The original post: /r/buildapc by /u/HatNo7026 on 2024-12-27 02:00:02.
So for starters i’ve been saving for a while and am gonna need to save a bit more but my budget is around $1,000 - $1,400. I choosing to build my own because budget is a big factor and I’d rather not blow unnecessary money on RGB.
edit: thank you early commenters, I should’ve added I plan on playing things like minecraft with shaders, fortnite, marvel rivals, and some other PC exclusives i’ve been itching to play at at least mid settings at 60+ fps and 1080p+. as far as programs go i’d to be able to run FLstudio and some light video editing. i guess my main priority is not having to worry about running the “average” looking games for at least 5ish years from now? if that’s unrealistic then feel free to let me know lol. oh i should also ask what website might be the best for getting my parts?
I’m sure you guys have gotten a bunch of these questions and I’ve done a fair amount of research over reddit, youtube, etc. However I’m it couldn’t hurt to get some bespoke advice from you guys.
To keep it short some things that just kinda confuse me are i guess just the differences between the brands. (I should say Im building a gaming setup if that’s not assumed.) Is an Intel or AMD processor better? I’ve hear that the I9 is overpowered for a gaming setup and most build videos i’ve seen end up using an AMD. Another difference is between the nvidia GPU’s and other brands. Im most familiar with nvidia no i guess I’m inclined to “trust” them more but I’m sure there’s an alternative or just different card that’s either as good or better for its price.
Apologies is this doesn’t belong here or I just sound stupid but I’d like to just make the most of my money. Thanks all for advice :)