[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago


  • 以前逛街 走过路过别错过,一块两块三块五块,进来看看
  • 以后逛街 。。。 黄昏凌晨无时无刻,就是无人,古代人称鬼城¿ (好吧,也叫魔法城)


[-] [email protected] 4 points 1 year ago

Last time we had a serious deflationary run we ended up with a handful of obscenely wealthy robber barons and a world war.

Should we at least, differentiate deflation due to technologies, deflation due to stagnant economy and "price slashing" and those desperation crimes?

We should acknowledge deflation due to technology, right?

Couple it with no "passive income" pumping money for the "rich reservoirs", overall prices gets cheaper in line with everyone's active earning? (All it takes is remove the "passive income economy" that generates nothing but "financing". Tax/donations does the same, without interest being created?

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago

I'm no scholar of science (like scholar of religion), but I think science allow ordinary people to share science understanding.

So about the COVID vaccines, I'll just say, chickenpox vaccines stopped deaths from smallpox. So, COVID vaccines will stop deaths from COVID. And anyone can come at me with better facts and numbers.

But religion just disallow all discussions, only scholar can do teachings. This one sided teaching, doesn't allow fact checking, hence the stupid me won't believe easily. (We living in this era should not be easily believe everything to avoid scam, so it's just an unbiased practice of scepticism, nothing personal against religion) I think.

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

For the example of "clairvoyance" into future, does that mean anyone or thing coincidentally exhibit "clairvoyance" becomes something holy?

So to say, we appreciate supernatural beings, but we don't follow everything else beside that "clairvoyance" ability?

Let say everything bound to happen, even superbeings can't change it. Then we have option to try prescribed method or science method, to deal with such arrangement. No harm trying, since even god doesn't want to change the bad things away, anyways, right. Might as well die trying the science ways. If such, what else left for people to follow those teachings, if they don't want to explain such teachings' reasons? Right?

Just my thoughts...

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

If you borrow a million dollars from the bank to build a house and then in five years that house is worth half a million…

I don't understand much. What so bad about house losing value, if we never intended it as capitalistic investment?

Everything suppose to be "utilitarian" basis instead of ever-inflating "profit" basis that hurt majority, no?

Just my curiosity why deflation is a bad thing, other than monetary incentive system broke down and no one working (right now, monetary system still broke down on opposite spectrum due to purchasing power collapse, I assume?)

Edit: clarification

Profitable or not, a house is a shelter, not renting or trading item? (This is what I meant by capitalistic mindset, not about corporation, but the very profit mindset of human.)

Edit2: clarification2

Yes, same opinion on investment and passive income. All capitalistic nature. Impossible to earn passively unless someone or some machine enslaved, right? Yet everyone love passive income idea so much, pumping profit everywhere, more money more inflation, no? In the past, people might save years to a house, now, people earn endless passive income to no house, I think that's the very reason to it. Passive income is somehow bad. (Not to be mixed with voluntary welfare system, passive income is auto sucking involuntarily, iinm)

Edit3: clarification3

So about the house worth dropping. In bookkeeping, historical cost don't drop. However, future value inflation exist thanks to "profit future inflation". So, we still have to settle book value of loan, I don't get it how the value dropped though? A liability is a liability, not to be messed with "~~inflating~~ fluctuating market value", no?

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

Labour-less advancement. Human pass down centuries of advancement in languages.

  • Version 1: Rough input labour steps automation, in restrictive detail.
  • Version 2: Multiple labour steps input compiled, in restrictive choice. (Less supervise command)
  • Version 3: Task automation. (Communicate wish, whole labour compilations taken care; no production supervise input, only output demands)

The automation gone from "multiple coffee gadgets" to "1 standard coffee button" to "a warm coffee of less sugar request". (Now, where are human's place in this picture? A balloon human such in Wall-E movie?)

[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

I started wondering if I missed out a world where stuff comes free. (Although this doesn't stop me from hating irrelevant "sales pushing" efforts. I think most people just hate the irrelevant part, hopefully)

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Web should not depend on ads


there is such thing as a free launch, in a gift economy.


Let's come back to reality, where everyone have to work for a living. Everything needs payments exchange. The advertisement is one of the payment alternative than, donation, taxing, funding, etc. Even gift, you should notice gift comes with company logos, a form of advertisement not so much different from digital sponsorships.

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

交通甚至级别可以分为 (开玩笑):

  • 错综复杂 (上下左右都是路)
  • 四通八达 (一路往左去A城,一路往右去B城)
  • 爬山涉水 (走啊走,走啊走,山穷水尽疑无路,柳暗花明又一村)
  • 路在脚下 (没路吗?我就是路!)
[-] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

好有杀气的地名,要是漫画搞个武侠村庄都这样命名,我还会在想这村庄的起源和它的镇国法宝之类。也算是二元世界的精彩题材。再现江湖争霸历史(漫画) 🤩

[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)
三轮车 跑得快
要五毛 给一块




[-] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)




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