I’m sitting here in my living room. Turned off the tv to collect some online chests on a game I’m playing. Next thing I know I’m somewhere else, in some kind of Indiana Jones type of adventure. I had my whole entire defense ready and felt confident about my next several moves, then my 6 lb Yorkie is growling.This is rare. I woke up from what must have been a dream, but I know it wasn’t, it also wasn’t sleep paralysis,,as I wasn’t relaxed for more than 5 minutes. I then suddenly sprang to my senses, now….im having a hard time typing without a v, c, or, x as I type this to you, dear reader. I feel as if I were being pulled, or an entity ‘twas trying too hard to get in my head and my little dog saved me from a shift. I was near there. When I snapped out she was staring at me growing. It took me a moment to focus , but then realized that what had happened was not a daydream.
I’m still trying to absorb this.
I’ve tried typing this 9 times. Each time before posting I try and proof read. There’s always sentences I did not type. So in order to post this, I’m taking a chance at what it will say.
I’m hoping my dog scared them off.