this post was submitted on 16 Dec 2024
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Problem difficulty so far (up to day 16)

  1. Day 15 - Warehouse Woes: 30m00s
  2. Day 12 - Garden Groups: 17m42s
  3. Day 14 - Restroom Redoubt: 15m48s
  4. Day 09 - Disk Fragmenter: 14m05s
  5. Day 16 - Reindeer Maze: 13m47s
  6. Day 13 - Claw Contraption: 11m04s
  7. Day 06 - Guard Gallivant: 08m53s
  8. Day 08 - Resonant Collinearity: 07m12s
  9. Day 11 - Plutonian Pebbles: 06m24s
  10. Day 04 - Ceres Search: 05m41s
  11. Day 02 - Red Nosed Reports: 04m42s
  12. Day 10 - Hoof It: 04m14s
  13. Day 07 - Bridge Repair: 03m47s
  14. Day 05 - Print Queue: 03m43s
  15. Day 03 - Mull It Over: 03m22s
  16. Day 01 - Historian Hysteria: 02m31s
top 8 comments
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[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

day 18

bit of a breather episode

As long as you ensure A* / Dijkstra's (is there a functional difference if the edge weights are constant?) you'll get the shortest path. Part 2 was just simulation for me, if I started in the state of part 1 it took a minute to run through the rest of the bytes.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

yesWhat is this, day 16?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)


p1 discussionSimultaneously very fun and also the fucking worst.

Fun: Ooooh, I get to simulate a computer, exciting!

Worst: Literally 8 edge cases where fucking up even just one can fuck up your hour.

p2 discussionI did this by hand. sort of. I mean I didn't code up something that found the answer.

Basically I looked at the program in the input and wrote it out, and realised that A was essentially a loop variable, where the number of iterations was the number of octal digits A would take to represent. The most significant octal digits (octits?) would determine the tail end of the output sequence, so to find the smallest A you can do a DFS starting from the MS octit. I did this by hand.

EDIT: code. Not gonna explain any of it.

class Comp {
  List<int> reg;
  List<int> prog;
  int ip = 0;

  List<int> output = [];
  late List<(int, bool) Function()> ops;

  int get combo => prog[ip + 1] < 4 ? prog[ip + 1] : reg[prog[ip + 1] - 4];

  Comp(this.reg, this.prog) {
    ops = [
      () => (reg[0] = (reg[0] >> combo), false),
      () => (reg[1] ^= prog[ip + 1], false),
      () => (reg[1] = combo % 8, false),
      () => (reg[0] != 0) ? (ip = prog[ip + 1], true) : (0, false),
      () => (reg[1] ^= reg[2], false),
      () {
        output.add(combo % 8);
        return (0, false);
      () => (reg[1] = (reg[0] >> combo), false),
      () => (reg[2] = (reg[0] >> combo), false)

  compute() {
    while (ip < prog.length) {
      if (!ops[prog[ip]]().$2) {
        ip += 2;

  reset(int A) {
    ip = 0;
    reg[0] = A;
    reg[1] = 0;
    reg[2] = 0;

void d17(bool sub) {
  List<String> input = getLines();
  Comp c = Comp(
      input.take(3).map((s) => s.split(" ").last).map(int.parse).toList(),
      input.last.split(" ").last.split(",").map(int.parse).toList())
  print("Part a: ${c.output.join(",")}");

  if (!sub) return;

  List<int> sols = [];
  bool dfs(int cur) {
    bool found = false;
    int sol = sols.reduce((a, b) => 8 * a + b);
    if (c.prog
        .whereIndexed((i, e) => i >= c.prog.length - c.output.length)
        .foldIndexed(true, (i, p, e) => p && c.output[i] == e)) {
      if (found = c.output.length == c.prog.length) {
        print("Part b: $sol");
      } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < 8 && !(found = found || dfs(i)); i++) {}

    return found;

  for (int a = 0; a < 8 && !dfs(a); a++) {}

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

EDIT: I have a sneaking suspicion that the computer will need to be re-used since the combo-operand 7 does not occur and is "reserved".

re p2Also did this by hand to get my precious gold star, but then actually went back and implemented it Some JQ extension required:

#!/usr/bin/env jq -n -rR -f

#─────────── Big-endian to_bits and from_bits ────────────#
def to_bits:
  if . == 0 then [0] else { a: ., b: [] } | until (.a == 0;
      .a /= 2 |
      if .a == (.a|floor) then .b += [0]
                          else .b += [1] end | .a |= floor
  ) | .b end;
def from_bits:
  { a: 0, b: ., l: length, i: 0 } | until (.i == .l;
    .a += .b[.i] * pow(2;.i) | .i += 1
  ) | .a;
#──────────── Big-endian xor returns integer ─────────────#
def xor(a;b): [a, b] | transpose | map(add%2) | from_bits ;

[ inputs | scan("\\d+") | tonumber ] | .[3:] |= [.]
| . as [$A,$B,$C,$pgrm] |

# Assert  #
if  [first(
        range(8) as $x |
        range(8) as $y |
        range(8) as $_ |
          [2,4],  # B = A mod 8            # Zi
          [1,$x], # B = B xor x            # = A[i*3:][0:3] xor x
          [7,5],  # C = A << B (w/ B < 8)  # = A(i*3;3) xor x
          [1,$y], # B = B xor y            # Out[i]
          [0,3],  # A << 3                 # = A(i*3+Zi;3) xor y
          [4,$_], # B = B xor C            #               xor Zi
          [5,5],  # Output B mod 8         #
          [3,0]   # Loop while A > 0       # A(i*3;3) = Out[i]
        ] | select(flatten == $pgrm)       #         xor A(i*3+Zi;3)
      )] == []                             #         xor constant
then "Reverse-engineering doesn't neccessarily apply!" | halt_error
 end |

#  When minimizing higher bits first, which should always produce   #
# the final part of the program, we can recursively add lower bits  #
#          Since they are always stricly dependent on a             #
#                  xor of Output x high bits                        #

def run($A):
  # $A is now always a bit array                    #
  #                 ┌──i is our shift offset for A  #
  { p: 0, $A,$B,$C, i: 0} | until ($pgrm[.p] == null;

    $pgrm[.p:.p+2] as [$op, $x]       | # Op & literal operand
    [0,1,2,3,.A,.B,.C,null][$x] as $y | # Op &  combo  operand

    # From analysis all XOR operations can be limited to 3 bits  #
    # Op == 2 B is only read from A                              #
    # Op == 5 Output is only from B (mod should not be required) #
      if $op == 0 then .i += $y
    elif $op == 1 then .B = xor(.B|to_bits[0:3]; $x|to_bits[0:3])
    elif $op == 2
     and $x == 4  then .B = (.A[.i:.i+3] | from_bits)
    elif $op == 3
     and (.A[.i:]|from_bits) != 0
                  then .p = ($x - 2)
    elif $op == 3 then .
    elif $op == 4 then .B = xor(.B|to_bits[0:3]; .C|to_bits[0:3])
    elif $op == 5 then .out += [ $y % 8 ]
    elif $op == 6 then .B = (.A[.i+$y:][0:3] | from_bits)
    elif $op == 7 then .C = (.A[.i+$y:][0:3] | from_bits)
    else "Unexpected op and x: \({$op,$x})" | halt_error
    end | .p += 2
  ) | .out;

[ { A: [], i: 0 } | recurse (
    #  Keep all candidate A that produce the end of the program,  #
    #  since not all will have valid low-bits for earlier parts.  #
    .A = ([0,1]|combinations(6)) + .A | # Prepend all 6bit combos #
    select(run(.A) == $pgrm[-.i*2-2:] ) # Match pgrm from end 2x2 #
    | .i += 1
    # Keep only the full program matches, and convert back to int #
  ) | select(.i == ($pgrm|length/2)) | .A | from_bits

| min # From all valid self-replicating intputs output the lowest #

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

re: p1

I literally created different test inputs for all the examples given and that found a lot of bugs for me. Specifically the difference between literal and combo operators.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago (2 children)


p1I used A*, though mathematically I would have been fine with Dijkstra's. Also, here's how I remember how to spell Dijkstra: ijk is in alphabetical order.

p2If you've implemented path/back tracking on a search algo before, this wasn't too bad, though instead of tracking best parent you need to track equivalently best parents. Woke AOC trying to normalise families with more than two parents, SMH

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

16 commentaryDFS (it's all dfs all the time now, this is my life now, thanks AOC) pruned by unless-I-ever-passed-through-here-with-a-smaller-score-before worked well enough for Pt1. In Pt2 in order to get all the paths I only had to loosen the filter by a) not pruning for equal scores and b) only prune if the direction also matched.

Pt2 was easier for me because while at first it took me a bit to land on lifting stuff from Djikstra's algo to solve the challenge maze before the sun turns supernova, as I tend to store the paths for debugging anyway it was trivial to group them by score and count by distinct tiles.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Fun fact, dijk means dike (the land/water barrier) in Dutch.