[-] [email protected] 11 points 9 months ago

And in a moment you'll learn, that at your scale, for the practical purposes, the universe rounds pi to n numbers. E.g. ~3.1416. Check & mate.

[-] [email protected] 117 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

In this case, I would say – fck Apple. Indians demand is solid. Apples shitty policy of random plugs and industry incompatible chargers shouldn't have been born ever and definetly it shouldn't continue. Usually I'm against regulation by goverment, but in this case it is realy for the benefit of users and enviroment.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 10 months ago

If you count finger joints and tips, using your thumb – you can count in hex (base16) on each hand.

[-] [email protected] 16 points 10 months ago

Easyest way, to begin with, is to use a browser addon and userscripts. Addons to look for are Greasemonkey, Tampermonkey, or Violentmonkey and alike alternatives. Keyword to google "userscripts". P.S. As I see it, from your description, you just want some mods (changes) to existing UI, no need to rebuild one from a scratch in other more complicated ways.

[-] [email protected] 5 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I have a question. How many homeless people do we need to build a house, taken that stones, clay and sticks are available (or provided)? People once build pyramids there. World is anyway supporting them with food and a means to live – can't the leadership be provided too (if they can't organize themselves)? Can't able to work build the houses for themselves and others? What do they do all day?

P.S. and I understand than not everybody can work, some have health issues - but hey, we are talking about 12milion, sure there are atleast 120k able to work persons in that crowd, who could work for 2 hours per day each.

submitted 11 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Usualy we do not gather alikes. Anyway, probably unedible, not sure and didn't researched, left them as they are but liked the place.

[-] [email protected] 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I'm not sure about their graduates and doing next projection may be hasty, wrong and anegtoticaly based only on limited exposure of cases, but ... But if they fake studies same as some of indian, suposedly "programmers", fake work experience in interviews and/or doing work given – the reason behind the large % unemployment of graduates maybe that they can't do shit. I mean, lacking quality of ethics results a wrong learned behaviour – cheat vs own (admit) reality and learn (bring on board effort) for the future.

[-] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

P.S. Romance folows Latin – dad joke, year 999 since founding the city ;)

[-] [email protected] 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Romance Latinam sequitur.

/Pater iocus, annus CMXCIX ab urbe condita/

[-] [email protected] 15 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Putins russia is like the rapist who in during the process says: – Hey, stop fighting. I do not reject peace talks, but in order for them to begin there needs to be agreement on both sides of how I'm staying put in.

[-] [email protected] 7 points 1 year ago

Thanks for trying to help or give hints. I'm good as it is with what tools I use for work. Having in mind nessesity, licence or ownership costs for bussines, hardships with new team mates expectations of using or not using particular tool, learning, etc... Acceptance, it is just a last stage :)

As for PhotoGIMP – I thank for the effort the team (I cheer for them), but the pig with a lipstick is still a pig, or in this case a gimp is a gimp :) I've personaly been on this path for the first 2-4 years of using gimp, during the denial-anger-bargaining stages. Then decided, or just naturaly learned and arrived to accepting Gimp for as it is, as an inferiour workflow tool, partialy usefull and replaceable as soon as there is a beter tool at hand for the task. E.g. I use ImageMagic directly from bash command line (generating icons, resizing, converting formats, filling backgrounds, etc..) using my own oneliners or scripts from notes.

As for Photopea – it gives a surprisingly good online photoshoplike editor feeling. Have used it several times this year. Looks like it was made thinking about usability and workflows sanity.

[-] [email protected] 57 points 1 year ago

Somewhat agree, but don't get me started on a Gimp. To think that gimp was build to be a tool analogous to Photoshop (PS) is naive. It was born to demonstrate GTK GUI widgets and to check boxes on feature list (of supposedly paint program analogous to PS) from programmers perspective at most. Ok, they did the thing, checked the boxes, used all widgets, demonstrated that it works and from that day on it had and still has totaly inneficient workflow compared to PS and nobody cares about that. Answer to sugestions is almost always half assed, apple soused - you are holding it wrong, we are not PS. :)

My 2 cents, you can learn Gimp, you can adjust yourself to it, but if you have ever worked on PS and were good at it (with all its workflow, shortcuts, up to the level where you work one hand on keyboard, having most toolboxes hiden out of your view, etc..) you'll still feel gimpy. It's like comparing of giving commands to the gnome with an axe versus to an elf with a whole bunch of efficient specialised tools, spells and workflows – both trying to create art. I don't use PS daily for how much, maybe >8 years and use Gimp weekly for about 12years – I say, it is still gimpy as f.. And I'm programmer not a designer, designers usualy just hate it. I on another hand understant it (and it's history) and take it as it is, as an inferior gimpy cousin of PS :)

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