I have an issue with a pass through cable that seems to be faulting but I cannot troubleshoot properly due to it being intermittent.
I'll do my best to describe everything in detail and I can try to answer questions as best as I can.
- To start off, I have from my PC -> cat6 cable -> wall socket passing through house (cat6) to wall socket -> cat6 cable -> router.
- I have tested both cables with a cable tester (and direct router to laptop connections) and they show greens across the board
- Testing the whole connection (eg. Cable Tester Master -> cat6 cable -> wall socket passing through house -> cat6 cable -> Cable Tester Remote) does not light up 3 and 6.
- While the problem first occured, I tested the same connections with a laptop and found the cable unreponsive also.
- My connection was stable until the first incident. The problem first occurred about a week ago and lasted a day or so before working fine again until yesterday evening, from when it has been coming and going.
The fact that it's been intermittent has put a hold on my troubleshooting efforts. For example, it was working fine this morning when I awoke but when I unplugged the cables to test and compare to last nights failure, the problem occurred again.