[-] [email protected] 41 points 5 months ago

you joke, but...

I found a thread for this in a Harley-Davidson forum and one of the responses opened with

They can't even figure out what gender they want to be.
They don't know how to drive a manual.

beyond parody

[-] [email protected] 44 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

motorcycles geordi-no

bicycles geordi-yes

also ngl I thought this was fake, but regardless of whether it is or not this Harley forum was eating it up.

One of my favorite exchanges:

what i think would attract the younger riders into buying is show sexy young women posing on the bikes in there advertisements...

nope. Have to make an app for it, and showcase it in a video game. These youngsters wouldnt know what to do with a good woman if she sat on their faces.

the absolute state of boomerbrains

[-] [email protected] 44 points 5 months ago

che-poggers Hell yeah!

Ngl, I think I remember seeing the first action mentioned when it got posted here and thought it was awesome but the pessimist in me thought, "Well, they'll be up and running again in no time." Amazing job by PA for never letting up until they got results!

submitted 5 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This song is somehow simultaneously paint-by-numbers generic anisong #136 and a total banger. Been jamming to it ever since the anime started airing and the full versions just dropped today to coincide with the final episode of the anime!

Honestly, paint-by-numbers is a little harsh; I think it sounds like that at first blush since it doesn't do anything particularly innovative—Cry Baby, it's not (there are English subs!)—but it's well-written and blends a lot of typical J-pop tropes in just the right way such that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. I love that they did a bunch of different versions--the piano one really allows you to appreciate the voice leading, while the acoustic guitar one emphasizes the rhythmic elements. Maybe it's just because it executes something really well that I'm a sucker for: taking the same melody and recontextualizing it by changing the underlying harmony (the first melodic motif in the chorus is repeated three times, and each time it gets different chord changes!). And the hook is such an earworm:


submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Ever since I got introduced to the joys of Minesweeper by Girl_DM_ I've been having a lot of fun playing it as a little timewaster. I'm specifically playing the version from Simon Tatham's lovely Portable Puzzle Collection (more specifically the Android port via F-Droid) which unlike the original Minesweeper does NOT require guessing. Most of the time, I'm well-versed enough in patterns and testing candidate solutions that I'm able to clear a 16x16 board with 99 mines in about 3-5 minutes. But on a fairly regular basis I'll run into situations where I get stuck and it seems like I'd either have to calculate an inordinate amount of possible solutions or just make a random guess, neither of which are appealing. Here's one such example:

with annotations

without annotations

There's probably some cool Minesweeper shorthand I could use to describe the constraints, but what I tried to show with my annotations is how I understand that, for each of the annotated squares, there is a mutually-exclusive binary choice (or in the case of the 3, two choices) for where a mine could be located. Unfortunately, as far as I can tell, while the choices are internally mutually exclusive, it doesn't seem like there's any permutation of those choices that is invalid so I can't eliminate any possibilities. My usual strategy is to fix one choice and see if it results in a contradiction. For instance, if the other mine for the 2 is the upper choice, we can clear the lower square. That means the lower square for the 1 must be a mine, and this still leaves either of the two bottom choices as valid for the 3 (so this is a possible configuration based on these constraints).

The only remaining sections have a lot of freedom which makes them daunting to analyze. Of the remaining unanalyzed squares, from top to bottom they have 2, 2, and 3 mines remaining, respectively, which is quite a lot of options to fully check, and I can only eliminate a few heuristically (e.g. the top 3 must have at least one mine in either the east or southeast space, since otherwise the 4 to the south can't be fulfilled; the 4 must not have the remaining mines all in the east column because otherwise the 2 and 1 can't be fulfilled). I'm sure if I went through them methodically I would eventually arrive at an answer, but that's pretty tedious, so I usually just give up and generate a new board in this kind of situation.

TL;DR: am I missing some neat heuristic(s) that will allow me to either slash the possible solutions to a more manageable number or eliminate individual solutions very quickly, or is this kind of difficult spot just an inevitable outcome for some boards?

[-] [email protected] 44 points 6 months ago

I am becoming more and more convinced that we are going to have to RETVRN to webrings and manually curated directories

[-] [email protected] 40 points 6 months ago

Nope, it's an old article and really doesn't say anything of substance:


submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I like all of Scootertrix's videos, but I found this one to be particularly delightful

[-] [email protected] 42 points 7 months ago

While the request by a patient to an employee to wear a mask is not an ADA-related accommodation, it is a patient-centered and trauma informed best practice, and we encourage patients to make this request with the provider who is ordering the testing. The provider would determine if it would be in the patients’ best interest clinically to have staff wear a mask while interacting with the patient. Then they would need to communicate the decision to all staff providing services to the patient, such as phlebotomy staff.

Oh fuuuuuuck all the way off. Love how it pathologizes anyone who dares request masking as "traumatized" with language that's supposed to make them seem sensitive. Also the idea that you need a doctor to decide on a case-by-case basis whether taking basic measures to reduce the spread of infectious diseases is in their patients' best interests. Imagine if they said the same thing about handwashing.

[-] [email protected] 50 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Prime example of doubling down and never admitting fault. If she had ever apologized or faltered she would have had to go into hiding from the shame. But by leaning into it, she becomes impervious to criticism. Honestly impressive--it's on the level of our big wet boy

[-] [email protected] 53 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Apparently so

According to a site admin from that forum post (which is from April 2021--who knows where things stand now):

If you use the OpenSubtitles website manually, you will have advertisements on the web site, NOT inside the subtitles.

If you use some API-software to download subtitles (Plex, Kodi, BSPlayer or whatever), you are not using the web site, so you do NOT have these web advertisements. To compensate this, ads are being added on-the-fly to the subtitles itself.

Also, from a different admin

add few words from my side - it is good you are talking about ads. They not generating a lot of revenue, but on other side we have more VIP subscriptions because of it :) We have in ads something like "Become VIP member and Remove all ads..."

Also, the ads in subtitles are always inserted on "empty" space. It is never in middle of movie. What Roozel wrote - "I think placing those ads at the beginning and end is somewhat OK but not in the middle or at random points in the film" - should not happen, if yes, send me the subtitle.

If the subtitle is from tv series, there are dialogues from beginning usually. System is finding "quiet" place where ads would fit, and yes, this can be after 3 minutes of dialogue...

This is important to know, I hope now it is more clear about subtitle ads - why we are doing this, there is possibility to remove them and how system works.

so a scenario like in the screenshot isn't supposed to happen. I guess if you really wanted to see if it happens you could grab all the English subs via the API and just do a quick grep or what-have-you

[-] [email protected] 46 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

It's real, folks (the URL friedman-middle-east-animals really sums it up)

Full text

Understanding the Middle East Through the Animal Kingdom

My guess is that the next week or so is likely to be the most important in the Gaza war since Hamas launched it on Oct. 7.

The U.S. will probably retaliate against pro-Iranian forces and Iranian agents in the Middle East that Washington believes are responsible for the attack on a U.S. base in Jordan that killed three soldiers on Jan. 28. At the same time, we could get a Gaza cease-fire deal, with an exchange of Israeli hostages held by Hamas for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails. And Secretary of State Antony Blinken is going to try to bring to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel an option: normalization with Saudi Arabia in return for a commitment to engage with the Palestinian Authority on a long-term plan for a Palestinian state.

How all of these are going to interact, I do not know. Personally, I sometimes prefer to think about the complex relations between these parties with analogies from the natural world.

The U.S. is like an old lion. We are still the king of the Middle East jungle — more powerful than any single actor, but we have so many scars from so many fights that we just can’t just show up, roar loudly and expect that everyone will do what we want or scamper away. We are one tired lion, and that’s why other predators are no longer afraid to test us.

Iran is to geopolitics what a recently discovered species of parasitoid wasp is to nature. What does this parasitoid wasp do? According to Science Daily, the wasp “injects its eggs into live caterpillars, and the baby wasp larvae slowly eat the caterpillar from the inside out, bursting out once they have eaten their fill.”

Is there a better description of Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq today? They are the caterpillars. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is the wasp. The Houthis, Hezbollah, Hamas and Kataib Hezbollah are the eggs that hatch inside the host — Lebanon, Yemen, Syria and Iraq — and eat it from the inside out.

We have no counterstrategy that safely and efficiently kills the wasp without setting fire to the whole jungle.

Hamas is like the trap-door spider. The way trap-door spiders operate, according to a nature site, is that “the spider leaps out at great speed, seizes its prey and hauls it back into the burrow to be devoured, all in a fraction of a second.” Trap-door spiders are adept at camouflaging the doors of their underground nests, so they are hard to see until they’re opened.

Finally, Netanyahu is like the sifaka lemur, which I got to observe in Madagascar. Sifakas are primates that use bipedal sideways hopping as a primary means of walking. They advance by moving sideways, waving their arms up and down, which makes them appear to be moving even more than they are. That’s Bibi, always shifting side to side to stay in power and avoiding going decisively backward or forward. This week he may have to.

Sometimes I contemplate the Middle East by watching CNN. Other times, I prefer Animal Planet.

Thanks NYT, very cool

edit: so this motherfucker comes up with the highly original idea "what if our enemies were vermin that have to be eradicated?", googles a few random articles about bug facts to pepper his musings with links, and then gets PAID to vomit this shit onto the screens of millions of people...and then libs will applaud the Times for having "diverse opinions"! hellworld

[-] [email protected] 66 points 7 months ago

Top reply (for me):

Margot really should’ve visited Wisconsin

[-] [email protected] 56 points 9 months ago

"Owning a car = freedom"

"You need a big truck/SUV to haul things" (it's just a coincidence that people drove much smaller cars before a multibillion dollar deluge of advertising)

"It's consumers' responsibility to reduce plastic pollution by recycling, and recycling is effective" (whoever came up with this one belongs in the PR scumfuck hall of fame)

[-] [email protected] 39 points 9 months ago

Original Phoronix article which has all the individual benchmarks—weird that they didn't link to it

AI Boyfriend (youtube.com)
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Channel is full of bangers (some of my favorites are The Hustle and Microservices)

submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

This is one of my favorite videos of all time, perhaps even surpassing Watch for Rolling Rocks in 0.5x A Presses (although obviously not as iconic). It just perfectly scratches that itch of someone using a combination of technical skill and lateral thinking to complete an absurd video game challenge, all presented by an even-keeled narrator with clear visualizations and a bit of humor sprinkled in. I think I've watched it half a dozen times at this point--it's my "comfort food" for when I'm having trouble sleeping.

Kind of amazing that the very first video the creator has put out is such a banger, not just in terms of content but in terms of production value. He did say that he'd be making another video, so I'll be looking forward to that--tough act to follow, though, not unlike Watch for Rolling Rocks.

Can anyone recommend any channels/videos along the same lines? I've devoured the following:

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