submitted 2 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hey guys I am planning to do my own solar and am looking into some kits and prices. I was quoted $22k for a 7.4kw system but I'm thinking of doing a 12.7kw one myself without the bloat of a loan and contractor install.

The problem I'm currently having is trying to pair up a premium panel with Enphase microinverter. I see that REC is highly regarded as one of the best, but the REC 420 is only compatible with the IQ8X which together will run me over 14k for just the panels and inverters, let alone the rest of the infrastructure. But the REC 400 is compatible with the IQ8A.

Suntansolar has some pretty nice kits, one of which has the ZNshine 410's that run a little longer but I should have the space, as well as the Iq8a micros. But I'm not familiar with that brand.

Does anyone have experience with a good combo set of panels and inverters? I think generally the consensus has been that microinverters are the way to go.

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm sorry for posting this here. There isn't a solar panel instance, nor did I see anything for electricians. I know there's been a lot of gripe with certain solar companies (solgen being in litigation, and others) but I didn't hear much about freedom forever, since they're new to Seattle area where I'm doing this. Reddit seems to hate this company. But the price seems alright. I'm paying $22k for 7.4kw but getting it down to 15k after the state stipend. Less than $3 a watt which I'm guessing is really good. I'm planning to pay it off in 2 or 3 years. Not the full 25 which will cost me so much more. Can anyone point me in the right direction and if I'm making the right decision?

submitted 3 weeks ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm not sure what happened but my peach tree isn't getting leaves. The branches on the end are brittle but I did a little cut on the tree bark on the trunk and it was green under so I don't think she's dead. I'm not sure what may have caused this. I thought at first it was because she didn't get enough chill hours but we got over 1000 hours here in Seattle area.

submitted 2 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Sorry if this the wrong place, I couldn't find an HTPC, home theater, techsupport, or equivalent instance to ask.

The gist is I want to add a TV to my master bedroom for my wife to just browse the web, and for my kids to have something to watch in the mornings while my wife gets out of bed. I have a main pc in my theater room for gaming, and an HTPC on projector for movies and stuff. I don't want to get a roku or any mainstream smart device, but I'm OK with getting something like a raspberry pi (never done this) to have an air mouse hooked up to the TV so my wife can browse the web, open YouTube, Netflix, steam books, Spotify, as well as access my pc library of content for viewing. Not for gaming. Everything I'm finding online is people connecting their pc to their TV and it's always for gaming. I don't need large processing, just enough to watch things, while connecting to my home computers.

Thank you.

[-] [email protected] 36 points 2 months ago

With Ukrainian family in kharkiv, Odessa, and kiev this is not a reasonable outcome in the slightest.

[-] [email protected] 30 points 2 months ago

Wait really? Just using genocide gets you banned in politics? What a bunch of shmeggs. I got banned there years ago because the mods simply went through my post history. I'm still shook with how the narrative and mind of users are tilted towards a very skewed viewpoint.

Some people believe the user base of reddit is diverse, and they're getting a healthy view of the world. Unbewknowest to them they find themselves dumbfounded when the world isn't conforming to what they believe is the majority opinion

[-] [email protected] 30 points 2 months ago

I mean... There's not a lot of people who wouldn't take $193 million for that.

[-] [email protected] 43 points 3 months ago

He's directing it to a forum of people under a topic regarding phones not being optimized to charge past 80%. Quite a fair frustration I'd say, since most people charge their phones while sleeping. The technology should stop charging automatically

[-] [email protected] 28 points 3 months ago

Because 300m fine and lawyers?

[-] [email protected] 133 points 4 months ago

Lemmy is like 1/2 of what reddit was able to do for me. I haven't gone back to reddit since the exodus, I deleted all my posts and my account and never went back. But even now when I need information on anything from a community it's always reddit that pops up with the information that I need. I understand this is because of userbase and interacting with it but lemmy has not been able to do that effectively yet.

Granted I did post about a fish for my fishtank here and it was answered actually pretty quickly.

I think I'm just not understanding what instances and the feddiverse is. Most posts I'm interested in have like 1 or 2 comments, and half the time they're not useful interactions. It just feels kind of dead here. And again I understand it's because of the lack of interaction and userbase. But to say it's better than reddit or the best alternative is being a little frivolous.

[-] [email protected] 37 points 4 months ago

People that celebrate Christmas and have not bought gifts yet do not celebrate Christmas with gifts, or at the very least are not important for the celebration.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 6 months ago

There's no reason for a human to ever be "thankful" in millions of situations. You're allowed to be gracious. You don't need to be callous about how the world has to be.

[-] [email protected] 26 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Literally standing in my kitchen right now reading this at 645am, awake since 4 because my sick 2 year old has been crying and screaming non stop, my wife in bed upstairs with our 2 day old new born, and I'm covered in peanut butter trying to make a nutritious lunch for my 5 year old for school. I have to wake her up soon to get her started. Make eggs for breakfast.

Her booster seat isn't fitting in the middle seat between my sons car seat and infant newborn car seat. So I have to fix that before we leave. My son is most likely drawing on the walls in the entertainment room.

And before 9 I need to feed the chickens and relieve my wife from her sleepless night with a newborn.

Burden is an understatement. Having a sore back is a burden. Having kids is a dynamic lifestyle change. And while sometimes I imagine not having kids and how amazing it would be to be free from that lifestyle, it always comes to the same conclusion: I wouldn't exchange my family life for anything. My children are me and I wouldn't remove them as much as I wouldn't remove my back because it was sore.

[-] [email protected] 27 points 7 months ago

Yes. Yes that was. And very irrelevant to the topic at hand. What are you trying to do, get a moral compass of some guy on the internet? Then what, open discussion? This is baseless murder. Stop comparing and start raging at the injustice.

submitted 7 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

First of all I want to thank you guys for helping me identify my eel. I haven't felt this kind of help in a small community anywhere else.

Now for the tetra's we had a dissappearing issue when we had a rainbow shark. We ended up getting rid of the shark and getting tetras till we had 20. Now we're down to 12. I currently have 3 swordtails, 2 loaches, a small brisslemouth pleco and a larger pleco that survived. Plus 2 eels, one that was answered here and another is a zigzag eel.

Am I having a problem with hiding spots? I know I don't have enough plants. I'm thinking of getting more moss and covering the area under the wood structure on the right.

Or are they getting sucked up the filter? I thought this but couldn't find any evidence in the filter system. Any advice would be fully appreciated.

Here's the pleco I'm questioning.

submitted 8 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

It looks kind of like a ropefish/reedfish but it's not as long.

[-] [email protected] 34 points 8 months ago

As a decade long alcoholic who is just now half a Year in sobriety, drinking is not a keeping trait

[-] [email protected] 29 points 9 months ago

Treason is a really powerful crime that carries heavy consequences. Bribery at peace should still carry consequences but in some cases (countries) treason alone carries a death penalty. Bribery during peace maybe shouldn't carry such a steep penalty

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