That's a moped, it doesn't have pedals
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I thought mopeds did have pedals and without them its a motorbike
Moped (UK) scooter (US) don't have pedals, they're gas or electric twist to go. You can get bikes that are in the form factor of a moped.
ah ok. im from the us. Its actually sorta funny because I think moped was used here for gas engine things with pedals but then if its electric its just called an electric bike. I also think the term sorta fell out of the language sometime during the nineties.
Does this count as an e bike?
Depends on local laws
It would not in Norway
Very fast charge rate that is missing from most "45 mile range ebikes" LFP could be lighter. Sodium advantage includes even more resistance to "spontaneous combustion" that may be less common than feared, but still.
Sodium ion becoming mainstream is the biggest read I get from this. It ensures humanity to have limitless battery supply.
Definitely NOT an ebike, but still cool. Hopefully we will see this tech in actual bikes.
I'll guess that the day you see a sudden price drop or clearance sale in a particular ebile brand or their batteries are when new models or batteries will be announced.
e-bile. Did Twitter change names again?
That's more of an electric Vespa than an e-bike.
It is a beaut though.
Maximum load is 75 kg.
Including rider?? A twisted up rubber band could get a 70kg rider to 45 miles!
It's the rated load as specified on the manufacturer's product page.
Scooters are bikes now?
I get the impression a lot of leftpondians use "bike" to mean MC, so to them saying "ebike" when they mean "electric motorcycle" is pretty natural.
Emoto or escooter are words too, and they would have been more accurate. This is not an ebike, there are no pedals and calling it one is just straight up incorrect.
That's my opinion as well (I think of "ebike" as "EU-conformant pedelec"), but that opinion doesn't seem to be universal.
That is largely due to companies misusing the term because they want to hop on the ebike hype train but IMO, it does more harm to the micromobility industry than good.
Yes, I agree. It appears to have worked on the leftpondians though, and thus we get headlines like this.
Can't use it if you're fat tho
Or a man of average height.
Average weight of an Asian male is 60kg, so they’d be just fine on one of these bikes.
It isn't, even for china it is 69, add everything that people wear and take with them daily it will be over 75. source