Does anyone have a method to decrypt/convert PluralSight's offline videos (.psv) files for the latest PluralSight Offline Player (POP) Launcher (version 1.1.106).
I have tried using several of the old decrypter/converter tools, but the latest POP has some different encryption mechanism/key.
The latest decrypter/converter tool I found was supported for POP version 1.0.396.0. I dug through the WayBack Machine and found an installer for that version of PluralSight Offline Player, but I cannot find a way to authenticate and login with that version (an unspecified error occurs when you try to login with that version installed).
Is there a modern/current way to take some of these courses truly offline and use them on my local media server so I don't have to use PluralSight's horrible mobile/TV applications? I believe PluralSight will ban accounts trying to use YoutubeDL or similar browser extensions and they actively monitor API requests to find people using such methods.