I remember when i was just around 18. It was in my family house in which we lived for almost 4 years by then. One morning i came down to take a shower and as usual after doing so i went to the faucet and started brushing my teeth. I pull the handle down where hot water always was but a couple seconds go by and i can feel it getting colder. I kid you not i stood there angry for a good couple of minutes with water just running and getting colder each second, thinking we were out of hot water from the boiler which shouldnt be the case after just me taking a shower. But then i realized the blue sticker was on the bottom and the red sticker was at the top of the handle, like...??? I went out of the bathroom to ask my dad something along the lines of "hey why are the water temp sides switched in our faucet?" and he responded with "but it was always the same WylizMeYaya, cold was at the bottom and hot was at the top" and he stared me up and down like i was drugged or something. I swear, hand to my heart, they one day switched sides randomly and they are like that ever since.