[-] [email protected] 10 points 3 months ago

I ride a bicycle in a rural area and built a new office this spring. With a trailer, store delivery or a $20 rental I don't think I ever ran into any of the problems you describe. The bicycle has gone hunt camping rain or shine, I dirt bike, street bike and work a rugged job.

If I really needed it I have the wife's sedan which handles -40 winters and 50cm snow drifts just fine. Equipped with a roof rack and small trailer I can move myself just fine if the need is there.

Aside from hauling large trailers or campers I fail to see the utility of a pickup as described. Even when hauling plywood or construction supplies I've opted for the home depot van before even considering a pickup. If I wanted a 2*4 sticking out of the end I would have taken the Sedan anyway.

I think a lot of the truck owner mentality comes down to mental gymnastics or "What if?". Aside from rare use cases it just doesn't seem like the play. Even for yourself you mentioned the pickup is an edge case.

These are all things people consider when talking about truck owners. The rest of the world can see life without pickups, can justify life without pickups and even prefers life without pickups but for some reason... Pickup drivers can't stop talking about them as if they need to justify it to themselves more than to the world.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

The robot that was bestowed with unimaginable precognician that survived for 20 Millenia patiently guiding humanity along the right path as prescribed by the Zeroth law of robotics forced on it that drove all other robots mad?

The robot that at every turn was curtailed by human lust and greed? That had to do horrible things because humanity lacked the foresight to see that charging a living being with "Doing no harm to humanity or by inaction causing harm" would be just awful for that soul?

Pretty sure Demerzel always worked in the shadows for the greater good. Especially when operating as Olivaw.

Seems to me like humans are the ones that kept messing up the laws of robotics. Not the other way around.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 4 months ago

Aren't the books really more about how the rules work but humans just can't accept them so we constantly alter them to our detriment until the robots go away for a while and then take over largely to our benefit?

[-] [email protected] 11 points 4 months ago

I mean... Kind of Asimov's robot series? Except the androids/robots were trying so hard to stay to the rules and protect humans but at every chance they could humans fucked that up or refused to see the plan.

At least as I recall, the robots basically came up with multi-millenia spanning plans that would solve all of humanity's problems and then humans were like: "Cool. But what if we made robots detectives and they could also target people we don't like?" Then the robots fucked off for a while and a bunch of stuff happened and... Yeah. Asimov wrote a lot of books.

[-] [email protected] 14 points 4 months ago

Eh new guy la ouien toien mon'tit sauce. Vien-cit câlis. Cherche moien une Clé Taurus à home depot. Ouien une C L É T A U R U S. Les chums aux "service desk" va savoir c'est quoi. Away let's go crisse.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 5 months ago

Church belongs nowhere near the state.

Should you practice, you are not restricted from being religious in private. You are however restricted from incorporating that religion into the government you run.

That's all. Quit being unhinged.

[-] [email protected] 19 points 5 months ago

Install Calibre on a computer and use that. Browse online sailing forums for your favourite books and new releases. Then support the authors financially by buying their paper books directly from them or their publishers.

If you buy your books from them digitally use a DRM remover (Like the plugin available on Calibre) so you can forever own your books and move them to any device you want in any format you want. Forever.

[-] [email protected] 8 points 5 months ago

Bootlicker take btw.

Canadians and the public tend to be supportive of infrastructure or spending that supports their life or provides tangible good.

The Canadian military has time and time again proven to support the Canadian people in times of crisis. Whether that be snowfall in Toronto or record flooding in Ottawa or annual forest fires in Alberta that are getting worse.

We can spend the money on the military to ensure its there for when we need it. Provide the military money to house, clothe and feed those soldiers, or...

We can fund AI that most Canadians are worried about.

[-] [email protected] 15 points 5 months ago

Fuck Danielle Smith.

[-] [email protected] 33 points 5 months ago

Based and healthy mentality pilled tbh.

[-] [email protected] 4 points 6 months ago

Nope! It's still used almost everywhere. Commonly used as a backup on demolition setups like a ring-main.

Not so sure about civilian applications in demolitions or pyrotechnics but most global militaries still use it from what I've read.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 6 months ago

Standard time fuse is still in common use in all types of demolitions fyi. There's actually a NATO STANAG for it.

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