Hello, I currently do usenets for downloading movies and tv shows for plex/emby. I use drunkenslug and nzbgeek with frugal usenet currently. Mostly have no issues with downloading but occasionally have trouble finding something. What's my best bet for filling in the missing things? Like there's a few large tv series I have downloaded like for example shameless and there's just like 2-3 episodes I cannot get my hands on at all from just random seasons. What's my best bet? Should I add something to my usenet setup? I do not wanna do a block tbh because I don't like feeling like im limited on downloading amount unless there's some cheapish unlimited block account or something idk. I was also considering getting a seedbox and using that to torrent content then send it back home? I currently have my content hosted on my homeserver with i5-12600k and 24TB of storage. Kinda at a stuck point not sure what to add or do from here.