"A Say No to AI Art Movement has emerged in recent months, with advocates voicing particular concern about image generators that steal artwork and art styles from existing artists without their permission and without credit. Others warn that AI could replace humans as creators.
Koons, a month from his 70th birthday, said he was not overly concerned. The invention of photography in the 1800s was seen by some as the antithesis of an artist, but instead of replacing painting it led to a move away from realism towards abstraction.
“I think that if AI is able to become that type of agent, we will be able to understand, work with it, in some manner, to benefit ourselves,” he said. “Or it will have us look at our senses, which are probably lying relatively dormant. We like to think that we’re using our senses to their fullest ability, but we probably have become lazy to a certain degree, and we could only enhance that.
“Throughout history, we have always been confronted by technologies that have been enlightening and that have been very, very powerful, and they change the moment we’re living in, and they change our future. But I embrace this.”"
#AI #GenerativeAI #Art #JeffKoons