies, each would be able to communicate with each other bringing many unaware of the Fediverse together and creating a larger more stable user base.
  • More freedom: Systems built upon the foundations of ActivityPub collectively form the Fediverse. Right now, Threads exists as a social media platform like
    Instagram or Facebook. But in the here, it would exist like a server, among hundreds of other servers.
  • Impactful moderation: As a large platform, Threads blocking hate speech could be quite impactful socially, ridding nonsense which has now became the Reddit norm.Those that oppose this can seek refuge on 4chan πŸ€ where the nonsense is Welcomed.

The only true concerns one would have is those that use Threads and unfamiliar with ActivityPub. Compliance, moderation, and privacy concerns being the focus. This is what those that are already part of Mastadon, ActivityPub...The Fedi'V already became accustomed to. Privacy is always a concern no matter the platform deducing the real concerns to compliance and moderation which anyone forking from Instagram will already be accustomed to Meta's rules and regs.

Facts, let's stick to those, shall we? πŸˆβ€β¬›

Welcome! (wirebase.org)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

For the new ppl here to the community, just wanna say welcome! This is an exciting time to find your way to the Fediverse. It's a massive network and has potential to be even larger. I see so many new and interesting communities pop up daily with members that are here to share knowledge and collaborate with others as well simply be social and chat, even large social platforms are now finding their way to the Fediverse as well.

Threads by Instagram/Facebook is now part of this huge space. This is a great thing, I feel with large social platforms finding their way here network stability will increase. There's some cons to this too. We all know when big business moves to town the ads come as well. What is everyone's thoughts on this? πŸˆβ€β¬›

Great New Linux Tool (wirebase.org)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The GNOME Project has a an amazing new tool, Warp. It is similar to Warpinator however I find it integrates much better and even with Windows.

Warp allows you to securely send files to each other via the internet or local network by exchanging a word-based code.

The best transfer method will be determined using the β€œMagic Wormhole” protocol which includes local network transfer if possible.


  • Send files between multiple devices
  • Every file transfer is encrypted
  • Directly transfer files on the local network if possible
  • An internet connection is required
  • QR Code support
  • Compatibility with the Magic Wormhole command line client and all other compatible apps

For all Android users, you can get the app Wormhole and use Warp to transfer files, documents, photos and more. Family, friends, and colleagues as well can download the app and share the same. Remember to always practice good security and never accept files from those your unfamiliar with and thus far this tool has been extremely beneficial. Its of course Free Open Source Software (FOSS) however if you find it useful and enjoy it, its good practice to toss the devs some love with a donation so they continue to make great useful and free software for everyone.

Here is the link if you would like to download it yourself and give it a spin: https://apps.gnome.org/app/app.drey.Warp πŸˆβ€β¬›

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Frida should be a very helpful toolbox for anyone interested in dynamic instrumentation and/or reverse-engineering. There are now language bindings for Node.js, Python, Swift, .NET, Qt/Qml, Go, and it is also possible to use Frida from C.


[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

FOSS in programs and appliances are OPEN SOURCE for a reason, consider many to be 'models' used to build upon. Your reason's are factual down to the specific applications/programs however try appending a new function in MSO or adding your on embeddings in Adobe to change the scaling. For those looking to make their programs work for them and have some experience in programming and time, FOSS is perfect to do so, others that use these apps and haven't the time to dedicate to customize features, import their own libs and assets and don't mind paying for it, indeed that may be the better option. πŸˆβ€β¬›

STaTe of APoLLo (wirebase.org)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]


JuSt My ThOuGhts....🐈

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

https://github.com/pygame/stuntcat This is a silly, yet entertaining, fork of py.game in the GitHub community and for those looking to just build upon their python skills and build something entertaining you can fetch the code and begin. Also if your just looking to play around with this model its available to play as well. πŸˆβ€β¬›

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Samy is a legend and still makes waves in the hacking space. He's co-founder of OpenSource Securtiy and his Github has plenty to keep someone interested and busy applying and honing their skills. SkyJack is one of my personal faves, using drones to hijack other drones as well as wireless mice and keyboards from a distance then remotely breaching the connected PC. This is just one of the many projects in his repo. Go check it out and have fun...responsibly. πŸˆβ€β¬›

LaTe NiGhT ViBe (wirebase.org)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

There are those that say a picture is worth a thousand words...meh, I require only two...for those interested you can help Christian (Apollo app) refund the yearly premium subscribers of Apollo by getting what may be the last of Apollo merch here https://cottonbureau.com/people/apollo also you can apply the promo RIPAPOLLO for a 10% discount. I'm as of now unsure how to support the devs and Narwhal community but there are talks on various forums, once I find out more I will post the info here. Much respect to those that stand with and contribute to this irrational move by Huffman. πŸˆβ€β¬›

NoT WrOnG (www.staygrounded.online)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I just checked the and noticed Polygon has been steadily decreasing in value since Huffman's ridiculous price for use of the API....well ya know. Now for the creators there their once valuable avatar NFT's are slowly beginning to take a tumble and feel the heat as well.

Thought this article was quite fitting. Also I noticed Christian from Apollo has got some Apollo merch for sale at a discount to cover refunds to the Apollo app premium members. Use promo code RIPAPOLLO and you get 10% off at his site. I find this truly bad for the platform and don't see it recovering anytime in the near future. Its good to have another platform (here) and kickstart something that I hope to see go mainstream and be a wonderful and valuable asset to others. πŸˆβ€β¬›

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Huffman....Missed the genius bar by a landslide that one. πŸˆβ€β¬›

[-] [email protected] 13 points 1 year ago

Agreed. Mercedes and others of EV vehicles now "rent" you horsepower. For a extra fee your car's horsepower won't be throttled or limited. Ahhh technology....we've came so far. πŸˆβ€β¬›

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Before beginning this post personal preference is the end result. However that's not what this post is about, rather its to share thoughts and experiences using either or both these distros.

I'm not biased, in fact, I use many many pen-testing distributions (Arch, RedHat, Athena, Kali and yes Parrot).

Here are my findings as well as others:

  1. Kali is more stable, reliable, and often faster ***
  2. Kali is just as versatile as Parrot from Live USB to the large Everything pkg
  3. Kali has more support than Parrot

*** Recently a poll was conducted and other pen-testers voiced that they too found Kali to be more stable, reliable, and faster. If you do any search to confirm this you'll find the results stating Parrot to be just as fast. This isn't the case in the field. 🐲

The poll also ranked the best pen-testing hacking distos. Kali took first. Parrot beat my beloved BlackArch which now with Windows integration of WSL fell to Windows and came in dead last.

Regardless, a poll isn't a reliable nor valid confirmation of facts. Parrot has a much smaller footprint and uses much less resources. Parrot comes fully stacked with tools and is more fluid as a daily driver than Kali. It's a "pretty" OS and for those that like the rich and dynamic colors on their OS and even in their terminal with many customizations on deck, Parrot has that covered. 🦜

What is YOUR opinion/thoughts/experience?

[-] [email protected] 14 points 1 year ago

Perhaps we can learn from this. As I raised my whiskers from r/programming as it went dark and as took in the Reddit landscape. I dare convey the disgust of my view and what once was a fairly decent host of valid servers covering meaningful content and topics has became home to some of the foulest users and mods alike, hosting some of the most absurd and leud servers. Looking for another habitat for this ole cat, I found none.... r/programming is still down but even if it opens the doors under new moderation, I will not be returning as those that made the subreddit what it was will not be there, thus they may as well parse it with r/programminghumor and be done with it.

I am glad to see other programmers like @tyfi take a stand as well and break ground here. I'm hopeful for this small community. πŸˆβ€β¬›

[-] [email protected] 11 points 1 year ago

Irrefutable. πŸˆβ€β¬›

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

We're back...kick rocks Steve Huffman!

Now for this much better and inviting community:

To Exit Vim <:q!> ...Your Welcome ;-P πŸˆβ€β¬›

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joined 1 year ago